
Essay 011


Read carefully the following excerpt and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 WORDS, in which you should:

1. summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then

2. comment on the benefits of good study habits.

You can support yourself with information from the excerpt.

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


Good Study Habits

As for a good habit, the sooner you start it, the better chance you will have to continue it. We all know that good study habits are essential to educational success. Thus, the awareness that they should never involve academic dishonesty should be imparted to students as they just set foot in a school. This good habit could be a life-long education.

Good study habits are a great tool to have in the toolbox of life. Good study habits are all about keeping to a daily routine and giving all subjects equal treatment. If you are weak in this, take a “study skills” course or have someone show you good study habits.

The problem is that those high school study habits are hard to shake. Hard work and good study habits are assets that should be nurtured. Motivation and study habits are obviously crucial as well. Good habits can save time and money and achieve educational goals. After that experience your study habits are permanently altered, and this will help you be prepared for all things in your life. The time management, organization, self-discipline and great studying habits are prioritized for an academic success.




1 简要概括材料中提出的观点,即,有效的学习习惯有助于取得学业成功,越来越多的人意识到学业上的成功更多地取决于学习的习惯和方式而不是智力。然后,提出自己的观点:好的学习习惯的确有益于学习。

2 论述第一个理由,即好的学习习惯是学习过程的重要部分,并举例证明学生往往得益于好的学习习惯,大多数学习不好的学生都受到不良学习习惯的影响。

3 论述第二个理由,即好的学习习惯对人的一生都非常重要,并举例证明。

4 最后总结全文,再次提出观点呼应上文。


Benefits from Good Study Habits

As has been pointed out in the above excerpt, effective study habits are a very important part of the learning process and good study habits will help students win a successful academic future. More and more people have realized the truth that success in school is not so much determined sheerly by intelligence as knowing how to study. In my point of view, there is a grain of truth in these statements. (Viewpoint)

First of all, no one can deny the fact that great study habits play a crucial part in obtaining academic success. (Topic sentence) Students with good academic achievements generally benefit a lot from their good study habits. Students with learning problems, however, may be generally inefficient and ineffective in study habits and skills. Developing good and effective study habits will greatly help to achieve success in academic work.

Secondly, good study habits are assets that should be nurtured. (Topic sentence) Cultivating good and effective study habits can lay the groundwork for a successful future. Good study habits include many different skills: time management, self-discipline, concentration, organization and effort. Desire to succeed is important as well. While cultivating good study habits, people discover their areas of strength pertaining to their study, which can be applied in other areas of their life as well, such as their jobs, careers, or any activities that require thoughts, planning and self-discipline.

Taking account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that great study habits are necessary for academic success and will contribute a lot to a secure and happy future. (Conclusion)


asset n. 优点

pertain to 与……有关,涉及,适合于

take account of 考虑到,顾及

contribute to 有助于,有利于


1 More and more people have realized the truth that success in school is not so much determined sheerly by intelligence as knowing how to study.

译文 越来越多的人认识到这样一个事实:在学校的成功与其说完全取决于智力,不如说是取决于知道如何学习。

分析 该句包含一个常用的并列连词not so much A as B,其含义相当于rather than,意为“与其说是A倒不如说是B”。

2 Taking account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that great study habits are necessary for academic success and will contribute a lot to a secure and happy future.

译文 考虑到所有这些因素,我们可以得出结论,良好的学习习惯对学业成功是必要的,并将对安全和幸福的未来大有裨益。

分析 本句引用固定搭配take account of,意为“考虑到……”,另外taking account of all these factors,这个句式常用于文章结尾,对所论述的观点进行归纳总结。 +LZkPGQxibjAdpXC4w5W2rmfb58iTx0GQLjTbn1Nv411zcUNp/p/aYNfOV7BGlpL
