
3.I couldn’t join the Chinese Peoples’ Volunteer Army, but became a teacher at night school

After the land reform, the working class got land and supported and appreciated the Communist Party of China to the highest degree.At that time, the Communist Party of China and the Government of the People’s Republic of China held high prestige among the people that whenever there was a call, it was heartily supported by the people.

The Korean War broke out in June 1950.Soon, the United States set gunfire to the Yalu River, and sent aircraft to invade our airspace in the northeast of China.The US Navy at the same time sent the Seventh Fleet to the Taiwan Strait, trying to stop the liberation of Taiwan.In October, China announced it was sending troops to North Korea and then launched a vigorous campaign urging Resisting US Aggression and Aiding Korea.

From the end of 1950 to the spring of 1951, the publicity pushing Resisting U.S.Aggression and Aiding Korea was widely spread in every district and township of Dongyang County.“Patriotic Convention” was issued in Huxi district and Hengdian, and parade and general assembly was organized.All the villages and households had signed “Patriotic Convention”, mainly vowing to abide by the laws and regulations of the government of the People’s Republic of China, control the landlords, respond to the call of the motherland, work hard, actively enroll in the army, support the army and its families, and support the front line, etc.

At the time, we all supported the convention.When the army started to enlist soldiers in Dongyang, all my friends wanted to join the volunteer army.My parents supported me enlisting in the army.Although I was not yet 16 years old, in order to meet the age requirement to join the army, I lied and said I was 18.One day, I, together with a few friends, happily walked to Huxi District government to sign up.We attended the physical examination in Huxi.I was not tall enough, but other than that, I met all the requirements.They made an exception for me after repeated requests, and put me into the preparatory company.But then a PLA officer came to check on the spot.He took notice of me as the shortest man in the line and called me out.He said, “Little Comrade, you were too young to join the army.Come back in two years!” I insisted that I wouldn’t go home.He sent for a rifle and told me to carry it on my shoulder.I put the gun belt over my shoulder, and the butt of the gun was still on the floor.He came over, touched my head, and said with a smile, “You are not as tall as the gun.How can you fight in the war? Go home.When you grow up, I’ll accept you.” I knew there was no other option and went home sadly.

A very good friend of mine joined the Chinese Peoples’ Volunteer Army.On the day of his farewell, I saw him wearing a new military uniform with a big red flowers on his chest, marching amid the sounds of drums and firecrackers, singing “Manly, high-spirited, Cross the Yalu River”.I was very jealous, and disheartened that I couldn’t go with him.

After returning to the village, I attended many conferences and meetings.They said that those who stayed in the countryside would still make contribution.At that time, I was very naive and easy to comfort, I actively participated in the activities to “increase production and make a donation”.At that time, one meeting followed another to mobilize people to increase production, by intensive farming and fertilizing.We were also called on to donate rice, chicken, shoes, and pledge certain shares to buy aircrafts and cannons for the military.All activities were in full swing.In addition to helping my father, I had to work in the fields, and at the same time I had to find time to participate in various activities organized by the village.

Later, night schools were set up in the village to teach illiterate adults in Hengdian to read and to do simple arithmetic as well as use an abacus.At that time, there were very few educated people.Although I did not complete upper grades in primary school, I graduated from the lower primary school, and was considered a learned person.The head of the Peasants’ Union in the village came to me and asked me to be a night school teacher since I could read and write well, and was good at arithmetic.I said I did not finish the upper primary school, and was out of practice for many years.How could I be a teacher? The leader said, “What you know is more than enough to teach the illiterate.You can read and write well.Why can’t you be a teacher?” Then I accepted the offer.

I took some time to review and prepare the lessons.After years without practice, I had to reteach myself bit by bit first, and then try to find newspapers and other learning materials for class as well.I needed to get prepared to teach others.

There were about 20 to 30 students at night school.All were illiterate adults from Hengdian village.There were more women than men.They had to work during the day and take care of their families at night.It was not easy for them to come here to study at night.However, they are highly motivated to learn.At the time, we had two teachers at night school.The other teacher was older and more mature than me.However, he had a lot of respect for me as a young teacher.

There was no textbook for evening classes.We had to make the lessons as we went along.I tried to recall the books I had read, and taught the easy parts first, and then the difficult sections.I would teach them words with simple strokes first and then the complicated ones.In addition to teaching them to read and write, I taught them to use an abacus.

I worked in the field during the day and worked as a night school teacher in the evening.I wasn’t paid for being a teacher, but I was very happy to see my students’ progress and took joy when they addressed me as their teacher.I also learned a lot by teaching them.By the end of that job, I had learned more than 1,500 words.I worked as a night — school teacher until I was 18.

Later, I thought to myself that in my career afterwards if I could eloquently give a speech or make a report in the meeting, perhaps it could be traced back to the practice from when I was a teacher of night school. e/mFK1IbrbmvqBzCE4PmM058HxksSW6ykuoIEMOfy1ZnqM+qe4qpztjt5PSeGGFj
