
Essay 013


Read carefully the following excerpt and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 WORDS, in which you should:

1. summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then

2. comment on parents’ anxiety over their children’s education.

You can support yourself with information from the excerpt.

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

Write your response on ANSWER SHEET THREE.


Chinese Parents Expect New Legislation to Help Ease Anxiety over Education

About 94.7 percent of Chinese parents expect the newly adopted law on family education promotion to help reduce their anxiety over their children’s education, a survey by China Youth Daily showed.

Of the 1,149 surveyed, 77.5 percent have one underage child, while the remaining respondents have two or more children.

According to the survey, the majority of people interviewed had kept a close eye on the legislative process.

About 61.4 percent said they concern themselves with the provision stipulating the responsibilities of parents not to place an excessive academic burden on their children. Also, 58.8 percent said they are paying much attention to the provision requiring parents to play their part in preventing their children from becoming addicted to the internet.

The law on family education promotion was passed on Oct 23 and will go into effect on Jan 1, 2022. It stipulates that the guardians of minors should appropriately organize children’s time for study, rest, recreation and physical exercise.

“The provisions are highly targeted and of great practical significance,” said a former employee of an educational institution in Beijing, surnamed Zhang. “However, more supportive measures are needed to ensure the law is followed.”

If the law can be faithfully implemented as expected, parental anxiety over children’s education will undoubtedly be eased, Zhang added.




1 简要概括材料,即政府通过立法缓解父母的教育忧虑,然后提出自己的看法,有很多原因导致父母的教育焦虑问题。

2 阐述原因并提出建议:社会压力大,父母寄希望于下一代,希望孩子获得更好的竞争优势,所以他们看重学业成绩,带他们参加各种课外班。只有保证新法执行的力度,才能缓解教育焦虑。此外,父母应改变思想,帮助孩子充分发挥他们的潜力,不要只关注学业,还应关注其他重要技能的培养。

3 总结:立法能够缓解一定的教育忧虑,但它并非万能之计。更重要的是,家长应该学会接受孩子的不完美,尊重他们的想法,欣赏他们的努力。


Let Go of Your Overburdened Kids

The above excerpt showed that many parents with anxiety over their children’s education were expecting the law on family education promotion would contribute to easing their anxiety. When it comes to parents’ anxiety over their children’s education and the law aimed at easing the anxiety of parents, I would like to make some comments. (Viewpoint)

To begin with, burdened with heavy life pressure, Chinese parents have somehow placed their own expectations and aspirations for life on their children. (Topic sentence) In order to make sure their kids get an edge amid fierce competition in all kinds of entrance examinations, they traditionally believed that academic scores should be put in the first place, thus investing everything to help them achieve better results by having them attend various after-class training. Thus, the law about appropriately organizing children’s time came at just the right time. However, only if the law is faithfully implemented as expected, can parental anxiety over children’s education be eased.

However, perhaps what all parents need to do is help their children to realize their full potential. (Topic sentence) Parents should not push their children to merely focus on academic studies. Activities are there for them to develop other essential life skills. In addition, students need time to absorb the new information and retain what they have learned.

To sum up, the government’s legislation does help reduce parental anxiety, but it is not a panacea for all educational problems. More importantly, parents should learn to accept their children’s imperfections, respect their ideas and appreciate the efforts they make. (Conclusion)


legislation n. 法律;立法,制订法律

burdened with 背负,负担

aspiration n. 渴望,抱负,志向

get an edge 获得优势

fierce competition 激烈的竞争

entrance examination 入学考试

put...in the first place 把……放在首位

implement v. 贯彻,执行

parental anxiety over 父母对……的焦虑

realize one’s fullest potential 充分发挥某人的潜力

panacea 灵丹妙药;万能之计

imperfection n. 不完美;瑕疵;缺点


However, only if the law is faithfully implemented as expected, can parental anxiety over children’s education be eased.

译文 但是,只有法律如预期那样得到严格执行,家长对孩子教育的焦虑才能有所缓解。

分析 本句采用了“only if...+主句(半倒装)”的固定句式,only if 位于句首,主句要用半倒装形式,即“情态动词/be/助动词+主语+动词原形”,这种句式用条件进行了强调。句中的faithfully原本意为“如实地,准确地”,这里表示“严格(执法)”,ease anxiety over意为“缓解对……的焦虑”。 vHLX1zU6/dV+1i33r7L7BOwNxxlNot/bzgfx6tsycVcDzmEW9bZsmt6woOfgsVFI
