
Essay 019


Read carefully the following excerpt and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 WORDS, in which you should:

1. summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then

2. comment on which is more important for college students, theoretical knowledge or practical experience.

You can support yourself with information from the excerpt.

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


Theory and Practice

When it comes to knowledge, there are different ways of acquiring each kind. On one side is theory and on the other side is the practical application of theory. Both types of knowledge are important and both make you better at whatever you do.

I think those who advance the furthest in life tend to be those who acquire knowledge at both ends of the spectrum and acquire it in a variety of ways.

Theoretical knowledge teaches the “why”. It helps you understand why one technique works where another fails. It shows you the whole forest, builds the context, and helps you set strategy. Where self-education is concerned theory prepares you to set a direction for your future education. Theory teaches you through the experience of others.

Practical knowledge helps you acquire the specific techniques that become the tools of your trade. It sits much closer to your actual day-to-day work. There are some things you can only learn through doing and experiencing. Where theory is often taught in the ideal of a vacuum, the practical is learned through the reality of life. Practical knowledge can often lead to a deeper understanding of a concept through the act of doing and personal experience.

Both of the above are important. You won’t survive in any career unless you can bring results and to do that you need practical knowledge. There’s no avoiding it.




1 简要概括材料,即理论知识和实践技能对一个人的全面发展都非常重要,但人们对“大学生是该多注重学习课本理论知识,还是该更多参加实践”看法不同,并根据材料提出自己的观点:实践对大学生而言是更重要的。

2 分别从两方面论述实践对大学生的重要性:一方面,实践经历可以让大学生在毕业之后具备工作时所需要的各种能力;另一方面,实践经历是提高对所学理论知识的认识最有效的方法。然后举例证明。

3 最后总结观点并呼应开头:实践的优势大大地超过了理论知识,对大学生而言,实践经历比课本理论知识要重要得多。


Advantages of Practical Application

As stated in the above excerpt, both theoretical knowledge and practical skills play a crucial part in the overall development and perception of a person. However, there are different views as to which one lends more weight. As far as I am concerned, the effect of comparison is heightened by the unique advantage that practical application enjoys. (Viewpoint)

For one thing, no one can deny the fact that practical experience equips college students with the competence which is most needed to enter the workforce after graduation. (Topic sentence) As is known to all, college is a period of transition when students begin to prepare themselves for a more challenging career life. Thus, practical application becomes particularly important. There is no substitute for practical experience in gaining a high level of competence marketable in this fiercely competitive society.

For another, practical experience is the most effective way in advancing one’s understanding of what he or she learns from books. (Topic sentence) Just as an old saying goes, practice is the sole criterion for testing truth. Only by practical training can college students thoroughly assimilate the ideas, techniques or information that are imparted to them from books or their professors.

Taking account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that the advantages of practical experience carry more weight than those of theoretical knowledge. (Conclusion) The abilities developed through practicing are much more important than the theoretical knowledge acquired on books for college students’ whole life.


perception n. 感知能力,认识能力

heighten v. 加强

substitute n. 替代

marketable adj. 有销路的

criterion n. 标准

assimilate v. 理解


1 However, there are different views as to which one lends more weight.

译文 然而,对于哪一个更有分量,大家有不同的观点。

分析 as to 意为“至于,关于;就……而论”,其功能类似于 with regard to、regarding、concerning 等,常用于相当正式的语境中,尤其用于争论和做出决定时,可放于句首或与 wh-疑问词引导的动词不定式和名词性从句连用(有时可省略)。lend more weight意为“更有分量”。

2 For one thing, no one can deny the fact that practical experience equips college students with the competence which is most needed to enter the workforce after graduation.

译文 一方面,没人能否认,实践经历可以让大学生在毕业之后具备进入职场最需要的各种能力。

分析 that引导的从句作fact的同位语,其中,which引导定语从句,修饰先行词competence,在从句中作主语,固定搭配equip...with意为“使……具备”。

3 Just as an old saying goes, practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.

译文 正如一句老话所说,实践是检验真理的唯一标准。

分析 议论文中使用名言或哲理性的句子能够使得文章更有说服力、权威性,增加文采,提升文化信息含量。 tOIq68hvS7ADeaVBs/f7d4f6CHdzEYN1RD9QGu11+/PNwcKuX1ydXaYjG+zK36WD
