
Day 03




例1 The longest bull run ended.


解析 该句为主谓结构,其中the longest bull run作主语,意为“最长的牛市”,这里run作名词用,表示“一段时期”,不及物动词ended作谓语动词。

参考译文 最长的牛市期结束了。

例2 The department stores of the 19th century played a role.

解析 该句为主谓宾结构,其中the department stores of the 19th century作主语,及物动词played作谓语动词,a role作宾语。

参考译文 19世纪的百货大楼产生了一定影响。

例3 Spending became unfashionable.


解析 该句为主系表结构,其中Spending作主语,became为系动词,形容词unfashionable作表语,意为“过时的;不合时宜的”。

参考译文 消费变得不合时宜。

例4 He gave the world the final and polished work.


解析 该句为主谓双宾结构,其中he作主语,gave作谓语动词,the world作间接宾语,the final and polished work作直接宾语(形容词短语final and polished译为“最终润色了的”,修饰work)。

参考译文 他给这个世界呈现了最终润色的作品。

以上四个句子均为简单句,句型比较容易判断。那么对于更长、结构更复杂的句子,我们该如何快速找到主干并判断句型呢?虽然句子长度增加,但底层逻辑是一致的,可以运用之前学到的“主干公式”: 首先,找到所有动词;然后,去掉非谓语动词;最后,去掉从句的谓语动词。 根据以上方法,我们来快速确定5~10句主干部分所用的基本句型,并翻译主干部分。

例5 Powerful memory doesn’t make my emotions acute or vivid.

解析 该句为主谓宾宾补结构,其中名词短语powerful memory作主语,doesn’t make作谓语动词,my emotions作宾语,形容词短语acute or vivid(敏锐或清晰)作宾补。

参考译文 强大的记忆力并没有使我的情感变得敏锐或清晰。

例6 The finding that the high rate of depression in British teenage girls is correlated to time spent on social media will be published.

解析 该句中的动词有is correlated to、spent和will be published,其中is correlated to在从句引导词that之后,故排除;spent为动词spend的过去式和过去分词形式,有可能排除;will be published为punish的一般将来时的被动语态,无法排除,因此确定其为谓语,该句主干部分为The finding will be published。

参考译文 这一发现即将被公布。

例7 These days the Net, which has already re-made such everyday pastimes as buying books and sending mail, is reshaping Donovan’s vocation.


解析 该句中的动词有has re-made、buying、sending和is reshaping,其中has re-made在从句引导词which之后,故排除;buying和sending为非谓语动词,故排除。因此确定谓语为is reshaping,该句主干部分为the Net is reshaping Donovan’s vocation。

参考译文 网络正在改变多诺万的职业。

例8 At a time when Thomas Piketty and other economists are warning of rising inequality and the increasing power of inherited wealth, that wealthy aristocratic families should be the symbolic heart of modern democratic states is bizarre.


解析 该句中的动词有are warning、should be和is,其中are warning和should be分别在从句引导词when和that之后,故均排除。因此确定谓语为is,该句主干部分为that...is bizarre。

参考译文 这件事很奇怪。

例9 I define “journalism” as “a term of contempt applied by writers who are not read to writers who are read.”


解析 该句中的动词有define、applied、are not read和are read,其中applied为动词apply的过去式和过去分词形式,有可能排除;are not read在从句引导词who之后,故排除;从句时态为一般现在时,说明主句也为一般现在时,因此排除applied,确定谓语为define,该句主干部分为I define “journalism” as “a term of contempt”。

参考译文 我把“新闻写作”定义为一种“轻蔑之词”。

例10 The bodies playing major professional sports have changed over the years, and managers have been adjusting team uniforms to fit the growing numbers of bigger, longer frames.


解析 该句是由and连接的并列句,前一分句中的动词有playing和have changed,其中playing是非谓语动词,故排除,因此确定前一分句的谓语动词为have changed,其主干为主谓结构,即The bodies have changed;后一分句中的动词有have been adjusting和to fit,其中to fit是非谓语动词,故排除,因此确定后一分句的谓语动词为have been adjusting,其主干为主谓宾结构,即managers have been adjusting team uniforms。

参考译文 身材发生了变化并且经理们也一直在调整队服。


例如 Epley found no significant gender difference in responses. Nor was there any evidence that those who self-enhanced the most (that is, the participants who thought the most positively doctored picture were real) were doing so to make up for profound insecurities. In fact, those who thought that the images higher up the attractiveness scale were real directly corresponded with those who showed other markers for having higher self-esteem. “I don’t think the findings that we have are any evidence of personal delusion,” says Epley. “It’s a reflection simply of people generally thinking well of themselves.” If you are depressed, you won’t be self-enhancing.


Epley found that people with higher self-esteem tended to ______

[A] underestimate their insecurities

[B] believe in their attractiveness

[C] cover up their depressions

[D] oversimplify their illusions

定位 根据题干中的higher self-esteem定位到原文的这句话:In fact, those who thought that the images higher up the attractiveness scale were real directly corresponded with those who showed other markers for having higher self-esteem. (事实上,那些认为更有吸引力的照片是真实的人,与那些在其他方面表现出更强自尊心的人恰好是一致的。)

解析 该句中的动词有thought、were、corresponded with、showed和having,其中thought、were和showed分别在从句引导词who和that之后,作从句的谓语动词,故排除;having是非谓语动词,故排除。因此该句主干的谓语动词为corresponded with,主干部分是those...corresponded with those...。题干中的people with higher self-esteem(自尊心更强的人)即对应文中those who showed other markers for having higher self-esteem(那些在其他方面表现出更强自尊心的人),这一群人与句中前半部分提及的those who thought that the images higher up the attractiveness scale were real(那些认为更有吸引力的照片是真实的人)恰好是一致的,也就是说,自尊心更强的人往往相信自己的吸引力,故选择B项。



例1 这一数字从2010年到2020年增加了。

解析 该句为主谓结构,其中“这一数字”作主语,“增加”作谓语动词,“从2010年到2020年”作时间状语,翻译时谓语动词要使用过去式。

参考译文 The number increased from 2010 to 2020.

例2 文化融合已经产生了重大影响。

解析 该句为主谓宾结构,其中“文化融合”作主语,“已经产生了”作谓语动词,使用现在完成时,“重大影响”作宾语。

参考译文 Cultural integration has exerted a great influence .

例3 他成了一位有名的钢琴家。

解析 该句为主系表结构,其中“他”作主语,“成为了”作系动词,使用一般过去时,“一位有名的钢琴家”作表语。

参考译文 He became a famous pianist.

例4 新时代正带给我们机遇和挑战。

解析 该句为主谓双宾结构,其中“新时代”作主语,“正带给”作谓语动词,使用现在进行时,“我们”作间接宾语,“机遇和挑战”作直接宾语。

参考译文 The new era is bringing us chances and challenges.

例5 合作将使得这个社会繁荣昌盛。

解析 该句为主谓宾宾补结构,其中“合作”作主语,“将使得”作谓语动词,使用一般将来时,“这个社会”作宾语,“繁荣昌盛”作宾语补足语。

参考译文 Cooperation will make this society prosperous.






例1 Recently, there ____________ (be) a growing concern over the topic of the choice after graduation.

答案 has been

解析 副词recently作时间状语,表示“最近,近来”,谓语动词be应使用现在完成时has been,表示最近这段时间以来一直在关注某个话题。

参考译文 最近,人们越来越关注毕业后的选择这个话题。

例2 No agreement ____________ (reach) by the two sides in the past.

答案 was reached

解析 介词短语in the past作时间状语,表示“在过去”,谓语动词reach使用一般过去时态,此外,主语no agreement与谓语动词reach之间存在被动关系,即“没有协议被达成”,故应使用reach的被动语态was reached。

参考译文 过去,双方没有达成协议。

例3 But the trend ____________ (continue) in the near future.

答案 will continue

解析 介词短语in the near future作时间状语,表示“在不久的将来”,谓语动词continue使用一般将来时will continue。

参考译文 但是在不久的将来,这种趋势将继续下去。

在写作中,正确把握句子的主干能让我们写出语法结构完整、核心意义清晰的基本句型。在此基础之上,我们再“添砖加瓦”,就可以写出更长、更难、更漂亮的佳句。如果暂时不能写出长难句,至少要保证自己能写出正确的句子,遵循 “守门员”法则 ,守住底线,不犯简单错误。



Of all the components of a good night’s sleep, dreams seem to be least within our control. In dreams, a window opens into a world where logic is suspended and dead people speak. A century ago, Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and fears; by the late 1970s, neurologists had switched to thinking of them as just “mental noise”—the random byproducts of the neural-repair work that goes on during sleep. Now researchers suspect that dreams are part of the mind’s emotional thermostat, regulating moods while the brain is “off-line.” And one leading authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control, to help us sleep and feel better. “It’s your dream,” says Rosalind Cartwright, chair of psychology at Chicago’s Medical Center. “If you don’t like it, change it.”


Researchers have come to believe that dreams ______.

[A] can be modified in their courses

[B] are susceptible to emotional changes

[C] reflect our innermost desires and fears

[D] are a random outcome of neural repairs


1. 原因列举如下。(list)

2. 不久将举办一个活动。(host)

3. 已经得出一个结论。(draw)


1. You explained that your parents had been ill at that moment yesterday.


2. All those sound greatly in theory.


3. The girl like Chinese culture. Cultures around the world is becoming similarly today. The cultural communication make more foreigner know China. China has opened its door to the world in 1979. More people visit China, become interested in Chinese culture. They communicate more with people belong to other cultures.




答案 A

解析 题干询问研究者们已经开始相信梦______,应选择他们现在的想法,用一般现在时描述,该段第四至六句介绍了目前对梦的最新研究。目前研究的观点是,梦是可以控制和改变的,故选A。第四句中提到,梦是大脑情绪调节器的一部分(part of the mind’s emotional thermostat),当大脑“离线”时,梦会调节情绪(regulating moods),因此B选项“(梦)易受情绪变化的影响”与原文所述相反,故排除。C选项reflect our innermost desires and fears对应原文第三句A century ago, Freud formulated...that dreams were...our unconscious desires and fears,该句使用的时间状语a century ago以及动词formulated、were均表明C选项的描述是发生在过去的事情,不符合题干中对研究者们现在观点的提问。同理,D选项也存在时态混淆的问题,原文中by the late 1970s, neurologists had switched...the random byproducts of the neural-repair work...也使用了表示过去的时间状语by the late 1970s以及动词的过去完成时态had switched,不符合题目要求。


1. 解析 The reasons为可数名词复数形式,且谓语动词list(列举)和主语The reasons(原因)构成逻辑上的被动关系,即原因是被列举出来的,所以使用are listed。

参考译文 The reasons are listed as follows.

2. 解析 因为“将举办一个活动”,故谓语动词使用一般将来时,且activity(活动)和host(举办)构成逻辑上的被动关系,即活动是被举办的,所以使用will be hosted。

参考译文 An activity will be hosted soon.

3. 解析 因为“已经得出”,故谓语动词使用现在完成时,且conclusion(结论)和draw(得出)构成逻辑上的被动关系,即结论被得出,所以使用has been drawn。

参考译文 A conclusion has been drawn.


1. 答案 had been改为were

解析 宾语从句that your parents...中的介词短语at that moment yesterday作时间状语,表示“昨天那个时刻”,是过去的短暂时刻,因此谓语动词不可使用过去完成时,应改为一般过去时。

2. 答案 greatly改为great

解析 sound作系动词,意为“听起来”,后接形容词作表语,但greatly为副词,需改为形容词。

3. 答案 like改为likes;is改为are;similarly改为similar;make改为makes;foreigner改为foreigners;has opened改为opened;become前面添加and;belong改为belonging或who belong。

解析 The girl为第三人称单数形式,故like改为likes;Cultures为复数形式,故is改为are;become是系动词,故副词similarly改为形容词similar;communication此处理解为“交流,交际”,为不可数名词,故make改为makes;形容词more此处作many的比较级,修饰可数名词foreigner,故foreigner应改为复数形式;in 1979表示过去的时间点,故谓语动词open使用一般过去时;谓语动词的并列需要添加并列连词,故become前面添加and;一个句子若使用多个谓语动词,必须采用并列或从属两种手段处理多个谓语动词,故可将belong改为非谓语动词belonging,作people的后置定语(避免使用两个及以上的谓语动词而无连词的情形),或在belong前添加who,将之改为定语从句(使用从属手段)。 o4htkAOrqJ0M19X5PRVWEgRvXr/sHW09Jzk7b4voxKPqg41EIudVpPSDgt2GBvAF
