

陈牧: 寡人闻,法者,当与天下共之,故着大理寺卿荀顗,修编《晋律》以求平允,先生以为如何?

萧凡: 臣以为,死者不可再生,用法务在宽简,又当去虚务实,然今法司核理一狱,必求深刻,欲成其考课,今作此法,使得平允,岂不谬哉?

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人知过矣。

chen mu: I've heard that the law is enforced by the people of the world,So I appointed Xun Yan as the president of the court,And let him revise the laws of the Jin Dynasty for the sake of justice,Sir thought so?

xiao fan: I think human life is precious,The true meaning of the law is leniency and simplicity and seeking truth from facts,Nowadays,the court trials cases very harshly and must be done ironclad,It is impossible to use such a law without achieving justice。

chen mu: Sir is right,I was wrong。

陈牧: 寡人闻,不详有五,何也?先生教我。

萧凡: 臣以为,损人而自益,身之不详也,释贤而任不肖,国之不详也,老者不教,幼者不学,俗之不详也,圣人伏匿,愚者擅权,天下之不详也。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人受教矣。

chen mu: I've heard of five unlucky things,Sir taught me。

xiao fan: I think,Self-interest is a personal misfortune,Appointing stupid people is a misfortune for the country,Not educating the people is the misfortune of society,It is the misfortune of the world that the sages do not come out。

chen mu: Sir is right,I accept your teachings。

陈牧: 今世子年已九岁,寡人欲置少保、少傅、少师以辅世子,可乎?先生以为如何?

萧凡: 臣以为大王圣明,选端士以卫世子,世子乃见正事,闻正言,行正道,左右皆正人,习与正人居之,不能无正,犹生长楚之乡,不能不楚言也,所谓少成如天性,习惯如自然也。

陈牧: 先生之言甚善,寡人亦以为然。

chen mu: Now that the prince is nine years old,I want to arrange a few teachers for him to teach him,Sir thought so?

xiao fan: I think it's very wise for you to do that,Choose people of integrity to assist the Crown Prince,Then the crown prince will see the right thing and hear the right words and take the right path,If you get along with a righteous person every day,then he will also become upright,Just like living in the Chu country you have to speak the Chu dialect,This is how habits become natural。

chen mu: Sir is right,and I think so。

陈牧: 寡人闻,先王有至德要道,以顺天下,民用和睦,上下无怨,何也?先生教我。

萧凡: 臣以为,此乃孝也,夫孝,德之本也,教之所由生也,身体发肤,受之父母,不敢毁伤,孝之始也,立身行道,扬名于后世,以显父母,孝之终也,夫孝,始于事亲,本于事君,终于立身,《大雅》云:无念尔祖,聿修厥德。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人受教矣。

chen mu: I've heard that previous kings had the ultimate moral and governing methods,Therefore,it has been blessed by Heaven and recognized by the people,What is it?Sir taught me。

xiao fan: I think it is filial piety,it is the root of morality and the beginning of indoctrination,Life is given by parents,so cherish it,This is the beginning of filial piety,Self-cultivation and fame in the hereafter,so that parents can be proud of themselves,this is the end of filial piety,Filial piety begins with loving one's parents,followed by loyalty to the king,and finally with being responsible for oneself。

chen mu: Sir is right,I accept your teachings。

陈牧: 寡人闻,母以子贵,今寡人君临天下,显荣祖宗,而太后不乐,何也?先生教我。

萧凡: 臣以为,为君诚难,大王置身兆庶之上,若治得其道,则此位诚尊,苟或失驭,求为匹夫而不可得,是以太后忧也。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。

chen mu: I've heard that mothers are precious to their children,Now I dominate the world but my mother is not happy,What is the reason? Sir taught me。

xiao fan: I don't think it's easy to be a king,The king is high in the depths,If the country is well governed,then this position is very honorable,If the governance is not good,then it is impossible to be an ordinary person,Therefore,the Empress dowager was worried。

chen mu: Sir is right,I respectfully accept your teachings。

陈牧: 寡人闻,曹魏多士,而今无之,何也?先生教我。

萧凡: 臣以为,王者用人如器,各取所长,古之致治者,岂借才于异代乎?正患己不能知,安可诬一世之人哉!

陈牧: 寡人戏言也,先生勿怪。

chen mu: I heard that there are many talents in Wei Guo,But our country does not,what is the reason for this?Sir taught me。

xiao fan: I think we should use their strengths in selecting talents,In the past,to govern the country,did you have to borrow talents from other eras?Worry that you can't tell the difference between talent,How can we slander the absence of talent in this era?

chen mu: Sir is right,I'm kidding,sir don't take it seriously。

陈牧: 今楚王伐越,其果能克乎?先生以为如何?

萧凡: 臣以为,必克之。

chen mu: Now that the King of Chu has attacked the Kingdom of Yue,can he succeed?Sir,what do you think?

xiao fan: I think the King of Chu will succeed。

陈牧: 何以言之?

萧凡: 越王好事虚名而少实用,世子懦而多病,兄弟乖争,楚乘其危,兵精将勇,何故不克!

chen mu: Is there any basis for that?

xiao fan: The king of Yue was hypocritical and not pragmatic,His prince was seriously ill and his brothers fought each other,At such a moment,the generals and soldiers of the Chu State were brave and fierce,so they would definitely succeed。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人亦以为然。然楚既伐越,必不能进退,我以精骑直捣庐江、江夏,楚将若之何?

萧凡: 臣以为,今西有吐谷浑,北有契丹,窥伺国隙,东有齐、燕,为我肘腋之患,兴兵远攻,未见其利,不如且安静以待之,其克越之际,必是大王兵指南阳之时。

陈牧: 先生之言甚善,南阳必为寡人所有。

chen mu: Sir is right,I think so too,When the Chu state attacked the Yue kingdom,we secretly attacked the towns of Lujiang and Jiangxia,How the State of Chu will respond?

xiao fan: I think,The enemies around us are the Tuguhun Khitan Qi state and the Yan state,In such moments,long-distance raids are not necessarily successful,It is better to wait for the opportunity,When the Chu kingdom wins the war,it is the moment when you attack Nanyang。

chen mu: Sir is right,Nanyang will definitely enter my hands。

陈牧: 寡人欲修洛阳宫,以制四海,先生以为如何?

萧凡: 臣以为,今天下纷扰,攻伐不断,民不聊生,王道之本,在于务农,怀远之略,莫如宽简,今入岁以来,阴阳失序,风雨乖和,是宜减膳撤悬,侧身修德之时,而更繁刑峻,缮筑不止,殆非所以致兴隆也。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人知过矣。

chen mu: I want to build the Luoyang Palace to rule the world,Sir thought so?

xiao fan: I think,Today,the world is in chaos,wars are constant,and the people are not happy,The foundation of the king's governance is the construction of agriculture,If you want to appease the world,you need to relax and simplify the policy,Recently,the weather has been bad,and the wind and rain have been continuous,At this moment,you should reduce your expenses and reflect on yourself,Harsh criminal law and oversized construction are not wise practices。

chen mu: Sir is right,I was wrong。 DuuA+G3Q+NOfuI0SshuUUIq90E+q1quEyA4d3E2hhQvCecgzACIEaft1y3S6IH6i
