

陈牧: 今北平未下,寡人欲屠之以威齐国,可乎?先生以为如何?

萧凡: 臣以为不可,燕降三日,吏人从服,孩儿老母,口以万数,一旦放兵纵火,闻之可为酸鼻,大王以仁义定天下,何忍行此?仰视天,俯视地,不愧于心哉?良失吊民伐罪之义也,窃为大王所不取也。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人知过矣。

chen mu: Today,Peiping has not been conquered,I want to slaughter the city to deter the state of Qi,Sir,what do you think?

xiao fan: I don't think so,Officials and civilians have surrendered,Once the city is set on fire,it is very cruel,You settle the world with kindness and righteousness,how can you bear it,This is not what a righteous king should do,Aren't you ashamed of that?It goes against the idea of the Holy King saving the common people,I don't recommend you do that。

chen mu: Sir is right,I was wrong。

陈牧: 今世乱纷扰,茂才良莠不齐,寡人欲废科举,取士于氏族,可乎?先生以为如何?

萧凡: 臣以为不可,古者,德义可尊,无择负贩,苟非其人,何取世族,名公子孙,布衣之伍,本无华素之隔,有晋以来,其流稍改,草泽奇士,犹显清途,降及季年,专限阀阅,自是三公之子,傲九棘之家,黄散之孙,蔑令长之室,转相骄矜,互争铢两,唯论门户,不问贤能,至于末年天下大乱,非必不由此也,取士以德,以才,以量,何分世家寒门,但以阀阅取士,太祖高皇帝何犹而起也?

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人知过矣。

chen mu: Now the world is chaotic,and the talent is uneven,I want to abolish the examination system and select talents from among the nobility,Sir,what do you think?

xiao fan: I don't think so,In ancient times,talents were selected,not looking at the cold door and the nobility,as long as there was virtue and talent,they were used,Since the Jin Dynasty,they began to select talents from among the nobility,even if they were incompetent,This led to the arrogance and rudeness of the nobles,In the end,the world was in chaos,This is an important factor,The selection of talents depends on virtue and ability and mind,Why divide the cold door and the nobility?If you really do this,Why did your father start a business?

chen mu: Sir is right,I was wrong。

陈牧: 今迁都已久,寡人欲起太华殿,以固朝廷,可乎?先生以为如何?

萧凡: 臣以为,太祖始建都邑,其所营立,必因农隙,况建国已久,永安前殿足以朝会,西堂、温室足以宴息,紫楼足以临望,纵有修广,亦宜驯致,不可仓促,今计所当役凡二万人,老弱供饷,又当倍之,期半年可毕,一夫不耕,或受之饥,况四万人之劳费,可胜道乎!愿大王所宜留心也。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。

chen mu: It has been a long time since the capital was moved,I want to build a palace to consolidate the government,Sir,what do you think?

xiao fan: I think,When farming was completed,the old emperor would build the capital,Moreover,the country has been established for a long time,and the infrastructure has been completed,Meetings,rest,and sightseeing can be catered for,Even if you want to plan an expansion,you can't do it too quickly,This project requires more than 20,000 people,and the financial expenditure is even greater,The construction period is at least half a year,If agricultural production is delayed as a result,many people will endure hunger,I want you to think carefully。

chen mu: Sir is right,I respectfully accept your teachings。

陈牧: 今契丹衰弱,寡人欲告高句丽、乌桓攻其左,发河西四郡及天水、陇西鲜卑击其右,如此,北虏之灭,不过数年矣,可乎?先生以为如何?

萧凡: 臣以为,舍近谋远者,劳而无功,舍远谋近者,逸而有终,故日:务广地者荒,务广德者强,有其有者安,贪人有者残,残灭之敌政,虽成必败。今国无善政,灾变不息,百姓惊惶,人不自保,而复远事边外乎?孔子曰:吾恐季孙之忧,不在颛臾,而在萧墙之内也。愿大王察之。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。

chen mu: Now the Khitan is weakened,I want the vassals to attack its left,And let Longxi's army attack its right side,If this were the case,the Khitan would be destroyed in a few years,Sir,what do you think?

xiao fan: I think,It is not a good way to abandon what is near and think about what is farther away,Expanding territory leads to the decline of the country,Constantly promoting benevolence will make the country strong,Otherwise,it will lead to failure,Even if you win,it is a crushing victory,Moreover,national politics is still unstable,And disasters are frequent,The people were in a state of panic,Therefore,it is not reasonable to start a foreign war again,I fear that the country will be in civil strife as a result,I hope you will think about it carefully。

chen mu: Sir is right,I respectfully accept your teachings。

陈牧: 今羌王叛乱,扰动三辅,诸县望风而降,人无固志,国家所保唯长安、武威、安定数郡,寡人甚忧之,先生何以教我?

萧凡: 臣以为,羌王虽叛,其众未必同心,多为裹胁之民,可诱而降之,宜镇之以静,以至信待人。叛者亲戚布在宫省,若绳之以法,则士崩立至,宜明罪不相及之义。物情既定,人有战心,六军精勇,器甲犀利,以待不习之兵,其势相万耳,可令车骑将军郭况,兵临五丈原以分其势,速遣卫将军马隆,驰往长安以镇关中,不出月余,关西必定,大王勿忧也。

陈牧: 先生之策甚善,开寡人心怀也。

chen mu: Now the Qiang king rebelled and attacked Kansai,The county surrendered,and the people panicked,The only cities we can control are Chang an,An ding,and Wu wei,I was very worried,Sir taught me what to do?

xiao fan: I think,Although the Qiang king rebelled,not everyone was of the same heart as him,They were all forced,so we could persuade them to surrender,Stay calm and treat them with sincerity,Their relatives and friends are with us,but you don't threaten them,Only then will they truly submit to us,Moreover,our army is elite and well equipped,It is very easy to defeat the untrained ones,You ordered General Guo to occupy Wu zhang yuan to distract the enemy,Then you let General Ma march into Chang an,In a few months,Kansai would be pacified,So,You don't need to worry too much about it。

chen mu: Sir is right,I have nothing more to worry about。

陈牧: 今关西承羌乱之后而多盗,寡人甚忧之,先生何以教我?

萧凡: 臣以为昔宋均立德,猛虎渡河,卓茂行化,蝗不入境,况盗贼,人也,苟守宰得人,治化有方,止之易矣,愿大王舍年劳之令,唯才是举,则关西必定。

陈牧: 先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。

chen mu: Since the rebellion of the Qiang King,there have been many thieves in Kansai,I am very worried about this,Sir taught me what to do?

xiao fan: I think,In the past,Song Jun used benevolence in administration,Tigers were also domesticated as a result,Zhuo Mao promoted indoctrination,and locusts did not enter his territory,Besides,thieves are also human beings,As long as officials are appointed correctly and indoctrination is appropriate,Then it is not difficult for them to persuade one after another,I want you to select officials because of talent rather than age,If so,Kansai will definitely be stabilized。

chen mu: Sir is right,I respectfully accept your teachings。 m8AQEb+4GOVP3eQ6jLcVi/SFQUYfxzcA3TSSSxXEiFRdwv+aMw7rCPvX0CTccXWa
