Enter three Witches.
1st witch. When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain?
2nd witch. When the hurly-burly [1] 's done, When the battle'a lost and won.
3rd witch. That will be ere the set of sun.
1st witch. Where the place?
2nd witch. Upon the heath [2] .
3rd witch. There to meet with Macbeth.
1st witch. I come, Gray- Malkin [3] .
2nd witch. Paddock [4] calls.
3nd witch. Anon [5] .
All. Fairisfoul. and foul is fair. Hover through the fog and filthy [6] air. Exeun t [7] .
[1] hurly-burly [ˈhə:liˌbə:li] n. 喧嚣;骚乱
[2] heath [hi:θ] n. 荒地
[3] malkin [ˈmɔ:kin] n. 猫
[4] paddock [ˈpædək] n. 〈方言〉 蟾蜍;蛙
[5] anon[əˈnɔn] ad . 古语〉立刻
[6] filthy [ˈfilθi] a. 污秽的,污浊的
[7] exeunt [ˈeksiʌnt] v. 〈拉丁语〉【戏剧】(两个以上演员)退场