
Essay 015


Read carefully the following excerpt and then write your viewpoint in NO LESS THAN 200 WORDS, in which you should:

1. summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then

2. comment on the pros and cons of online learning.

You can support yourself with information from the excerpt.

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


Pros and Cons of Online Learning

Learning is often considered to be a normal part of working and personal life. Career-oriented learning and knowledge-oriented learning both should not be neglected. The online environment is changing continuously and is representative of a great opportunity for learning. It is very important to learn how to select the courses that suit one’s learning by filtering all available communication channels.

Although many people still consider traditional universities as the best way to acquire knowledge and get a diploma, online learning proves to be a great alternative. Students have the chance to study in their own time and especially for free. It represents a great way to involve many fields and to boost the self-motivation. Online learning is so effective because students can finish their homework quickly, and there is more time left for hobbies or for finding a job.

However, Online learning cannot offer human interaction. At school, students learn how to make friends, be patient, get rid of disappointment, and especially compete. Competition between colleagues can be very stimulating and students will benefit a lot from it. Online courses cannot introduce thousands of students into discussions. Moreover, online learning is not perfectly feasible if it is operated for enhancing practice.




1 简要概括材料内容,即在线学习既有好处也有坏处,然后表明自己的观点和立场,即在线学习利大于弊。

2 先简要论述在线学习的缺点,然后进行反面论证,再从两方面阐述在线学习的优点,并举例证明。

3 最后概括全文,并呼应上文,进一步总结在线学习的优点。


Online Learning Has More Ground

As has been stated in the above excerpt the Internet provides people with a lot of valuable information. People find it easy to access knowledge and information in various fields of study through the Internet. Although online learning has its own pros and cons, its benefits largely outweigh the drawbacks. (Viewpoint)

People who disapprove of the idea might argue that online learning requires a tremendous amount of self-discipline for being unable to offer interaction. Therefore, it is difficult for people to make the best of online learning. However, it is just a flaw in a white jade. Actually, almost every form of learning demands perseverance and online environment provides the other type of interaction. (Topic sentence)

On the contrary, online learning proves to be a great alternative to learning in the traditional sense. (Topic sentence) Firstly, with resources of traditional courses being easily accessible to the public, online learning benefits participants to learn wherever they are and whenever they want.

Moreover, online learning eliminates the restrictions on students’ age and nationality. (Topic sentence) For instance, a 40-year-old Japanese person can also be admitted to a university in Berlin which offers online courses and study with those fresh graduates on the Internet.

In conclusion, served as a complement and extension of classical forms of education, online learning possesses a great variety of advantages. (Conclusion) Actually, with a multimedia approach to learning, a comprehensive online course system can replace face-to-face contact with a teacher, or other human interactions that develop in a group.


disapprove v. 不赞成;不同意

defect n. 缺陷,缺点

perseverance n. 毅力

alternative n. 可供选择的事物

eliminate v. 消除

complement n. 补充,补足

extension n. 拓展,扩大

multimedia n. 多媒体


1 People who disapprove of the idea might argue that online learning requires a tremendous amount of self-discipline for being unable to offer interaction.

译文 不赞成这一观点的人可能会说,在线学习由于无法提供互动,需要非常强大的自我约束能力。

分析 本句的主干是people argue,其中,who引导的定语从句修饰先行词people,that引导的从句作argue的宾语。固定搭配disapprove of意为“不赞同,反对”;a tremendous amount of意为“大量的”。

2 Firstly, with resources of traditional courses being easily accessible to the public, online learning benefits participants to learn wherever they are and whenever they want.

译文 首先,由于传统课程资源容易获取,在线学习有利于参与者随时随地学习。

分析 wherever they are和whenever they want是分别是地点和时间状语从句。短语easily accessible to意为“(某种资源)很容易为(某人)所接近”;benefit sb.意为“使某人获益”。 lqJOzu5PoAfKMMdBgqplp5lLhUpl7peCewzjHiUAuwKvaY0waQ6bmg0grJgb2rOA
