
Essay 007


Read carefully the following excerpt and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 WORDS, in which you should:

1. summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then

2. comment on some universities’ policy about students having to pass the physical fitness tests before graduation.

You can support yourself with information from the excerpt.

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

Write your response on ANSWER SHEET THREE.


PE—No Longer a Minor Subject

For fresh students entering Yunnan University this autumn semester, failing to pass the physical fitness tests including running, pull-up and jumping will mean no diploma.

According to the new rule, which is dubbed the “strictest school rule on physical education in history”, PE classes must be offered to all students as compulsory courses, and students need to complete a total of 200 class hours in PE if they want to graduate.

This new requirement is nothing new. In 2007, the Ministry of Education issued a regulation, which asked schools to include physical fitness as a key criterion in assessing students’ performance, and those failing to acquire 50 points in the tests should not be allowed to graduate.

Though Chinese people’s livelihoods have improved over the last few decades thanks to the economic boom, the physical fitness of students has been on the decline.

A survey of college students, aged 19 to 22 years old, made by the Ministry of Education showed that in 2019 the scores of students in events such as standing long jump, 50-meter running, and push-up have fallen compared with the 2014 levels. For instance, the performance of 1,000-meter running for male students declined by 12.37 seconds and that of 800-meter running for female students dropped by 9.56 seconds.

The worsening physical health of students can be attributed to a lack of exercise and unhealthy lifestyles. As Chinese students face a fierce competition in the all-important college entrance exam, or Gaokao, academic performance is given a top priority in schools. PE classes often take a back seat to academic subjects which are considered more important. Besides, with the internet becoming a big part of their lives, many adolescents would rather spend their spare time playing video games rather than doing outdoor activities.




1 先简述材料内容,然后表明自己的看法:学生身体素质下降,迫使大学将体育测试纳入毕业标准。这种做法值得推广,而且应该更加关注体育课,注重身体健康。

2 首先分析原因:长期以来,为升学和就业,学生体育锻炼减少,学业负担沉重,身体素质下降。接着提出体育锻炼的好处:提高学生身体素质,转移学生注意力,帮助其建立健康的生活方式与人际关系。

3 总结全文:对于学生而言,体育课至关重要,学校和家庭都应重视体育锻炼。


The Benefits of Physical Education

The above excerpt has revealed the fact that the physical fitness of students has been on the decline, which impels a university to list physical health performance as a must to graduate. As far as I’m concerned, much more attention should be paid to physical education, as it teaches students basic life skills and helps to improve their health and wellbeing. (Viewpoint)

In recent years, many schools have cut back on their physical education lessons, placing greater emphasis on academics as they strive to prepare students for college and work. In fact, the benefits of physical education in schools are far-reaching, including both improved students’ physical health and better academic performance. (Topic sentence) Regular outdoor activities give students the opportunity to take their minds off their academic studies, release pent-up emotions and spend time having fun with their friends. Moreover, physical education demonstrates the value of cooperation, self-discipline and essential social skills, paving the way for healthy interactions and relationships throughout life.

Overall, it is no secret that regular physical activity is crucial to a student’s overall development. (Conclusion) Both schools and parents should give Physical Education classes the priority they deserve. Efforts should be made to design inclusive, active and enjoyable PE classes so as to get students fully engaged and reap the benefits.


physical fitness 身体健康;体力

impel v. 推动,驱使

cut back on 削减,缩减;减低

place emphasis on 重视,强调

strive to do sth. 努力做某事

far-reaching adj. 影响深远的,波及广泛的

take minds off 不再想,转移注意力

release v. 释放;公布

pent-up adj. 被抑制的;被压抑的

demonstrate v. 证明;示范

pave the way for 为……做好准备、铺平道路

priority n. 优先权;优先考虑之事

deserve v. 值得,应受


1 The above excerpt has revealed the fact that the physical fitness of students has been on the decline, which impels a university to list physical health performance as a must to graduate.

译文 上述材料揭示了一个事实,即学生的身体素质一直在下降,这促使一所大学将体测纳入大学生毕业必须要完成的事项之一。

分析 本句that 引导同位语从句,解释说明fact的具体内容。重要表达有:on the decline(衰退;在走下坡路);impel sb. to do sth.(推动某人做某事);must为名词,意为”必做之事”。

2 Efforts should be made to design inclusive, active and enjoyable PE classes so as to get students fully engaged and reap the benefits.

译文 应努力设计包容、积极和愉快的体育课,让学生充分参与并从中受益。

分析 efforts should be made to do...采用了被动句,强调了原主动句中的宾语。so as to 表目的,使用了两个并列短语:get sb. fully engaged(使某人充分参与)和reap the benefits(获益)。 WSOyg+B2zhxrGql8PynLFtH2eO86e79Mlz6Eg35inORJxpcnA6KcO3XRwCAFZ1gK
