
Essay 006


Read carefully the following excerpt and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 WORDS, in which you should:

1. summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then

2. comment on the impact of college education.

You can support yourself with information from the excerpt.

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


A Platform College Education Provides

How many of you have attended college? Are you glad you did? If you haven’t got a degree, would you regret it? If you could talk to your 18-year-old self, what advice would you give? Does earning a college degree make a difference to your future? Anyhow, you must admit a college education provides you wide-ranging knowledge.

Relatively speaking, a college education is very important, especially if you’d like to boost your earning potential over the course of your working lifetime. Bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate’s degrees will allow you to advance in your respective career, much more so than without a degree.

People who lack college degrees are more likely to be limited to basic jobs in service, manufacturing and construction industries. While employees with a high school education may secure jobs with good benefits, college graduates typically fare better, entering higher-level careers with greater salaries. They are also more likely to receive promotions, earn raises and develop reasoning and communication skills that can be applied to their jobs. Pursuing an education can be important for expanding points of view, cultural perspectives, historical understanding, methods of thought and career-based understanding.

As a higher percentage of Americans have gained some college education, more employers expect employees to hold college degrees. A special education aide, for instance, is now required by most employers to have at least a 2-year degree. Some child care centers may hire potential candidates without completing a college degree program, but may still prefer applicants to have completed some college education courses.




1 简要概括材料,并根据材料提出自己的观点:大学教育对人大有裨益。

2 从两方面展开论述,首先,大学教育对一个人的就业有利;再者,大学教育能使学生与不同文化背景的同学建立联系,从而使其拥有更深远的世界观和更高的文化修养。

3 最后总结观点并呼应开头论点,再次强调大学教育的重要性。


The Importance of a College Education

The main issue discussed in the above excerpt is the meaning of attending college to one’s career life. As has been pointed out, a college education offers us broader knowledge and more opportunities and thus helps us build a strong base for the future. As far as I am concerned, a college education possesses a lot of benefits. (Viewpoint)

First of all, a college education delivers great benefits to employment. (Topic sentence) Before graduating from college, it is sagacious for college students to make the most of this period for growth and learning, along with other young people with the same goal. Getting a college education is of paramount importance for a person to build a successful career for the rest of his or her life, particularly in society today. Indeed, a clear benefit of a college education is that not only will it afford young people the opportunity to master expertise, but also increase the likelihood of a more promising career for them.

Another benefit of a college education is to equip a person with a cosmopolitan outlook through bonding with peers from diverse backgrounds. (Topic sentence) Gaining the awareness that proximity to diversity affords is another justification for a higher education. Making the acquaintance of people with diverse cultures gives you a broader world view, cultural understanding and sophistication. At college, you’ll surround yourself with people who can share a multitude of backgrounds, cultures and experiences.

From the aforementioned facts, it can be easily concluded that a college education benefits us with our employment and personal growth in our whole life. (Conclusion) It is generally believed that a college education has a great impact on one’s future which is created and developed during this unique period of time in a person’s life.


sagacious adj. 明智的,精明的

make the most of 充分利用

paramount adj. 最重要的,主要的

expertise n. 专门知识;专业技能

likelihood n. 可能性,可能

cosmopolitan adj. 世界性的;见多识广的

proximity n. 接近

acquaintance n. 熟人

sophistication n. 先进;复杂性;有教养

multitude n. 大量,许多


1 Before graduating from college, it is sagacious for college students to make the most of this period for growth and learning, along with other young people with the same goal.

译文 大学毕业之前,充分利用这段时间和其他有同样目标的年轻人一起成长和学习,这对于大学生来说是个明智的做法。

分析 本句句子主干为it is sagacious for college students to make the most of this period,介词短语before graduating from college充当状语,along with为介词短语,充当状语,介词短语with the same goal修饰young people, 充当其后置定语。固定短语make the most of意为“充分利用”。

2 Indeed, a clear benefit of a college education is that not only will it afford young people the opportunity to master expertise, but also increase the likelihood of a more promising career for them.

译文 确实,大学教育一个很明显的优点是它不仅会给年轻人提供一个学习专业知识的机会,而且还让他们更有机会获得一份更有前景的事业。

分析 本句包含that引导的表语从句,而该表语从句中采用了并列结构not only... (but) also... 意为“不仅……而且……”,由于not only放在句首,not only部分的主语和谓语需使用部分倒装的结构,即助动词will提至主语it的前面。 hhIMUtZSgAnAkn1Vk84Q0OjGuAz/fk5vK8dMR9rFu5jl9uci4VkT9e/Sj5zlx2UG
