
Essay 008


Read carefully the following excerpt and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 WORDS, in which you should:

1. summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then

2. comment on the topic of college students’ balancing academic study and extracurricular activities.

You can support yourself with information from the excerpt.

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


To Balance Responsibilities Is Not Easy

Balancing responsibilities is difficult for many college students. College is a stressful time for most young adults, yet it’s critical to make time for all aspects of life, such as academics, socialization, sleep and exercise. Being balanced helps prevent burnout, anxiety and stress.

In fact, a study published in the “American Journal of Health Studies” found that college students with effective time-management skills experienced less academic stress and anxiety than their counterparts. When the going gets tough and deadlines start to creep up on you, you need to be able to manage your time and tackle the most pressing responsibilities first.

Being an effective college student means that you have developed sufficient maturity to understand the importance of your education. But it also means knowing how to maintain a proper balance between your studies and your life outside of school.

Some of the qualities that can make you an effective college student are innate, but some can be cultivated with a bit of patience and persistence. Many successful college students share similar traits.




1 先简述材料内容,然后表明自己的看法:如何平衡二者对大学生而言的确是一个很大的挑战。

2 分点阐述:首先,作为大学生,我们应该知道什么是重要的,这样才能分清轻重缓急;其次,选择参加何种课外活动也至关重要。

3 总结全文:对于大学生而言,平衡学习和课外活动具有挑战性。


Maintain a Balance Between Academic Study and Extracurricular Activities

The above excerpt has revealed the truth that college students need to manage their time and maintain a proper balance between their study and other activities. Academic study and extracurricular activities are both important for college students. They both require a lot of time and energy. So how to balance the two is a big challenge for college students. (Viewpoint)

First of all, as college students, we should know which is more important for us, so as to get our priorities right. (Topic sentence) For example, if you are a freshman or a sophomore, it’s better to spend more time on academic study. If you are a junior or a senior student, and you have fewer courses, then participating in more extracurricular activities would be a better choice.

Secondly, it’s also of vital importance as for what kind of activities you should take part in. (Topic sentence) Some may be beneficial to your future career, and may help you find a promising job. Some may be your personal interests and are just for fun. When you have limited time and are struggling for good academic performance, it’s probably not a good idea to spend time on recreational activities.

To sum up, it’s challenging for college students to balance academic study and extracurricular activities. (Conclusion) You need to make the best decision by considering your own specific situation.


academic study学习,学业

reveal the truth 揭示真相

extracurricular adj. 课外的

get one’s priorities right某人分清轻重缓急

sophomore n. 大二学生

participate in参加,参与

be of vital importance极其重要的

as for至于,关于

beneficial adj. 有益的

promising adj. 有前途的

for fun 为了开心

recreational adj. 娱乐的,消遣的

specific adj. 具体的


1 The above excerpt has revealed the truth that college students need to manage their time and maintain a proper balance between their study and other activities.

译文 上述节选材料揭示了一个真相:大学生需要管理自己的时间,在学习和其他活动之间保持合理的平衡关系。

分析 reveal the truth 即“揭示真相”之意;that引导同位语从句,作the truth的同位语,起解释说明的作用;maintain a balance between...and...意为“在……与……之间保持平衡”。

2 First of all, as college students, we should know which is more important for us, so as to get our priorities right.

译文 首先,作为大学生,我们应当知道对自己而言哪个更重要,以便分清轻重缓急。

分析 as college students是介词短语,充当句子状语;which is more important for us是which引导的宾语从句,充当谓语动词know的宾语;so as to get our priorities right是不定式短语结构,表示目的,而get one’s priorities right是一个重要短语,意为“某人分清轻重缓急”。 qyowAudUDlkgh3hDNDxXTzGb9NVBPZXXbajaxEc8raI2egskfYt+9xon+3cS1tSG
