
2 资料整理阶段


2.1 唯一性校验


2.2 完整性校验


2.3 有效性校验


2.4 逻辑性校验


Chapter 3
Quality control for work of National Pediatric Cancer Surveillance

1 Data collection stage

1.1 Setting up a double-review process of report cards

The employment of registrars and reviewers in pediatric cancer surveillance sites should meet the professional requirements in The Notice on Better Treatment and Management of Major Pediatric Diseases (Medical Letter No. 22 of the NHC [2020]), that“Medical record management departments are responsible for information registration and import and data quality management”. Two professionals will work together to complete the registration and reporting. After the report cards are filled or imported, the registrar shall submit them to the reviewer after passing the verification of the surveillance platform, who will then report them to the surveillance center after they pass the review. In addition, the surveillance sites that have realized the automatic reporting of case information through the docking of the information port shall be equipped with professional developers to jointly complete the spot check, review and reporting of the report cards with registrars and reviewers.

1.2 Training on report card registration and reporting

The NCPCS provides professional and operational training on case registration and reporting to relevant personnel at the surveillance sites. It mainly includes in-platform application and operation training for registrars and reviewers, such as template sorting of document import, version compatibility debugging, review and reporting, and other user-end operations. Technical support will be provided for developers and engineers responsible for port docking at surveillance sites, including on port docking process, key technicalities, matters needing attention in development, and problems likely to arise during development.

1.3 Variables and standards of report card registration

The NCPCS has established reporting rules and standards for the contents and variables to be registered in report cards. They mainly include filling rules of compulsory items and conditional compulsory items, filling criteria of key variables, etc. For example, disease diagnosis name and code are based on International Classification of Diseases National Clinical Edition 2.0 (ICD-10). Pathological diagnosis code and name are based on the cancer morphology code (M code) of the International Classification of Diseases National Clinical Edition 2.0 . Operation code and name are in accordance with the International Classification of Diseases , Ninth Revision , Clinical Modification , National Clinical Edition 2.0 (ICD-9-CM3).

2 Data collation stage

The NCPCS carries out quality control of report cards during and after reporting, which mainly includes verification of their uniqueness, integrity, validity, and logic.

2.1 Uniqueness verification

Every report card must have a unique identification number, composed of the organization code, medical record number, and discharge time. If the three items of information are identical, staff at the surveillance sites and the NCPCS will identify them and decide whether to delete or merge them, thereby verifying the uniqueness of the report cards.

2.2 Integrity verification

Key information of the report cards must be complete. The report cards are set with compulsory variables (such as gender, main diagnosis code and name), conditional compulsory variables (such as pathological diagnosis code and name, cause of death and code, etc.), and other variables. If any compulsory variable is left unfilled on the report cards, the surveillance platform will immediately remind registrars to refill and then report again.

2.3 Validity verification

Key information of case report cards must be accurate and reliable. For example, the ID number will be verified by ID number encoding rules and the parity bit checking algorithm. Secondly, the consistency between the ID number, date of birth, gender, and disease diagnosis will be verified. ID numbers that fail to pass verification will be reexamined or eliminated. For example, the age of children will be calculated according to their date of birth and admission time. Those who are not aged between 0 and 19 will be reexamined or eliminated. Validity verification is also performed on children’s provincial-level regions of residence. Those whose provincial-level regions are not identifiable will be returned to the surveillance sites, and submitted again after verification and modification by registrars.

2.4 Logic verification

Information on report cards must be consistent and authentic. For example, consistency of disease diagnosis name and code will be verified according to the International Classification of Diseases National Clinical Edition 2.0 . Consistency between gender and disease, i. e. whether a male disease has been diagnosed for a female, or vice versa, will also be verified. Consistency verification of hospitalization expenses information mainly includes the consistency between medical payment methods and out-of-pocket expenses, and expenses of each item. Besides, chronological consistency will also be verified, including between admission time and date of birth, between admission and discharge time, and discharge time and date of operation. If report cards fail to pass verification, they shall be returned to the surveillance sites and submitted again after verification and modification by registrars. LhC/aSb2LFG+zhVvpK+RZu1GTbUD4PlACd/U4qV5K9w3CpQ5WU4wHzbJ1zilC0eL
