
Essay 017


Read carefully the following excerpt and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 WORDS, in which you should:

1. summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then

2. comment on the transition from high school to college.

You can support yourself with information from the excerpt.

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


Transition from High School to College

The month of June is a time of celebration for high school seniors. As they step onto the stage in cap and gown to receive their diploma, their nostalgia for old days mingles with satisfaction, excitement of moving on to college life. As tassels are moved from one side of their mortarboard to the other, the ritual of the transition to college life begins.

Besides graduating, these students share one common aspiration: they are overly optimistic and confident in managing the challenges they will encounter at college.

Disenchantment might come up when new college students’ academic, social, and personal expectations are not met after arriving at college. As a result, some students may leave college or flunk out within the first year. The majority of the students that leave the first years do so during the first six weeks of the fall term because they have not been able to make a successful transition. In a recent study of high school seniors, nearly 74% of high school seniors did not pay much attention to the social adjustments related to college.




1 简要概括文章中提出的观点,即一些大学新生因为无法适应从高中到大学的转变而面临很多困难,甚至中途辍学。然后提出自己的观点:从高中到大学的转变是至关重要的,每个大学新生都应该及时调整自己以适应大学的新生活。

2 论述第一个方面,即为了达到大学对学业的更高要求,每个大学新生都应该提高自己的自学能力,并举例证明。

3 论述第二个方面,即为了平稳地从高中过渡到大学,每个大学新生都必须适应更多元化的校园环境,并举例证明。

4 最后总结全文,重申观点呼应上文,强调其重要性。


When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do

As has been asserted in the above passage, many new challenges relevant to academic qualifications, social life or personal expectations might come up as college life begins. As a result, some students leave college or flunk out within the first year. As far as I am concerned, the transition from high school to college is of preponderant significance for all college freshmen and every one of them should adjust timely to accommodate to an alien environment. (Viewpoint)

First of all, freshmen should sharpen their self-learning skills in order to meet higher criteria for academic qualifications in college. (Topic sentence) Known by all, there will be massive amount of information and an extensive coverage of diverse knowledge in different courses at college. This requires a greater capacity for generalizing and assimilating what is learned in a lecture. Thus, transferring from a passive recipient of what the teacher imparts to a more autonomous learner is the prerequisite for college learning.

Furthermore, in order to ensure a smooth transition from high school to college, a student should get acclimatized to a more ethnically diverse surrounding. (Topic sentence) It is generally believed that lodging with students of different races or culture backgrounds would compel them to engage in more diverse friendships. Unlike high school, a college is a melting pot with different people from the whole country or even the whole world. Only by learning to mix with people of different cultures will students enjoy the rich cultural blend that the college life brings to them.

In conclusion, the transition from high school to college is a vital step for the whole college life. (Conclusion) Not only does it have a huge influence on a person’s prospects but also it is the turning point for a student in the process of growing up as a matured and independent person.


flunk out 退学

preponderant adj. 突出的

alien adj. 陌生的

sharpen v. 增强

generalize v. 概括

assimilate v. 透彻理解,吸收

recipient n. 接受者

acclimatize vt. 使适应

lodge v. 寄宿,租住

ethnically adv. 种族上地


1 Thus, transferring from a passive recipient of what the teacher imparts to a more autonomous learner is the prerequisite for college learning.

译文 因此,从被动接受老师所授内容转变为自主学习是大学学习的必要条件。

分析 本句主语是动名词短语transferring from a passive recipient of what the teacher imparts to a more autonomous learner,因此,谓语要用单数形式。what the teacher imparts 是what 引导的宾语从句。

2 Furthermore, in order to ensure a smooth transition from high school to college, a student should get acclimatized to a more ethnically diverse surrounding.

译文 再者,为了确保从高中到大学的顺利过渡,学生应该学会适应一个种族更加多样化的环境。

分析 furthermore引出进一步的论述。get acclimatized to意为“适应,习惯于”,to在这里是介词,所以后面跟名词短语。 8Dx6VNZl5dyXYpubKNuF4mrtorFKkXNabsYO3Gr+dtUiiYg0/WHq6WIuejbWESzn
