
Essay 002


Read carefully the following excerpt and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 WORDS, in which you should:

1. summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then

2. comment on the positive role of online classes.

You can support yourself with information from the excerpt.

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


The Newly Emerging Technology of Online Classes

Earning degrees, diplomas and certificates by taking online classes and enjoying its many advantages over attending a “brick and mortar” school are rapidly growing in popularity among people who want to enhance their employment opportunities as well as their learning potential. Over the past decade, online colleges and universities have implemented extensive improvements in curriculum quality and administrative capacities in order to provide potential students with an exceptional online experience that culminates in earning a valid and respected degree.

Online classes have developed into an accepted way to obtain educational degrees that many employers demand before they hire someone. With the development of computers and the Internet, more and more people have benefited from online classes, which anyone can attend in every corner of the world so long as he or she has the access to a computer. It is especially convenient for people with disability.

Taking online classes can potentially save students large amounts of money. With online classes, students can also choose their own schedules. There is no certain time in which they have to be in class and students can spend as little as 30 minutes or as much as 4 hours working on their assignments or reading lecture notes. Airports, restaurants, Internet cafes, WiFi hotspots or anywhere else that offers access to the Internet can allow students to grab some quick study time when it is convenient.




1 简要概括材料,并根据材料提出自己的观点:网络课程给人们带来诸多有利之处。

2 分点论述网络课程的有利之处:首先,学生可以不用到教室里学习;其次,课程计划更加灵活;再次,能为足不出户者或残疾人士提供学习机会。

3 最后总结观点并呼应开头:网络课程能够优化人们的学习方式,给生活带来便利,在现代社会中已经越来越普遍。


The Benefits of Online Classes

As has been stated in the above excerpt, online classes become a trend of modern education and it turns out to be an easy and comfortable method to achieve knowledge in many fields. As far as I am concerned, an online class provides potential students with great benefits in aspects of studying freely, arranging schedules flexibly and earning degrees for housebound or handicapped individuals. (Viewpoint)

First of all, you do not have to walk into a classroom to study online courses. (Topic sentence) Compared with a typical class that is held in a classroom, an online class offers you the chance to study anywhere you want, be it in a library or at home. Therefore, studying online is extremely convenient for learners, especially those who prefer to study in a cozy and agreeable environment.

Besides, attending online classes offers students a lot more flexibility of class scheduling. (Topic sentence) There is no certain time to be in class. For instance, students can choose when to log in each day to view lecture notes, assignments, message boards and emails.

Last but not least, online classes bring hope for housebound and handicapped individuals. (Topic sentence) Some people with disabilities would prefer to remain at home while studying for a degree. As more and more computer-based jobs are emerging now, a disabled person who has earned a professional degree by the available online course has a good chance of getting such jobs.

All in all, online classes play a crucial role in modern education. (Conclusion) Students will find them more enticing in many aspects. They make modern education more flexible and effective.


housebound adj. (通常指因为生病或步行不便而)足不出户的

handicapped adj. 有生理缺陷的;残疾的

cosy adj. 舒适的

agreeable adj. 惬意的;宜人的

flexibility n. 灵活性

disabled adj. 残疾的

enticing adj. 有吸引力的;诱人的


1 Some people with disabilities would prefer to remain at home while studying for a degree.

译文 一些残疾人在攻读学位的时候更愿意待在家里。

分析 当while引导的时间状语从句的主语与主句主语相一致,且从句谓语又含有be时,从句中的主语和be有时可省略。所以,while studying for a degree省略了some people are,但却使得句子简洁清晰。

2 As more and more computer-based jobs are emerging now, a disabled person who has earned a professional degree by the available online course has a good chance of getting such jobs.

译文 如今,随着越来越多以计算机为基础的工作涌现出来,通过在线课程获得专业学位的残疾人很有可能找到这样的工作。

分析 该句的主干是a disabled person has a good chance。句中包含短语a good chance of(希望很大)。who引导定语从句,修饰先行词a disabled person。 YWtZnEJGDuCagle5qPsK3rNVylTF6kzku2tyK2mzk0TCIl2anuPoEUBrqq3iBoNb
