

陈牧: 今西凉献祥瑞,寡人当如何处置?先生教我。

萧凡: 臣以为,王者所宝为贤,嘉禾神芝,皆虚美尔,所以《春秋》不书祥瑞,愿大王申令有司,自今凡有嘉瑞、奇兽,勿复以闻,皆勿得献。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。

chen mu: Nowadays,Xi Liang dedicated me a very precious thing,How should I handle this?Sir taught me。

xiao fan: I think wise kings treat talent as treasures,Xiangrui is all fictional,So the history books don't record these strange things,I hope you don't accept these strange treasures and you should ask them not to do so。

chen mu: Sir is right,I respectfully accept your teachings。

陈牧: 今关中旱饥,寡人当如何处置?先生教我。

萧凡: 臣以为,夫腹饥不得食,肤寒不得衣,虽慈母不能保其子,君安能以有其民哉?明主知其然也,为天下计,大王当谴宣慰使,开仓济民,通渭水以解旱情,宽赋敛,省徭役,理冤狱,则民心可得而有也。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。

chen mu: Today there is famine in the Guanzhong region,What should I do?Sir taught me。

xiao fan: I think,Even a loving mother cannot protect her children without enough food and clothing,Then the king cannot protect his people either,Therefore,for the sake of world peace,you should send someone to distribute food to appease the people,You have to build water conservancy to alleviate drought,It is necessary to reduce taxes,reduce the amount of work,and handle unjust cases,Only in this way can we save the hearts and minds of the people。

chen mu: Sir is right,I respectfully accept your teachings。

陈牧: 太原公陈泰,英果似寡人,先生以为如何?

萧凡: 臣以为,为人君者,动静举措,不可不慎,发于中必形于外,天下无不知之,今王后、世子皆无恙,若奸臣逆探王意,知大王奇爱太原公,必有危王后、世子之心,卒成巫蛊之祸,悔之晚矣!

陈牧: 非先生之言,寡人几著大错,当为先生秘之。

chen mu: Duke Chen Tai was as brave and wise as I was,Sir,what do you think?

xiao fan: I think the king's behavior must be prudent,The king's words and deeds were watched by all the people of the world,Now the empress and the crown prince are safe for the time being,If the traitor knows that you especially like Duke Chen Tai,They will endanger the Queen and the Crown Prince,In the end,it was too late to regret it。

chen mu: Sir is right,I was wrong,I kept this a secret。

陈牧: 今春以来,怪事连连,寡人甚惑之,先生何以教我?

萧凡: 臣以为,天子见怪则修德,诸侯见怪则修政,卿大夫见怪则修职,士庶人见怪则修身,愿大王着御史,巡梁地,抚百姓,访冤情,惩吏治,差可解过。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。

chen mu: Since spring,there have often been some strange things happening,I'm very confused about that,Sir taught me what to do?

xiao fan: I think,If kings see something strange,they will cultivate their character,If the princes see something strange,they must improve their policies,If the minister sees something strange,he will react to his duties,If ordinary people see something strange,they have to think about whether they have done something wrong,therefore,I hope you send ministers to appease the people,Patrolling territory,dealing with unjust cases,and punishing corruption,Only in this way may be able to save us from our mistakes。

chen mu: Sir is right,I respectfully accept your teachings。

陈牧: 今与先生对弈,寡人输矣,先生何以教我?

萧凡: 臣以为,棋者,以正合其势,以权制其敌,故计定于内而势成于外,战未合而算胜者,得算多也,算不胜者,得算少也,战已合而不知胜负者,无算也。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,暗合兵法之道,寡人受教矣。

chen mu: Today I played chess with you and I lost,Sir,what is there to teach me?

xiao fan: I think,Play chess to surround the opponent from the front,Winning depends on quirks,So plot inside and then create situations on the outside,It is necessary to plan fully before the war begins,Planning more will succeed but fail。

chen mu: Sir is right,What you say is in line with the tactics of war,I accept your teachings。

陈牧: 今楚王凌吾太甚,寡人欲伐之,可乎?先生何以教我?

萧凡: 臣以为,楚王僭逆之心久矣,国家所以略其衅情者,求犄角之援也,今若加显绝,雠我必深,便当移兵东与齐、燕并力,则中原必乱、大势去矣,且彼贤才尚多,将相辑穆,未可一朝而定也,顿兵相持,坐而须老,使燕、齐得计,非策之上者,愿大王含垢忍耻,连楚以制燕、齐,暂待须臾,北方大定之日,便是吾王旌旗南指之时。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人愿忍之。

chen mu: Now the King of Chu bullied me too badly,Therefore,I want to attack the Chu state,What do you think?

xiao fan: I think the King of Chu has had a rebellious heart for a long time,We tolerate him because we want to use him as a helper,If you fight him now then he will hate you,the State of Chu unites the State of Qi and the State of Yan,then there will be turmoil in the Central Plains,Moreover,the Chu kingdom has a lot of talent and is unity,We can't beat them in a short period of time,Once it dragged on for a long time,The State of Yan and the State of Qi would benefit,This is not a good situation,I hope you can be patient and unite with the State of Chu to attack the State of Qi and the State of Yan,When the north is pacified,then it will be time for you to attack the Chu state。

chen mu: Sir is right,I'm willing to be patient a little more。

陈牧: 今车骑将军郭况,大败契丹于敦煌,寡人当如何处置?先生教我。

萧凡: 臣以为,非我族类,其心必异,强必寇盗,弱则卑伏,不顾恩义,晋末乱华即是明证,迁之河套以为屏障可也,切勿处之内地以生肘腋之患。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。

chen mu: Now the general Guo Kuang defeated the Khitan at Dunhuang,What should I do?Sir taught me。

xiao fan: I think,The hearts of non-my race will be different,They invade when they are strong,When they are weak,they will submit,They will not obey morality,and the betrayal of the Jin Dynasty in ancient times is evidenced by this,It is okay to migrate them to the Hetao as a barrier,They could not be relocated to the interior,or there would be a rebellion。

chen mu: Sir is right,I respectfully accept your teachings。

陈牧: 世人皆乐生惧死,寡人亦然,先生以为如何?

萧凡: 臣以为,生,吾所愿也,死,吾所惧也,然天有定数,人有运数,吾,欣然往之,不亦可乎,当生则生,当死则死。

陈牧: 先生之言壮哉,寡人受教矣。

chen mu: People like to live and fear death,and so do I,Sir,what do you think?

xiao fan: I think,I want to live and fear death,But everything is decided by God and man has a definite trajectory,I bravely faced it,which was fine,Live bravely when you should be alive,and face it boldly when you should die。

chen mu: Your words are bold,and I accept your teachings。

陈牧: 古者圣王之制,何也?寡人愿闻先生之见。

萧凡: 夫圣王之制,史在前书过失,工诵箴谏,庶人谤于道,商旅议于市,然后君得闻过失也,闻其过失而改之,见义而从之,所以永有天下也,此乃圣王之制也。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。

chen mu: What it was like for the Holy King to govern the country in ancient times,I would like to hear your point of view。

xiao fan: Previous,the Holy King ruled the country,Historians will record their mistakes,The minister will come in to remind you of the gains and losses,Ordinary people will talk on the side of the road,Traders will discuss in the market,Because of this,the king could know their faults,Only by correcting mistakes and obeying morality can we protect the world for a long time。

chen mu: Sir is right,I respectfully accept your teachings。 SAWUrVJz1SpJExGT0Gf1QKBD8KDJAMzaHNTofmcIOeaBDarDzQ2cQiLC6jhOm5m6

