
Word List 02

interior [ɪnˈtɪriər]

adj. 内部的(inner);内地的 n. 内部;[the ~]内陆(inland)


【搭】interior design 室内设计;in the interior of 在…内部

【例】If a volcano erupts, some of the Earth's interior heat escapes to the surface. 如果火山喷发,地球内部的一些热量就会转移到地表。

constitution [ˌkɑːnstəˈtuːʃn]

n. 宪法,章程;身体素质;构成


【例】The student studied the genetic constitution of cells hard. 这个学生努力学习细胞的基因构成。

【派】constitutional (adj. 章程的,宪法的);constitutionally (adv. 按照宪法)

freeze [friːz]

v. (使)结冰,(使)凝固

【搭】freeze over 冰封;freeze up (机器、引擎等中的水)结冰

【例】Jack caught a fish and dropped it beside him on the ice and it froze solid.


dehydrate [diːˈhaɪdreɪt]

v. (使)脱水(dry, desiccate)


【例】The little girl's body had dehydrated dangerously with the high temperature. 那个小姑娘的体温很高,严重脱水。

【派】dehydration (n. 脱水;干燥)

sinuous [ˈsɪnjuəs]

adj. 蜿蜒的(winding);迂回的


【例】They walked along the sinuous course of the river. 他们沿着弯弯曲曲的河道散步。


alarm [əˈlɑːrm]

n. 闹钟;警报(alert) vt. 使惊恐(startle);使担心


【搭】burglar alarm 防盗警报;alarm call 叫醒电话

【例】Ecologists would probably be alarmed by the scientists' findings. 科学家们的发现可能会让生态学家们感到惊恐。

【派】alarming (adj. 令人惊慌的);alarmist (n. 危言耸听者)

machinery [məˈʃiːnəri]

n. 〈总称〉机器,机械(machines in general);机构(organization)

【记】来自machine (n. 机器,机械)

【例】The use of farm machinery continued to increase. 农机工具的使用在继续增加。

expect [ɪkˈspekt]

vt. 预期,期望,指望(anticipate)

【例】Economists expect the global economy to drop by 2% this year. 经济学家预计今年全球经济将下降2%。

【派】expectancy (n. 预期;期待)

【参】inspect (vt. 检查);aspect (n. 方面)

anticipate [ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt]

vt. 预见,预期(*look forward to, foresee, expect);先于…行动

【记】词根记忆:anti(=ante 前面)+cip(拿,握住)+ate→提前把握(事物发展结果)→预见

【例】The test was much harder than he had anticipated . 测验比他预期的要难得多。

【派】anticipation (n. 预期,预料)

critic [ˈkrɪtɪk]

n. 评论家,批评家;吹毛求疵者(detractor)


【搭】music critic 乐评人

【例】The coal industry has been targeted by critics as a significant contributor to the greenhouse effect. 煤炭业被评论家指责为造成温室效应的罪魁祸首。

【派】critical (adj. 批判性的);criticism (n. 评判;批评);criticize (v. 批评;评论)

instinctual [ɪnˈstɪŋktʃuəl]

adj. 本能的

【例】We must completely understand and be aware of its instinctual behavior. 我们必须充分理解并意识到它的本能行为。

uncanny [ʌnˈkæni]

adj. 神秘的(weird);异乎寻常的(unusual)


【例】The magician says it doesn't end here, and the uncanny part is yet to come. 魔术师说,魔术到此并未结束,神秘的部分还在后头。


arrest [əˈrest]

n./vt. 逮捕,拘留;阻止;吸引

【搭】arrest warrant 逮捕证,逮捕令

【例】The suspect was put under arrest by the police. 犯罪嫌疑人被警察逮捕了。

sprinkle [ˈsprɪŋkl]

v. 撒,洒,喷 n. 少量


【例】 Sprinkle some pepper on the dish when it's done. 菜出锅后,在上面撒点胡椒粉。

orthodox [ˈɔːrθədɑːks]

adj. 传统的;正统的


preliterate [ˌpriːˈlɪtərət]

adj. 文字出现以前的,没有文字的


【例】In preliterate societies oral literature was widely shared; it saturated the society and was as much a part of living as food, clothing, shelter, or religion. 在文字出现以前,口头文学被广泛传播。口头文学遍布社会,与食物、衣服、住处或宗教一样,是生活的重要组成部分。

nominal [ˈnɑːmɪnl]

adj. 名义上的;(费用等)微不足道的


【搭】nominal assets 名义资产

【例】Frank is only a nominal chairman; the real work is done by others. 弗兰克只是名义上的主席,实际工作是其他人做的。

certitude [ˈsɜːrtɪtuːd]

n. 确定,确信;必然性(certainty)


【搭】moral certitudes 道德信念

【例】The old man told me with absolute certitude there was a shoeshop on the corner. 那个老人十分确定地告诉我街角就有一家鞋店。

hustle [ˈhʌsl]

n. 忙碌 vt. 猛推;催促

【搭】hustle and bustle 熙熙攘攘

【例】I hate the hustle and bustle of the city life. 我讨厌熙熙攘攘的城市生活。


fake [feɪk]

adj. 冒充的 n. 假货;骗子 v. 伪造;伪装


【例】All the paintings proved to be fakes . 所有的画最后被证实都是赝品。

engrave [ɪnˈɡreɪv]

vt. (在…上)雕刻;铭刻


【例】The teacher told us to engrave these rules on our mind. 老师告诉我们要把这些规则熟记于心。

【派】engraving (n. 雕刻术,刻版术;版画)

prohibit [prəˈhɪbɪt]

v. 禁止,阻止(prevent)


【例】The government introduced a new law to prohibit smoking in public. 政府推出一项新法律以禁止在公众场所吸烟。

homage [ˈhɑːmɪdʒ]

n. 尊敬,敬意


【例】Many people came to pay homage to those soldiers who died in the war. 很多人前来向在战争中牺牲的士兵致敬。

dramatize [ˈdræmətaɪz]

vt. 改编成戏剧;使戏剧化,戏剧性地表现

【记】来自drama (n. 戏剧)

【例】He intended his novel to dramatize the relationship between sense and sensibility. 他想在小说里戏剧化地描写理智与情感的关系。

infatuate [ɪnˈfætʃueɪt]

vt. 使迷恋;使糊涂(confuse)


【例】The part that makes people infatuate Barbie the most is her countless beautiful clothes. 芭比最令人们痴迷的是她有着数不清的漂亮衣服。

exclusive [ɪkˈskluːsɪv]

adj. 独占的;排他的;豪华的 n. 独家新闻


【搭】exclusive of 除…外,不计算在内

【例】The two options are not mutually exclusive . 这两个选择并不互相排斥。


cynical [ˈsɪnɪkl]

adj. 愤世嫉俗的

【记】来自cynic (n. 愤世嫉俗者)

【例】With a cynical view, the young man is easily to go to extremes. 这个年轻人持有愤世嫉俗的观点,很容易走极端。

discriminate [dɪˈskrɪmɪneɪt]

v. 区别;歧视(differentiate)


【搭】discriminate between 区别;discriminate against 歧视

【例】You must learn to discriminate right from wrong. 你必须学会明辨是非。

associate [əˈsəʊsieɪt]

v. 结交(*consort);关联(relate)


adj. 副的;合伙的 n. 伙伴(companion, partner)


【例】I always associate the smell of baking with my childhood. 一闻到烘烤食物的味道,我就会想起自己的童年。

【派】associated (adj. 关联的;联合的);association (n. 协会;联合);associative (adj. 联想的;结合的;关联的)

spare [sper]

vt. 抽出(时间等);免除 adj. 备用的;空闲的(free) n. 备用品(reserve)

【例】I don't know if I could spare the time. 我不知道能否抽出空来。

database [ˈdeɪtəbeɪs]

n. 数据库


【例】You can't use the figures from the database , because it is flawed. 这个数据库有缺陷,你不能用里面的数据。

proclaim [prəˈkleɪm]

vt. 宣布,声明(declare, announce);显示(display)


【例】Advocates of organic foods frequently proclaim that such products are safer and more nutritious than others. 有机食品的支持者经常宣称这些产品比其他食品更加安全、更有营养。

【参】exclaim (v. 惊呼);reclaim (vt. 要求归还)

level [ˈlevl]

n. 水平;高度(altitude);级别 adj. 平坦的(plain);等高的 vt. 夷平,使平坦

【搭】level off/out (经过急剧的涨落后)保持平稳发展

【例】The mountains were leveled and their debris dumped into the oceans. 山脉被夷平,岩屑注入了海洋。


controversy [ˈkɑːntrəvɜːrsi]

n. 争议,争论,辩论(dispute, argument)


【搭】arouse/cause controversy 引起争论

【例】There was a bitter controversy over his latest novel.


【派】controversial (adj. 有争议的;好争论的)

oppose [əˈpəʊz]

vt. 反对,对抗(object, resist)


【例】Politicians rarely opposed the government's generous support of business owners. 政客们很少反对政府对企业家的慷慨支持。

【派】opposed (adj. 反对的);opposing (adj. 反向的;相反的)

toxic [ˈtɑːksɪk]

adj. 有毒的(poisonous);中毒的


【例】Some plant tissues contain a diverse array of toxic or potentially toxic substances. 某些植物组织含有各种有毒或可能有毒的物质。

【派】toxicity (n. 毒性)

lead [liːd]

v. 领导,引导;领先;通向;导致,引起 n. 带领,引导

【搭】lead to 导致;通向;lead the way 带路,引路

【例】A: I can't believe that Prof. Lawrence is going to retire.

B: He's still going to lead a seminar each semester though.

A: 我不敢相信劳伦斯教授就要退休了。

B: 不过他还是会每个学期组织一次研讨会。

【参】head (n. 头)

rustproof [ˈrʌstpruːf]

adj. 不锈的


【例】Stainless products are so popular because they are rustproof . 不锈钢产品不会生锈,所以大受欢迎。

sunlit [ˈsʌnlɪt]

adj. 阳光照射的


【例】Icebergs are graceful, stately, inspiring in calm, sunlit seas. 在阳光照射的平静海洋上,冰山优雅壮观,令人鼓舞。

profession [prəˈfeʃn]

n. 职业(occupation);同行;专业(specialty);宣称

【搭】enter/go into a profession 从事/加入一个行业

【例】She was a teacher by profession . 她的职业是教师。


hay [heɪ]

n. 干草(stover)

【搭】hay stack 干草堆

vegetarian [ˌvedʒəˈteriən]

n. 素食者 adj. 素食者的

【记】来自vegetable (n. 蔬菜)

【搭】vegetarian principles 素食主义;vegetarian restaurant 素食饭馆

【例】Obtaining enough protein in the diet is especially important for vegetarians . 对素食者而言,从膳食中获得足够的蛋白质尤其重要。

column [ˈkɑːləm]

n. 专栏(文章);柱,支柱(pillar);纵队

【例】The temple is supported by marble columns . 这座庙宇由大理石柱支撑着。

microbe [ˈmaɪkrəʊb]

n. 微生物;细菌(bacteria, germ)

【记】词根记忆:micro(微小的)+be(=bio 生命)→微生物

【例】 Microbes are one of the oldest forms of life on Earth. 细菌是地球上最古老的生命形式之一。

【派】microbial (adj. 由细菌引起的);microbiology (n. 微生物学)

homestead [ˈhəʊmsted]

n. 家宅,农庄;宅地


【例】The original Homestead Act was signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln in 1862. 《宅地法》最早于1862年由亚伯拉罕·林肯总统签署成为法律。

【派】homesteader (n. 农场所有人;自耕农)

canyon [ˈkænjən]

n. 峡谷

【例】The Grand Canyon was considered a barrier to travelers. 人们认为大峡谷是旅行者的一个障碍。

【参】crayon (n. 蜡笔)

portraiture [ˈpɔːrtrətʃər]

n. 画像技法;肖像,画像

【例】Many innovations in the various forms of portraiture evolved during this fertile period. 在这个多产的时期,各种画像技法都得到了大量创新。

【参】landscape (n. 风景画)

alloy [ˈælɔɪ]

n. 合金


vt. 把…铸成合金


【例】Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. 黄铜是铜锌合金。

microscopic [ˌmaɪkrəˈskɑːpɪk]

adj. 用显微镜可见的;极小的,微小的


【搭】microscopic creature 微生物;microscopic analysis 显微镜分析

【例】Compared with a mountain, the rock is microscopic . 与大山相比,石头显得极其微小。

verse [vɜːrs]

n. 诗歌(poetry);韵文(rhyme);诗节


【例】Walt Whitman originated a distinctive form of free verse . 沃尔特·惠特曼创造了一种独特的自由诗体。

credential [krəˈdenʃl]

n. 证书(certificate);文凭(diploma);资格(qualification)


【例】None of the people who applied for the job has the required credentials . 申请这份工作的人都不具备所需的证书。

towering [ˈtaʊərɪŋ]

adj. 高耸的(topping);杰出的


【例】 Towering skyscrapers cast long shadows at dusk. 耸入云霄的摩天大楼在黄昏时分投射出长长的影子。

pervasive [pərˈveɪsɪv]

adj. 普遍深入的;遍及的,弥漫的

【记】来自pervade (vt. 弥漫,遍及)

【例】The basic fact has been the most pervasive influence in determining the social arrangements and cultural practices of the people. 这一基本事实已最普遍深入地影响着人们的社交安排和文化习俗。

lush [lʌʃ]

adj. 茂盛的(flourishing)

【例】Severin began to paint large, lush still lifes of flowers, fruit, or both. 塞弗兰开始创作花卉、水果或两者兼而有之的大幅葱翠静物写生。

【派】lushness (n. 草木茂盛)

【参】blush (v./n. 脸红);slush (n. 烂泥)

igneous [ˈɪɡniəs]

adj. (岩石)火成的


【例】Intrusive igneous rocks are formed from magma that cools and solidifies within the crust of a planet. 侵入火成岩由在行星表面冷却并凝固的岩浆形成。

salient [ˈseɪliənt]

adj. 显著的,突出的(distinct, outstanding)

【记】词根记忆:sali(=sal 跳)+ent(…的)→跳出来的→突出的

【例】He pointed out the salient features of the new design. 他指出了新设计的几个显著特征。


rescue [ˈreskjuː]

vt./n. 营救,搭救(save)


【例】We only try to rescue the most valuable first-edition books in our collection. 我们只尽力抢救收藏中最珍贵的首版书。

acquire [əˈkwaɪər]

vt. 获得,取得(*obtain, gain)


【例】They have just acquired a starting capital of $900,000. 他们刚刚获得90万美元的启动资金。

【派】acquired (adj. 后天习得的,已获得的);acquisition (n. 获得,习得;购置)

【参】require (vt. 需要);inquire (v. 询问)

geometry [dʒiˈɑːmətri]

n. 几何;几何学


【例】I had the wrong date for my geometry test. 我记错几何测试的日期了。

【派】geometric (adj. 几何的;几何图案的);geometrically (adv. 几何学上地);geometrician (n. 几何学者)

inner [ˈɪnər]

adj. 内部的;内心的 n. 内部;内心


【例】The drama reflected the inner frustrations of the dramatist. 这部戏剧反映了剧作家内心的挫败感。

【派】innermost (adj. 最里面的)

combine [kəmˈbaɪn]

v. (使)联合,(使)结合(*fuse, unite)


【例】In public ceremonies singing is combined with dancing and with music from a variety of instruments. 在公共仪式上,歌唱与舞蹈以及各种乐器演奏的音乐结合在一起。

shrivel [ˈʃrɪvl]

v. (使)枯萎


【例】The hot weather had shriveled the leaves on the plants. 天气炎热,植物的叶子都蔫了。

【派】shriveled (adj. 枯萎的)

infancy [ˈɪnfənsi]

n. 幼年(babyhood);(发展或生长的)初期(beginning)

【记】来自infant (n. 婴儿,幼儿)

【搭】in one's infancy 处于初创期

【例】In the Earth's infancy , its surface was warm enough for life. 地球形成初期,其表面很温暖,能维持生命。

syrup [ˈsɪrəp]

n. 糖浆


【例】The syrup may also be sugar-free. 糖浆也可以是无糖的。

hemp [hemp]

n. 大麻(纤维);由大麻制成的麻醉药

【例】It is illegal to grow hemp in the United States, although some related medicines are legally imported. 在美国种植大麻是非法的,尽管与其相关的药物可以合法进口。

ethical [ˈeθɪkl]

adj. 道德的(moral)

【例】In his positive ethical viewpoint, George tries to support the opinion that human beings should live in harmony with nature. 乔治具有积极的道德观,他尽力支持人类应该与自然和谐共处的观点。

【参】ethnic (adj. 人种的,种族的)


mammoth [ˈmæməθ]

adj. 巨大的(enormous, huge) n. 猛犸,毛象

【例】The mammoth statue known as the Statue of Liberty is located in New York. 那座广为人知的巨大雕像——自由女神像,就位于纽约。

weed [wiːd]

n. 杂草;水草


【例】The yard was overgrown with weeds . 庭院里杂草丛生。

trend [trend]

n. 趋势,倾向(*tendency)


【搭】economic trend 经济趋势

【例】Other trends and inventions had also helped make it possible for Americans to vary their daily diets. 其他趋势和发明也使得美国人改变日常膳食成为可能。

motivate [ˈməʊtɪveɪt]

vt. 激励(*stimulate, impel);激发(inspire)


【例】The students need to be motivated . 学生需要激励。

【派】motivated (adj. 有动机的;由…推动的);motivation (n. 动机;刺激)

dilate [daɪˈleɪt]

v. (使)膨胀,扩大(expand);详述


【搭】dilate on/upon 详述

【例】The doctor told me red wine could help to dilate my blood vessels. 医生告诉我说,红葡萄酒有助于扩张血管。

【参】dilute (vt. 冲淡,稀释)

peak [piːk]

adj. (水平、价值)最高的;高峰的 n. 顶峰(*maximum, summit)


【例】After the peak year of 1957, the birth rate in Canada began to decline. 加拿大的出生率在1957年达到顶峰,之后开始下降。

homing [ˈhəʊmɪŋ]

adj. (鸟或动物)有返回原地本能的

【搭】homing pigeon 信鸽

【例】Many birds have a remarkable homing instinct. 很多鸟类都具有返回原地的非凡本能。

flagellum [ˈflædʒələm]

n. [pl. flagella] 鞭毛


【例】Many bacteria lack flagella and cannot move about by their own power. 很多细菌没有鞭毛,不能靠自身的力量移动。

intricate [ˈɪntrɪkət]

adj. 错综复杂的(*complex)


【例】A city is more intricate than a village. 城市比村庄更加错综复杂。

tournament [ˈtɜːrnəmənt]

n. 比赛(game, match);锦标赛(title match)


【例】I almost forgot to tell you about the all-day volleyball tournament going on.


advocate [ˈædvəkeɪt]

vt. 提倡(recommend publicly)


n. 倡导者(*proponent)


【例】They advocate the use of masonry in the construction of skyscrapers. 他们提倡在建造摩天大楼时使用石工技术。

【派】advocacy (n. 拥护,支持)

crush [krʌʃ]

vt. 碾碎(grind);使变形;镇压


【例】The weight of a tornado can crush a building's roof when it passes overhead. 龙卷风经过时能将建筑物的屋顶摧毁。

【参】crash (v./n. 碰撞)

ingredient [ɪnˈɡriːdiənt]

n. 成分,要素(element);(烹调的)原料

【记】词根记忆:in(进入)+gredi(=gradi 走)+ent(表名词)→走进内部的东西→成分

【例】Speed is the essential ingredient of all athletics. 速度是所有体育运动的基本要素。

terminal [ˈtɜːrmɪnl]

n. 终点站(destination);终点;航站楼 adj. 末端的(endmost)


【搭】passenger terminal 客运枢纽站

【例】You'd be better off calling the terminal for a new schedule. 你最好给终点站打电话索取新的时刻表。

【参】terminus (n. 终点站);terminate (v. 终止,结束)

rub [rʌb]

n./v. 擦,摩擦

【记】rubber (n. 橡皮)就是来自这个词

【例】If you rub some soap on that drawer, it might stop sticking. 如果你在抽屉上擦点肥皂,抽屉可能就不会再卡住了。

mighty [ˈmaɪti]

adj. 强有力的(powerful);巨大的

【例】This circumstance was mitigated by the mighty river and lake systems. 强有力的河流和湖泊系统减轻了这种状况。


accident [ˈæksɪdənt]

n. 意外事件,(交通)事故;偶然


【例】According to the new statistics, one in seven accidents is caused by drunken drivers. 最新统计数据表明,七起事故中就有一起是由醉酒驾驶造成的。

【派】accidental (adj. 意外的,偶然的);accidentally (adv. 意外地,偶然地)

inflammation [ˌɪnfləˈmeɪʃn]

n. 炎症,发炎

【记】词根记忆:in(使…)+flamm(=flam 燃烧)+ation(表名词)→燃烧→发炎

【例】The connection between inflammation and heart disease, arthritis, and other chronic ailments has become increasingly clear. 炎症与心脏病、关节炎及其他慢性病之间的关系已变得越来越清晰。

shield [ʃiːld]

n. 防护物(defense);盾 vt. 保护(*protect, defend)

【例】The mountains surrounding Los Angeles effectively shield the city from the heat. 周边的山脉有效地使洛杉矶这个城市免受酷热之苦。

nightmare [ˈnaɪtmer]

n. 噩梦;无法摆脱的恐惧;可怕的事

accord [əˈkɔːrd]

n. 协议,条约 v. 与…一致,符合(agree)

【记】词根记忆:ac(表加强) +cord(心)→双方达成一条心→协议,条约

【搭】in accord with 与…一致,符合;of one's own accord 自动地

【例】This action would not be in accord with our policy. 这一行动不会符合我们的方针。

【参】concord (n. 和睦;一致)


versus [ˈvɜːrsəs]

prep. (表示两队或双方对阵)对,对抗;与…相对,与…相比


【例】When the scientists looked at the shoot versus the root surface, they found that the shoot surface, with all of its leaves, had a total surface area of about five square meters. 科学家们对比叶片芽部和根部的表面时发现,将所有叶片面积计算在内,芽部的总表面积约为五平方米。

innocent [ˈɪnəsnt]

adj. 天真的(naive);清白的;无恶意的(harmless)


【例】The man was found innocent of any crime. 该男子获判无罪。

【派】innocence (n. 天真,无知;清白) 68PShLw1M+G4aGWWwU/ItMglVKP9LnyIGqT+YlA7OSYSJ/g8ggj41cR9xZlJnKDS
