
Essay 018


Read carefully the following excerpt and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 WORDS, in which you should:

1. summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then

2. comment on whether students should be encouraged to evaluate their teachers.

You can support yourself with information from the excerpt.

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


Grading Teachers by Students

As a student you are evaluated every day, but have you ever desired to be the one doing the grading? This is a thought-provoking idea. Teachers grade students on almost everything these days, including class participation and behavior. So wouldn’t it be nice to return the favor? It may sound like a great idea. It could also be a very bad one.

If students were able to grade their teachers, it could provide proper and thorough evaluation, help teachers to improve on what they may be lacking, and give parents insight into what is going on in the classroom, but at the same time it could prove to be harmful to students and a good teacher’s career if not implemented correctly. Afraid of being complained unreasonably or given bad ratings or comments by students, and being ordered to be well-behaved by school, teachers do not have a free hand to educate students. This is why it’s important to recognize the possible positive and negative effects of grading teachers by students.




1 简要概括文摘的主要内容,然后提出自己的观点,即学生给老师打分会引发不好的后果,导致师生关系的紧张。

2 分别从两方面论述自己的观点。首先,学生有可能在评分中带入个人恩怨。再者,老师也有可能为了评分给学生施加压力。

3 总结概括,呼应上文,学生给老师打分会产生很多消极影响,并不是客观评估教学的适当方法。


Grading Teachers Is Inadvisable

The main issue that is raised in the above excerpt is whether or not students should be allowed to grade their teachers. The proposal that students should be entitled to evaluate their teachers has its own benefits and flaws. As far as I am concerned, allowing students to grade their teachers may put strains on their relations. (Viewpoint)

For one thing, students might take personal vendettas into teachers grading. (Topic sentence) There are numerous ways students can do. Not only can they simply give a bad review but also they may bully other students into giving false evaluations of their teachers. Thus it is possible that grading teachers provides students with the opportunity to start and spread rumors, lies and inappropriate assessment that may bring chaos to teachers’ career and private life.

For another, teachers might try to compel students to give good grades. (Topic sentence) Such kind of thing is not rare. Threats of harder work, more tests, lower grades and complete hostility may be used to coerce students into giving teachers a satisfying grade.

From the aforementioned facts, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that there are various negative consequences that would come about due to teachers’ being graded by students. (Conclusion) It is not worth the benefit of any positive effects. Ergo, I think that teachers’ being graded by students is not suitable to implement the objective assessment of teaching.


entitle v. 使有资格

flaw n. 瑕疵,缺点

strain n. 重负

vendetta n. 积怨,不合

bully v. 欺负;威吓

assessment n. 评估,评价

compel v. 强迫,迫使

hostility n. 敌意

coerce vt. 强制,迫使

ergo adv. 因此


1 Thus it is possible that grading teachers provides students with the opportunity to start and spread rumors, lies and inappropriate assessment that may bring chaos to teachers’ career and private life..

译文 因此,给老师评分可能给学生提供了发布和传播谣言、谎言和不恰当的评价的机会,这些可能会给老师的职业生涯和私人生活带来混乱。

分析 it is possible that中的it为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句,即主语从句。第二个that引导定语从句,修饰先行词assessment,在从句中作主语。

2 From the aforementioned facts, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that there are various negative consequences that would come about due to teachers’ being graded by students.

译文 从上面提到的事实来看,不难得出结论,学生给老师打分会引起很多不良后果。

分析 本句采用了固定表述draw the conclusion,意为“得出结论”,that there are various negative effects中的that引导的是一个同位语从句,而that would come about due to teachers’ being graded by students中的that引导的是一个定语从句。 LFvNIRe88ToLx/FacWaK5NaVJJjns3EsKm3bsPCqNiAnqIc1NB8zonKOq2rTYlb+
