
20.Rainbow after the storm

After the Party’s Ninth Congress in 1969, the most frequently shouted “Supreme Directive” in the press and radio was, “Unite for Greater Victory”.The instructions were not to fight, but to “Seize the Revolution and Promote Production”.

However, the Rebels in Hengdian still wanted me.I had someone call the county “Revolutionary Committee” director.He ordered the Hengdian Rebels to let me return to the village.But they wouldn’t listen.I decided to fight poison with poison and asked the peasant Rebel group in Dongyang to call the head of the Peasant Rebel Camp in Hengdian and tell him to stop criticizing me.At this time, the county had organized a “Reform Publicity Team” in Hengdian.They sent me back to Hengdian.

In 1970, when the Party organization was to be restored everywhere, I was to be elected as the Secretary of the Party Branch of the brigade.The director wanted me to do it, and the local people wanted me to do it, all insisting on it.However, my wife firmly did not agree with me to become a secretary again, for fear that I would suffer again, for fear of implicating our family, relatives, and friends.

Hengdian Old Street was still dilapidated in 1970s

I couldn’t figure it out.I was fighting to make a better life for the people, running a factory, running a side business, and yet I was being called a capitalist.So what were farmers supposed to do? How should I live my life? Can insurrection produce money or food? To tell the truth, the common people were tired of the political movement.

I was a member of the Party for several decades.I followed the Party through the ups and downs, experiencing too many frustrations and hardships.I said to my family that it didn’t matter whether you join the Party or not, but I hope you also want to be good people.I am a member of the Communist Party and can only work according to the requirements of the Communist Party Members.

When I became Secretary of the Party Branch of Hengdian Brigade again, I was preoccupied with how to make life better for the commune members as soon as possible.In order to strengthen management and develop the collective economy, I merged the original 11 production teams into 3 production teams and 1 sideline team.At that time, people all over the country were learning from Dazhai.I set out to organize cadres and backbone members of the team to walk to Dacheng, Yiwu, with dry food, to learn from them.Locally, we learned agricultural production techniques from the Secretary of the Party Branch of the neighboring Huating Brigade, who had a knack for farming.At the same time, we vigorously built water conservancy facilities, tidy up the fields, to increase food production.When I was the Secretary for one year, the grain output increased from 700—800 jin per mu to over 1,500 jin per mu .With more grain, the people were happy.

At the same time, I worked hard on sideline production.On the one hand, I was doing a good job in raising silkworms and pig farms, especially sericulture.Not only was the whole Commune advanced, but also the whole County advanced.On the other hand, I was running grain processing plants, at that time, the far and near communes and large brigades all came to us to process grain.Thirdly, I set up hardware factories, farm tools factories, powder-dry factories, wood carving factories, brick and tile factories.In particular the hardware factories did a good job in producing screws, nuts and bolts, miner’s lamp accessories, and so on.Business was good and it was very lucrative.In addition, I organized all the artisans such as carpenters, stonemasons, masons, coopers, and barbers into the sideline business.

I knew that the common people had long been tired of political movements, eager to work in peace and live in peace.What I had done since I became the Secretary of the Party Branch was exactly in line with this aspiration of the common people, so everyone supported me.Hengdian agricultural and industrial sideline has begun to take off.I believed it would have a big change in a few years.

However, I did not expect that I would leave Hengdian Brigade.I was thrust into the larger entrepreneurial arena by history. 5RSpBqsVL3tZ+4Z8Dtsc5Ssi3gRv7x6Q7RCNCzBjzl9NlkxY4S4bgaQ2vFY1uoUm
