
Story 5 The Shocking 9/11

That morning. I was still sleeping in my room. Suddenly I heard a knock at the door. I felt strange. Who was knocking at my door so early in the morning? I opened the door and saw. It turned out to be the old lady,the landlady. She lives upstairs. She has a cute little dog. I don't have much contact with her. She is the landlady, though. But she never collects the rent herself. She delegates the management of the rent to the real estate agent. I get a little bit less. But she's happy to be free. The old lady told me that a plane was going to hit the World Trade Centre in the morning.She told me to watch TV. She also told me not to go out. I turned on the TV to find out that something had happened. A lot of people had jumped from the towers. It was very sad. At that time I didn't know who had done it. In the afternoon, I went out to buy a cup of coffee from 711 across the street. I really felt a lot of strange looks. The old lady was really right. It's no wonder. After all, you are an alien. It's an extraordinary time. How do people see you? It's hard to say. Only later did we find out that it was someone from a Middle Eastern country. The story goes that the flight attendant was at the last minute. The flight attendant was said to have informed the ground of the seat numbers of the terrorists.The stewardess was said to be of Chinese descent.

I found one morning that my carriage hood had been smashed to the side and the front windscreen had been smashed, I wonder who did that? The street I lived on was a nice street of sorts, tree-lined, with small houses neatly lined up on either side of the street, a full-blown middle-class area with only me and a black man living in a house behind me, so it should be considered a very nice area. But still this type of thing happens and I was getting angry about it when a car drove up. A young lady said to me,"I'll fix it for you," and I thanked him, but then I thought he might know who did it, but of course he wouldn't tell me, so I took the car to a glass repair shop and had it overhauled for about $160. It's just a bit hard to see, seriously. Anyway, my car is black and you can't tell unless you look closely. I will not repair it.

Think of all the innocent people who died on 9/11. It's so sad.It also really feels like life is unpredictable. So cherish every day. Make sure you live well. Don't live a life too full of regrets. Often times,something very serendipitous can really make a difference in a person's world.

It was a friend of mine who lived in the suburbs of New York and she rented the basement of her house to a young beauty. She had just graduated from university and was looking for a job in New York. She didn't have much money in her pocket and it was too expensive to rent an apartment in New York, so she rented a basement in my friend's house for $600 or$700. Because my friend's house was in the suburbs. On 9/11, she was late again. She had just stepped out of the underground at 9 o'clock and was worried that she would be scolded by her boss again when she suddenly saw a plane rushing towards the World Trade Center. She was so scared that she turned around and ran away, when public transport in New York was cut off. She didn't walk home until 6-7pm. As soon as she arrived home,she shouted to my friend, "All Gone, All Gone.

It's just all gone. I'm told that her office is all gone. She was the only one who survived because she was late. If she hadn't been late,she would have been dead too. Of course, not everyone has that kind of luck.There was Mo, who worked in the restaurant under the World Trade Centre.On 9/11, he ran fast and got his life back. But then he was on a plane back to Mexico on Christmas Eve and the plane crashed, and he still didn't escape death. It's hard to tell in a person's life, there are so many chance events. You never know what will happen. Cherish your life and live it to the fullest.

The year after 9/11, people were still pretty squeamish about that date, and on September 12, our restaurant manager booked a ticket for September 12, when I was working at the restaurant. We asked him if he was scared. He said there was nothing to be afraid of, if something happened it would be a real jackpot. I was afraid of this and that,and what about the staff of the plane. uAA0CXPDUvWDNuqUjyR4faZ1JZ2NK8K7JmkEsGix5OQirO5GHZB8Fghj8qKqaKQb
