

陈牧: 何为礼也?先生教我。

萧凡: 夫礼者,所以定亲疏、决嫌疑、别同异、明是非也。

chen mu: What is the true meaning of etiquette?Sir taught me。

xiao fan: Etiquette can distinguish between near and far relatives,as well as distinguish between right and wrong and distinguish between difference and suspicion。

陈牧: 先生试述之。

萧凡: 道德仁义,非礼不成,教训正俗,非礼不备,纷争辨讼,非礼不决,君臣上下,父子兄弟,非礼不定,宦学事师,非礼不亲,班朝治军,莅官行法,非礼,威严不行,祷祠祭祀,供给鬼神,非礼,不诚不庄,故圣人示人以礼。

chen mu: Please sir elaborate it for me。

xiao fan: Moral benevolence cannot succeed without etiquette to regulate,Without etiquette norms,the world cannot be civilized,Contradictions and disputes cannot be resolved without etiquette norms,There is chaos without etiquette between fathers and sons,Learning from a teacher without etiquette norms will not be close,Governing the country and the army without etiquette norms will have no majesty,Sacrifices to ancestors and ghosts and gods would be insincere without etiquette norms,Therefore,the saints used liturgical norms to educate the world。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人受教矣,然其于国乃何?

萧凡: 夫礼之于国,犹衡之于轻重也,绳墨之于曲直也,规矩之于方圆也,故衡诚悬,不可欺以轻重,绳墨诚陈,不可欺以曲直,规矩诚设,不可欺以方圆,君子审礼,不可诬以奸诈,故安国治民,莫善于礼也。

陈牧: 非先生之言,寡人不悟也。

chen mu: Sir is right,I accept your teachings,But what good is it for the country?

xiao fan: Etiquette is of great significance to the country,It is equivalent to measuring the weight of the scale,It is equivalent to measuring curvature with a ruler,It is equivalent to drawing a circle with a compass,Therefore,Fraud is not allowed in terms of etiquette,it is very important to use etiquette to stabilize the country and govern the people。

chen mu: If it wasn't for Sir teaching me,I wouldn't have understood。

陈牧: 今已息兵三载,士马精悍,且梁国内乱不休,寡人欲伐之以救民于水火,可乎?先生以为如何?

萧凡: 臣以为时机已至,梁与国邻接,沃野万里,士民殷富,若据而有之,此帝王之资也。梁王已故,二子不协,军中诸将,各有彼此。刘斌险诈,与其有隙,寄寓于其地,梁恶其能而不能用也,大王欲取梁国,宜抚安之,与结盟好,以断大梁之翼,方可兴师伐梁。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。

chen mu: Now the army has been trained for three years and is very elite,Now Liang Guo is in chaos,and I wanted to take the opportunity to attack it to save the people from the sea of suffering,Sir,what do you think?

xiao fan: I think the time has come,Liang Guo borders us,It has fertile land and a large population,If you occupy this place,it is the root of hegemony,King Liang had died,but his sons and generals were not cooperating,Liu Bin was sinister and cunning,and his army was stationed in Liang Guo,But there is a big divide between Liu Bin and others,So he was hated and not trusted,Therefore,if you want to attack Liang Guo,you must first appease Liu Bin,And you want to ally with him,with the aim of cutting off the flank of liangguo,Only then can you start attacking Liang Guo。

chen mu: Sir is right,I respectfully accept your teachings。

陈牧: 今西凉以平,寡人欲以先生为司徒,录尚书事,封平阳侯,先生以为如何?

萧凡: 臣以为,今齐、楚未平,戎车方驾,而始灭一国,即受三事之赏,若克殄二寇,将何以加之,且平西凉,乃郭况之功,非臣之力也。

陈牧: 先生之言甚善,然先生不受,寡人不安,请先生录尚书事,勉从王命。

chen mu: Now the Western Liang Kingdom has been pacified,I want you to be the Prime Minister to handle the affairs of the State Council,and give you a knighthood,Sir,what do you think?

xiao fan: I think,The states of Qi and Chu had not yet been defeated,and the war has just begun,Now I have received such a great reward for taking over a country,If I defeat the State of Qi and the State of Chu again,how will I be rewarded?Besides,it was the general Li Sheng who annihilated the Western Liang Kingdom,not me。

chen mu: Sir is right,I am disturbed that you do not accept the appointment,I hope you will reluctantly accept my appointment to handle state department affairs。

陈牧: 今委卿以关东之任,以讨残梁,先生当如何处置?寡人愿闻其详。

萧凡: 臣以为,当先破居庸,平洛阳,拒虎牢,长驱汴梁,所谓“疾雷不及掩耳”。吾当亲督万众,星夜继发,舟车粮运,水陆俱进,大王勿以为忧也。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人当亲帅三军以为后继,同先生会猎中原。

chen mu: I have appointed you as the governor of Kanto affairs to fight against the Liang kingdom,I want to know what your strategy is?

xiao fan: I think that the Juyong Fortress should be conquered before attacking Luoyang City,First occupy the xingyang fortress and then blitz the city of Bieliang,I will command the whole army to set off in the starry night,And grain and grass are parallel to land and water,You don't have to worry about it。

chen mu: Sir is right,I will lead the remaining army to set off later,And hunt with you in the hinterland of Liangguo。

陈牧: 夫礼,禁乱之所由生也,犹防止水之所自来也,故寡人颁《通礼》于天下,以厚风俗,不亦可乎?先生以为如何?

萧凡: 臣以为然也,朝觐之礼,所以明君臣之义也,聘问之礼,所以使诸侯相尊敬也。丧祭之礼,所以明臣子之恩也,乡饮酒之礼,所以明长幼之序也,婚姻之礼废,则夫妇之道苦,而淫僻之罪多矣,乡饮酒之礼废,则长幼之序失,而斗争之狱繁矣,丧祭之礼废,则臣子之恩薄,而背死忘生者众矣,聘觐之礼废,则君臣之位失,而背叛侵陵之败起矣。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人受教矣。

chen mu: Etiquette eliminates the source of chaos from the root,So I promulgated universal etiquette in the world for social harmony,Is it okay to do this?Sir,what do you think?

xiao fan: I think so too,The etiquette of tribute can clarify the distinction between kings and ministers,The etiquette of the envoys allowed the dukes to respect each other,Funerals allow ministers to deepen their feelings for the king,The etiquette of drinking alcohol can determine the order of the elder and the young,On the contrary,the world is in chaos。

chen mu: Sir is right,I accept your teachings。

陈牧: 今梁地初定,刘斌恃功骄纵,邀求无厌,又以寿春久不下,潜有贰心,必为国患,寡人欲因势除之,先生以为如何?

萧凡: 臣以为,汝南之盟,不可负也,若其为难,罪由于斌,今事未有形而杀之,人必谓我王忌惮其功能,大王方收揽豪杰以隆大业,不可示人以狭,失天下之望也,藉彼有谋,大王以智防之,无能为也。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,所谓骄则速败,其焉能为患,彼有大功,杀之不义,先生之论何似郭嘉之言?开寡人心怀也!

chen mu: Now Liang Guo has just been pacified,General Liu Bin was proud and indulgent because of his merits,And asked me for a lot of rewards endlessly,Because Shouchun City has not been captured for a long time,There is a risk that he will betray me,He's bound to be a hidden danger to the country,so I want to take the opportunity to kill him,Sir,what do you think?

xiao fan: I don't think you can break the covenant of Runan,If he betrays then the charge is his,Now kill him without the fact of betrayal,The world will think that you are jealous of the virtuous,You should recruit heroes to create a great cause,And you can't be narrow-minded,otherwise you will disappoint the world,Even if he wants to betray as long as you watch out in advance,there's nothing to lose。

chen mu: Sir is right,Pride can accelerate failure so he can't make waves,He had merit,and it was immoral to kill him,your wise words untied the knot in my heart。

陈牧: 先生凯旋,寡人欲加先生大司马,以都督中外诸军事,先生以为如何?

萧凡: 臣今以元相之重,储傅之尊,端右事繁,司马任大,总督戎机,出纳帝命,今文武两寄,巨细并关,以伊、吕、萧、邓之贤,尚不能兼,何况臣哉?

陈牧: 寡人方混壹四海,非卿谁可委者?先生切莫推辞,前有刘备之于孔明,苻坚之于王猛,今有寡人之于先生,岂不快哉!

chen mu: Sir,You return victoriously,I would like to appoint you as grand marshal in charge of all military affairs,Sir,what do you think?

xiao fan: I am already a very honorable prime minister,and I have a lot of things to deal with,The Grand Marshal is in charge of the military with a great responsibility,Now you have asked me to deal with both internal affairs and the military,Even a saint may not be competent,let alone me?

chen mu: I'm about to calm the world,no one but sir can do it,You don't prevaricate,I trust you just like Liu Bei believes in Zhuge Liang,It was a pleasant decision。 krek9vtqK67Hq73Qw1/ve7k4Ud9BYDV3tEVKeHgkwpM5xquRy7JBWu1DCmGwyOLZ
