
Essay 009


Read carefully the following excerpt and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 WORDS, in which you should:

1. summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then

2. comment on parents’ mentality of paying great attention to personal quality education for young kids.

You can support yourself with information from the excerpt.

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


Pay Attention to Personal Quality Education or Not?

More and more young parents are buying into suzhi jiaoyu , or “personal quality education,” a term that refers to encouraging children to cultivate diverse interests outside the traditional, exam-oriented educational curriculum. These interests can include anything from Chinese calligraphy, to skateboarding, to robot programming, and usually involve attending so-called interest classes, usually offered by private education companies.

However, some Chinese parents maintain that our hand-holding mentality is overwhelming our children. We have to loosen our grip, give our kids time of their own, and let them take the initiative. As parents, we worry endlessly about preparing our kids for the real world. At times, we see life as a battlefield on which everyone must arm themselves for a fight. But the best times in life are those stolen moments we spend with other people—an idle afternoon with a beloved companion, a cup of tea with an old friend, or a simple game of tag with our classmates after school.




1 总结材料内容,然后发表自己的看法:重视孩子的素质教育的家长是明智的,为孩子的未来发展做了好事。

2 分点阐述理由:首先,早年良好的基础会使孩子有一个更好的起点,会让孩子的成年阶段与众不同;其次,孩子们生来就乐于学习,对周围的世界充满兴趣;最后,多培养孩子广泛的兴趣,有利于他们全面发展。

3 总结全文,重申论点:毫无疑问,父母应当竭尽所能培养孩子的广泛兴趣,但兴趣的培养应当建立在孩子自愿的基础之上。


Try Your Utmost to Help Kids Develop Their Interests and Skills

The above excerpt expresses two totally different ways that Chinese parents educate their children. For my part, parents who emphasize personal quality education for young kids are wiser, as they have done a good job for their children’s future development. (Viewpoint)

Firstly, a good foundation in the early years can make a difference through the adulthood and even give the next generation a better start. (Topic sentence) Life is a long marathon where kids will grow up finally and be required to support their family. All they have learned in childhood will possibly give them an advantage in their future academic and career life.

Secondly, children are born ready to learn and are interested in the world around them. (Topic sentence) It is natural for them to learn what they are interested in. From birth, children are learning about themselves, other people and the world around them. Therefore, learning is an enjoyable way for them to learn new things and to satisfy their curiosity, not as burdensome or exhausting as it seems.

Finally, having your children develop a wider range of interests is beneficial to their all-round development. (Topic sentence) If your kids develop more interests and skills, they will become more confident. A versatile person in society is usually more popular among the crowds.

Overall, there is no doubt that parents should try their utmost to help their kids develop more interests and skills, but first they need to respect their kids’ own wishes. (Conclusion) Overwhelming workloads would get just the opposite effect. The key is to help children to follow their own interests so as to reach their full potential.


marathon n. 马拉松赛跑

burdensome adj. 繁重的

overwhelming adj. 巨大的;压倒性的

workload n. 工作量


1 All they have learned in childhood will possibly give them an advantage in their future academic and career life.

译文 他们在童年所学的一切,都可能会成为他们在未来的学业和职业生涯中的优势。

分析 句子主干是All will give them an advantage,而all 被定语从句they have learned所修饰,省略了充当learned的宾语的关系代词that。注意:all(that)+定从=what引导的从句。

2 Therefore, learning is an enjoyable way for them to learn new things and to satisfy their curiosity, not as burdensome or exhausting as it seems.

译文 因此,对他们来说,学习是认识新事物并满足其好奇心的一种令人愉快的方法,而不是像看起来的那样繁重或令人疲惫。

分析 as... as意为“和……一样”,表示同级的比较,其基本模式是:as+ adj. / adv. (原级)+as分句,否定式not as/so+ adj. / adv. +as(原级)+as分句。需注意:当主句主语和as分句主语不同而比较项目相同时,as分句总是省略名词或代词后的动词,即通常用省略句;但若两个主语相同,不论比较项目是否相同,as分句不能用省略句,而必须用完全句。此处的it seems中it指代learning,两个主语相同,故it seems不可省略。 aTlgr6PP1vy3UYbTHQnXUPzTKl90mCoR9g22qmGvYsoUzYYjWqAphHKA53T/2LCN
