

陈牧: 先生不出,苍生奈何?

萧凡: 布衣愿效犬马之劳。

chen mu: Sir does not appear,What about the world?

xiao fan: Subordinates Willing to do the work of dogs and horses。

陈牧: 今王室多故,诸侯不臣,四方纷扰,寡人朝不保夕,为之奈何?先生教我。

萧凡: 臣以为,今大厦将倾,非人力所能支也,且诸将暴虐,常切齿于王,京师必将生乱,此非久留之地,愿大王效司马睿,斩关而出急趋孟津,上书陛下诉其缘由,据河内以观时局,待罪并州以卫社稷,大王于外厉兵秣马,遥壮朝廷声势,陛下于内差可少安。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人意决矣。

chen mu: Now the royal family is in a difficult situation,The warlords disobeyed the central authorities,The world is in chaos,My life is at stake,Sir taught me what to do?

xiao fan: I think,The central government is about to collapse,It can't be supported anymore,And the generals were brutal,They usually hate you very much,The capital will soon be in turmoil,This is not a place to stay for long,I hope you will escape to Mengjin like Sima Rui,Then write to the emperor to explain why,Occupy Hanoi and observe the situation change,Defend the country with a guilty identity On the north side,You're recruiting in the north as a solidarity of the central government,The emperor might be safer because of this。

chen mu: Sir is right,I already have a decision in my mind。

陈牧: 今四海分裂,国家未安,齐国、燕国倔强于山东,关中、西凉不服王化,梁国首鼠两端,楚国、蜀地俨然敌国,寡人欲一天下,先生何以教我?

萧凡: 臣以为,惠帝既是常才而不能自断,诸将皆庸人骤起,志在财帛,争用威力。朝夕自快而已,非有忠良明智、深虑远图,尊主安民者也,分崩离析,形势可见,大王建位藩辅,当布盛德于天下,以卫高祖之业,齐军肃政,赏罚明信,延揽英雄,务悦民心,南奉天子以讨不庭,笼络梁国以为屏障,急下关中以威西凉,联蜀和楚以固河南,以此而虑,天下不足定也。

陈牧: 先生之言甚善,寡人谨受教。

chen mu: Today,the world is divided and unstable,The States of Qi and Yan became independent in Shandong,Guanzhong and Xiliang did not obey the orders of the central government,Liang Guo had no position and swayed from side to side,The State of Chu and the State of Shu basically became hostile states,I want to unify the world,Sir taught me what to do?

xiao fan: I think,The emperor is average in talent and cannot make his own decisions,His generals are rookies who like money and infighting,He had no loyal and wise ministers to plan for the future,They are just comforting themselves,It is predictable that the central government is about to collapse,As a king who protects the central government,you should promote benevolence to the world and inherit it,So you have to straighten out the army and the government,Rewards and punishments must be done with integrity,Recruit heroes and appease people,Take the emperor's orders to fight rebellion,Envelop Liang Guo as a barrier,Quickly capture Guanzhong to threaten Xiliang,Unite the Chu and Shu states to stabilize Henan,If you follow this strategy,then it is not difficult to calm the world。

chen mu: Sir is right,and I respectfully accept your teachings。

陈牧: 寡人欲闻,为君之道,先生教我。

萧凡: 臣闻兴国之君乐闻其过,荒乱之主乐闻其誉,闻其过者,过日削而福臻,闻其誉者,誉日损而祸至,是以古之人君,揖让以进贤,虚己以求过,譬天位于乘奔,以虎尾为警戒。

陈牧: 卿言甚善,寡人受教矣。

chen mu: I want to understand the truth of being a king,Please sir teach me。

xiao fan: I have heard that wise kings are willing to hear their mistakes,Absurd kings love to hear praise,Good luck comes after the mistake is corrected,The more praise the worse the bad luck comes,So the wise king humbly introduced talent to seek his own mistakes,Use this to warn themselves to be cautious。

chen mu: Sir is right,I accept your teachings。

陈牧: 夫随俗树化,因世建业,所当何为?先生教我。

萧凡: 臣以为,慎在务三而已,一日,择人,二日,因民,三日,从时,时移而不移,违天之祥也,民望而不因,违人之咎也,好善而不能择人,败官之患也,三者失,则天人之事悖矣。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。

chen mu :Obey the people's expectations and the times to make meritorious,What should be done?Sir taught me。

xiao fan: I think there are about three points,The first point is to select talent,The second point is to obey the popularity,The third point is to go with the flow,Failure to comply with the times will not go well,If you do not obey the people's expectations,you will not get the support of the people,Failure to select talent leads to official corruption,If you make these three mistakes,then the world will be in chaos。

chen mu: Sir is right,I respectfully accept your teachings。

陈牧: 寡人闻,人君治政,天必有变,先生以为然否?

萧凡: 臣以为,人君行敬,则雨以时而顺之,人君政治,则旸以时而顺之,人君照晳,则燠以时而顺之,人君谋当,则寒以时而顺之,此言非虚也。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人受教矣。

chen mu: I heard that the King's reign will show signs,Sir thought so?

xiao fan: I think,The king governs according to the right path and law,The weather is also changing,Not at all。

chen mu: Sir is right,I respectfully accept your teachings。

陈牧: 寡人愿闻,何为君子之行?先生教我。

萧凡: 臣以为,夫君子之行,静以修身,俭以养德。非澹薄无以明志,非宁静无以致远。夫学须静也,才须学也,非学无以广才,非志无以成学。慆慢则不能研精,险躁则不能治性。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。

chen mu: I want to know what is the practice of a gentleman?Sir taught me。

xiao fan: I think,Gentlemen use tranquility and thriftiness to cultivate themselves,Peace of mind and ambition can only succeed in learning,Laziness and frivolity do not bear fruit。

chen mu: Sir is right,I respectfully accept your teachings。

陈牧: 寡人愿闻,为政之要,先生教我。

萧凡: 臣以为,政有宜于古而不利于今,有长于彼而不行于此者。风移俗易,每世则变。故结绳之治,五帝不行,三代损益,政法不同,随时改制,所以救弊也。《易》日:随时之义大矣哉!

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。

chen mu: I would like to know the main points of government,Sir taught me。

xiao fan: I don't think the previous policies are necessarily appropriate for now,Policies have changed with the times,Therefore,for the sake of social development,policies must keep pace with the times。

chen mu: Sir is right,I respectfully accept your teachings。

陈牧: 寡人欲大赦天下,以安反侧之心,先生以为然否?

萧凡: 臣以为,天下初定,当显明逆顺,故汉高祖赦季布,斩丁公,大王自起兵以来,见忠于其君者辄褒之,背叛不臣者辄诛之,此天下所以归盛德也,今田猛犹存,臣窃惑之。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人愿斩之以安社稷。

chen mu: I want to grant amnesty to the heavens to appease the betrayers,Sir thought so?

xiao fan: I think the world has just settled,There should be a discernment between right and wrong,Loyal people are to be praised,The betrayer is punished,The betrayer is still there,I'm confused。

chen mu: Sir is right,I am willing to punish them to stabilize the world。

陈牧: 寡人愿闻,尧舜汤武之道,先生何以教我?

萧凡: 臣以为,尧舜之帝、汤武之王,皆赖明哲之佐、博物之臣。故皋陶陈谟,而唐虞以兴,伊、箕作训,而殷周用隆,及继体之君,欲立中兴之功者,未尝不赖贤哲之谋也。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。

chen mu: I want to know the way wise kings govern,Sir taught me what to do。

xiao fan: I think that wise kings need wise and erudite people to be assisted,Throughout the ages,kings need the help of talents if they want to prosper。

chen mu: Sir is right,I am willing to punish them to stabilize the world。

陈牧: 寡人闻国有诤臣,社稷之福也,先生以为然否?

萧凡: 臣以为是也,天子有诤臣七人,虽无道,不失其天下,诸侯有诤臣五人,虽无道,不失其国,大夫有诤臣三人,虽无道,不失其家,士有诤友,则身不离于令名,父有诤子,则身不陷于不义。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。

chen mu: I have heard that having courtiers is a blessing for the nation,Sir thought so?

xiao fan: I think so,A king has a courtier who will not lose the world,The Duke had a vassal who would not lose his fiefdom,Ministers have advice that ministers will not lose their families。

chen mu: Sir is right,I respectfully accept your teachings。

陈牧: 今陛下大会诸侯于陈国,齐、楚二王皆不至,寡人当如何处之?先生教我。

萧凡: 臣以为,二君者必不免也,会朝,礼之经也,礼,政之舆也,政,身之守也,怠礼失政,失政不立,是以危也,大王乃高皇帝之子,今圣上之弟,吾王当舆疾而行,以安天下,勿忧也。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人意决矣。

chen mu: The emperor received the princes in the State of Chen,but the Kings of Chu and Qi did not arrive,What am I going to do,Sir taught me。

xiao fan: I think,It was a state ritual for the emperor to meet with the princes,Disregarding national etiquette is a mistake in political position,I t will bring trouble to the Chu and Qi states,You are the son of the old emperor and the younger brother of the new emperor,so you must go to the pilgrimage,Don't worry about anything。

chen mu: Sir is right,I've made up my mind。 Gzb2NfZ6YCJ4yQsh6AfALtN1IcKKW9DtecP8tISk6DWqWVgympYriyq0XNg9DONW
