

陈牧: 自寡人君临以来,七八载矣,威加海外,诸国来庭,仓廪日积,土地日广,然道德未益厚,仁义未益博者,何哉?先生教我。

萧凡: 臣以为,此乃大王待下之情未尽于诚信,虽有善始之勤,未睹克终之美故也,昔大王君临之始,闻善惊叹,从谏如流,自兹厥后,渐恶直言,虽或勉强有所容,非复曩时之豁如也。

陈牧: 非先生教我,寡人不闻此药石之言,寡人知过矣。

chen mu: I have been king for more than seven years,My reputation has spread all over the world,so other countries have established cooperative relations with us,The country is getting richer and stronger,But my moral and benevolent prestige was not preached,That's why,Sir taught me。

xiao fan: I don't think you treat people with complete integrity,That's because you started doing well but didn't move on,When you first started governing the country,You are able to humbly accept the advice of others,And it is a great pleasure to do so,But gradually,you no longer like honest speech,Even if you reluctantly listen,what you do is not as good as before。

chen mu: If it weren't for you saying,I wouldn't even know I made a mistake,I was wrong。

陈牧: 寡人欲化育万民,当取何法?先生教我。

萧凡: 臣以为,教民亲爱,莫善于孝,教民礼顺,莫善于悌,移风易俗,莫善于乐,夫乐者,感人情,乐正则心正,乐淫则心淫也,安上治民,莫善于礼。上好礼,则臣民安,礼者,敬而已矣,敬,礼之本也。

陈牧: 先生之言甚善,寡人谨受教。

chen mu: I want to educate the world what should be done,Sir taught me。

xiao fan: I think,If you want to educate the world,you must promote filial piety to parents,respect elders,and love brothers,The best way to improve social customs is music,Because music can fill people's hearts with positive energy,If you want to govern the country well,you have to promote etiquette,The essence of etiquette is respect,Only then will the country be stable and harmonious。

chen mu: Sir is right,I respectfully accept your teachings。

陈牧: 寡人欲以牛假贫民,使佃苑中,税其什之七,自有牛者税其五,先生以为如何?

萧凡: 臣以为,古者什一而税。天下之中正也,降及唐末、五代,仁政衰薄,假官田官牛者不过税其什六,自有牛者税其四,犹不取其七八也。

chen mu: I want to rent cattle to the poor for them to farm,But charge them seven tenths,and if there are cattle,charge them five tenths,Sir thought so?

xiao fan: I thought that in the past,one-tenth of the tax was fairer,By the end of the Tang Dynasty,there was political chaos,Taxes were not as heavy as they are now。

陈牧: 请为寡人试述之。

萧凡: 自唐末以来,海内板荡,高皇帝绥之以德,华夷之民,万里福辏,襁负而归之者,若赤子之归父母,是以户口十倍于旧,无用者什有三四,及大王掌晋,南摧强楚,东却齐、燕,北取契丹,拓地三千里,增民十万户,是宜悉罢苑囿以赋新民,无牛者官赐之牛,不当更收重税也。

chen mu: Sir,please try to elaborate。

xiao fan: Since the end of the Tang Dynasty,the world has been in chaos,and the old emperor has used benevolence to appease the world,The people of the world have submitted as if they were seeing their parents,As a result,there are ten times more accounts than before,Since you came to power,you have defeated the State of Qi and the State of Yan in the east of the Chu State in the north of the Khitan in the south,and the land has increased by 3,000 miles and the hukou has increased by 100,000,At this time,it is time to waste everything,you should reduce taxes and rent to poor cattle。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人知过矣。

萧凡: 且以大王之民用大王之牛,牛非大王之有,将何在哉!如此,则戎旗南指之日,民谁不箪食壶浆以迎王师哉!

陈牧: 寡人几不思量,险误大事,当为卿改之。

chen mu: Sir was right,I was wrong。

xiao fan: The world is yours,and the people are yours,What does it matter if the people use your cattle,Isn't it also yours that you lend cattle to the people,If you lend it to them,When you march south,the people will welcome your army with food and wine。

chen mu: I didn't think it through and almost made a mistake,I corrected it immediately。

陈牧: 寡人有气疾,欲修邺宫以自养,先生以为如何?

萧凡: 臣以为,大王既有平阳,又修邺宫,将以何用?作猎车千乘,环数千里以养禽兽,夺人妻女万余口以实后宫,岂圣帝明王之所为乎?

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人知过矣。

chen mu: I have lung disease so I want to build a palace to recuperate,Sir,what do you think?

xiao fan: I think you already have a palace and then build the other ones which is what to do,Keep animals in pens to hunt and rob other people's wives and daughters to enrich the harem,These are not what the Holy King should do。

chen mu: Sir is right,I was wrong。

陈牧: 今大修驰道于郡县,会久雨失期,寡人欲罪尚书,先生以为如何?

萧凡: 臣以为,天降淫雨,道路涂潦,虽有鬼兵百万,无如之何,而况人乎!今大王以道路不修,欲杀尚书,岂能仪刑四海以法将来耶?

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人知过矣,当为卿赦之。

chen mu: I want to overhaul roads to cities and county seats,Just happened to encounter heavy rain and delayed the construction period,I want to blame the person in charge,Sir,what do you think?

xiao fan: I think it rained heavily and the roads were muddy,Even a million ghost soldiers can't do it,and ordinary people can't do it,You punish the person in charge for the delay in the construction period,How can the people of the world be convinced?

chen mu: Sir is right,I was wrong,I pardon him for sir。

陈牧: 李晟将军克中山,而郡守不降,伏剑而死,寡人当如何处之?先生教我。

萧凡: 臣以为,此乃义士也,为人臣,功既不成,唯有死节耳,大王以信义治天下,当礼而葬之,以劝来者。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。

chen mu: General Li Sheng conquered Zhongshan City,But the keeper did not surrender and committed suicide with a sword,What should I do about it?Sir taught me。

xiao fan: I think he's a loyal man,Failure to successfully defend the city can only be determined by death,You rule the world with faith,so you have to bury him with high standards,Through this,the hearts of people in the future will be soothed,And they are willing to submit to you。

chen mu: Sir is right,I respectfully accept your teachings。

陈牧: 寡人欲伐西凉,将佐皆以为不可,奈何?先生教我。

萧凡: 臣以为,夫经略大事,固非常情所及,智者了于胸中,不必待众言皆合也。

chen mu: I wanted to attack the Western Liang Kingdom but the generals didn't approve of it,What should I do?Sir taught me。

xiao fan: I think that strategic events are not something that ordinary people can understand,Wise people have a decision in their hearts and don't need everyone's consent。

陈牧: 先生试述之。

萧凡: 臣以为,今为晋肘腋之患者,西凉而已,彼虽险固,比燕为弱,将欲除之,宜先其易者,西凉无道,臣民不附,且恃其险远,不修战备,宜以精兵万人轻赍疾趋,比其觉之,我已出其险要,可一战擒也。

chen mu: Please sir explain it for me。

xiao fan: I think,Now our great trouble is the Western Liang Kingdom,Although the terrain of the Western Liang Kingdom is dangerous,it is a little weaker than the Yan State,The politics of the Western Liang State were chaotic and the people were not subservient,It relies on its precarious terrain without reinforcing its armaments,If you want to launch an attack,you must first fight the weak,You should send a general with 10,000 elite soldiers to blitz the Western Liang Kingdom,By the time they realized,we had entered their precarious terrain,The Western Liang Kingdom will definitely be conquered by us。

陈牧: 若大军西征,齐、楚,扣关当如何?

萧凡: 臣以为,论者恐大军既西,齐、楚必窥觎,此似是而非也,齐、楚闻我万里远征,以为内有重备,必不敢动,纵有侵轶,李晟将军足以拒守,必无忧也。

陈牧: 先生解我心忧,寡人意决矣。

chen mu: What if the army marches west,and the State of Qi and Chu attack the border?

xiao fan: I think,The minister believed that after the western expedition of the large army,the State of Qi and the State of Chu would attack the border,Such a thing is unlikely,When the State of Qi and the State of Chu heard about our expedition,they would think that we were on guard,so they would not launch an attack,Even if they attacked,General Li Sheng could resist them,You don't have to worry about it。

chen mu: Sir took the knot in my heart,I already had a decision in my mind。 VVdYEtnwTX5R0sQo3Qkb8g95Cz40jI+8TdECpC6AmrglDT+oU6FEEeEEUALS5Esf

