

陈牧: 寡人欲遍赐勋贵,褒其从龙之功,可乎?先生以为如何?

萧凡: 臣以为,君人者以天下为家,不可有私也,仓库之储,以供军国之用,自非有功德者不当加赐,在朝诸贵,受禄不轻,比来颁赍,动以千计,若分以赐鳏寡孤独之民,所济实多,今直以与亲近之臣,殆非“周急不断富”之谓也。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人受教矣。

chen mu: I want to reward those who have followed me,Sir,what do you think?

xiao fan: I think that the king regards the world as his home,and cannot be selfish,The treasury is used to govern the country and train the army,If there is no great merit,it should not be rewarded,Besides,they already have a lot of money,It doesn't make much sense to give them again,But giving to the poor can help more。

chen mu: Sir is right,I accept your teachings。

陈牧: 寡人有今日,皆先生之力也,此间宴饮,先生不乐,何也?先生教我。

萧凡: 臣非不乐,然心中有忧也,愿大王毋忘出奔晋阳之时,愿大王毋忘束缚并州之时,愿大王毋忘藏于牛车之时。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。

chen mu: I am able to get to this day,all thanks to you,But you are not happy during the banquet,Sir taught me why?

xiao fan: I am not unhappy but I have a burden in my heart,I hope you don't forget the days when you ran to Jin yang and got stuck,I hope you don't forget the humiliation hidden in the bullock cart。

chen mu: Sir is right,I respectfully accept your teachings。

陈牧: 闻燕王妃裴氏有殊色,寡人欲纳之,可乎?先生以为如何?

萧凡: 臣以为不可,昔沛公入关,妇女无所幸,此范增所以畏其志大也,今大王始定燕地,海内想望风声,奈何袭乱亡之迹,以女德为累乎!

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人知过矣。

chen mu: I heard that the Queen of Yan was gorgeous,I want to include her in my harem,Sir,what do you think?

xiao fan: I don't think so,When Liu Bang attacked the Qin state,he did not like female color,That's why Fan Zeng was jealous of him,Now that the Yan Kingdom has just been calmed down,the whole world is watching your actions,How can we repeat the mistakes of the past,So you can't delay big things because of women。

chen mu: Sir is right,I was wrong。

陈牧: 今风俗尚诈谋,寡人甚忧之,先生何以教我?

萧凡: 臣以为,汉唐登贤,莫非经术,服膺雅道,名立行成,魏、晋浮荡,儒学沦歇,风节罔树,抑此之由,可置《五经》博士各一人,广开馆宇,招内后进,不出十载,风俗可厚也。

陈牧: 先生之言甚善,寡人谨受教。

chen mu: Now social customs are full of deception,I was very worried about that,Sir thought what to do?

xiao fan: Han and Tang Dynasty select talents with classic culture and personal conduct,Since the Wei and Jin dynasties,the atmosphere has become light and thin,and the culture has begun to decline,This is the general development context,Therefore,schools can be established to teach people culture and thus improve their conduct,In less than ten years,the social atmosphere will be greatly improved。

chen mu: Sir is right,I respectfully accept your teachings。

陈牧: 近来多祥瑞,各郡频有表贺庆,寡人当如何处之?先生教我。

萧凡: 臣以为,但使天下太平,家给人足,虽无祥瑞,亦可比德于尧、舜,若百姓不足,夷狄内侵,纵有芝草遍街衢,凤凰巢苑囿,亦何异于桀、纣?尝闻石勒时,有郡吏燃连理木,煮白雉肉吃,岂得称为明主耶?夫为人君者,当须至公理天下,以得万姓之欢心,若尧、舜在上,百姓敬之如父母,动作兴事,人皆乐之,发号施令,人皆悦之,此是大祥瑞也。

陈牧: 先生之言甚善,寡人亦以为然。

chen mu: Recently,auspicious signs have appeared in many places,All the counties congratulated me,How do I handle this?Sir taught me。

xiao fan: I think as long as the world is too peaceful and well-fed,Even if there are no auspicious signs,you are still a wise king,If people do not have enough to eat and the country is constantly invaded,You are no different from Jie zhou even with auspicious signs,The wise king governs the world with fairness and justice,And then you can get the support of the people,The people will respect you like their parents,You do things that people are willing to follow and support you,This is the real auspicious sign。

chen mu: Sir is right,I think so too。

陈牧: 寡人愿闻,治国之常道,先生何以教我?

萧凡: 伏愿大王览古今之事,察安危之机,上以社稷为重,下以亿兆在念,明选举,慎赏罚,进贤才,退不肖,闻过即改,从谏如流,为善在于不疑,出令期于必信,颐神养性,省游畋之娱,云奢从俭,减工役之费,务静方内,而不求辟土,载弓矢,而不忘武备,凡此数者,国不可治者,未之有也。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。

chen mu: I would like to understand the basic methods of governing the country,Sir taught me how to do it。

xiao fan: I hope you understand the history of the rise and fall of the country,And learn from it,You should put the country first,and keep the people in mind,Select talents,dismiss traitors,and correct errors in a timely manner,Governing the country requires more trust and less suspicion,Advocate frugality,reduce project expenditure,and do not exhaust military force,Of course,we must also maintain combat readiness,Only in this way can the country be better and better governed。

chen mu: Sir is right,I respectfully accept your teachings。

陈牧: 寡人欲改祖宗之法,可乎?先生何以教我?

萧凡: 臣以为,治国有常,而利民为本,政教有道,而令行为右,苟利于民,不必法古,苟周于事,不必循俗,故圣人法于时变,礼与俗化,衣服 器械,各便其用,法度制令,各因其宜,故变法利国利民,变之可也。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。

chen mu: I want to change the laws of my ancestors,Sir taught me how to do it?

xiao fan: I think,The essence of governing the country is to put the people as the foundation,As long as the policy is beneficial to the people,then it does not have to follow the previous law,The formulation of policies should conform to the requirements of the times,Since it is beneficial to the country and the people,why can't it be changed?

chen mu: Sir is right,I respectfully accept your teachings。

陈牧: 何为王者之兵?先生教我。

萧凡: 臣以为,圣王之用兵也,非好乐之,将以诛暴讨乱,吊民伐罪,抑恶扬善,夫以义诛不义,若决江河而溉爝火,临不测而挤欲坠,其克之必也,此乃王者之兵也。

陈牧: 先生之言甚善,寡人受教矣。

chen mu: What is the army of justice?Sir taught me。

xiao fan: I think,The true meaning of the Holy King's use of soldiers is to quell the riots and to fight against the guilty,and to save the people,He didn't like war but he was forced to do so,Fighting evil with righteousness will go as smoothly as pouring fire with water,There will definitely be victory,This is the army of justice。

chen mu: Sir is right,I accept your teachings。 pDLHoQtCSw92wVQ+PHZMeGT5tR2cZe62fQFfCq6PtKLOxS2fHraesyxc8lkmHZx+

