

第1节 动词


1. 动词的种类



2. 不及物动词


Sometimes our necks ache due to heavywork. 有时,工作过度会让我们脖子疼。

Many scientists believe that alien civilisations exist. 很多科学家相信存在外星文明。

Ruth coughed all night. 鲁思咳了一夜。

Visitors wept as Gana held her lifeless child up in the air. 当加娜将她已无气息的孩子高举空中时,游客们都动容流泪。



The Chinese frigate was allowed to sail in those waters.中国护卫舰有权在这些海域航行。

More job applicants are expected to flow to emerging first-tier cities. 预计将有更多求职者流向新兴一线城市。

She remained in bed for three days. 她在床上躺了三天。



They re ly on starch and hemicelluloses in the plant for energy. 他们依靠植物中的淀粉和米纤维素来获取能量。

Light consists of waves. 光由光波组成。

We must persist in our own efforts. 我们必须坚持依靠自己不懈的努力。


3. 及物动词


Please describe what you have seen. 请描述一下你看到的情况。

The populist outsiders lack governing experience. 信奉民粹主义的局外者缺乏执政经验。




His joke didn't interest me. 他的笑话并不使我感兴趣。

His speech angered the audience. 他的讲话激怒了听众。



This will prevent her from doing so. 这会阻止她这样做。

We owe our success to your cooperation. 我们的成功多仰仗了你的合作。



I suggest that we leave earlier. 我建议我们早点儿动身。

She asked who would like to go. 她问谁愿意去。


Don't deceive yourself. 不要欺骗你自己。

这种动词称为反身动词(reflexive verbs)。下面这些动词常可跟反身代词:


She gave a long sigh. 她长叹了一声。

I think I could make a guess at it. 我想我可以猜一猜。







Go and do your hair . 去梳头去。

Have you done your teeth ? 你刷牙了吗?

Can you do the room now? 你现在能打扫房间了吗?

She was doing the dishes . 她在洗盘子。

When is he coming to do the windows ? 他什么时候来擦窗子?

They do fish very well in that restaurant. 那家餐馆的鱼烧得不错。

How would you like your steak done ? 你希望牛排烤到什么程度?

He found her doing the flowers . 他发现她在插花。

Are you doing science at school? 你在学校学科学吗?

He still has to do his military service . 他还得服兵役。

4. 兼作及物动词和不及物动词的动词



I ran as quickly as I could. 我尽快地跑。( vi.

Teach me how to run business. 教我怎样管理企业。( vt.

The train was already moving . 火车已经开动。( vi.

Her story moved me deeply. 她的故事使我很受感动。( vt.



I drank some brandy. 我喝了一些白兰地。( vt.

He has been drinking again. 他又在喝酒了。( vi.

I read a good article in today's paper. 我在今天的报上看到了一篇好文章。( vt.

He got a magazine and sat down to read . 他拿了一份杂志坐下来看。( vi.

有不少动词表示“相互的”,可以称为相互动词(reciprocal verbs),如:

They wanted to marry (each other). 他们想结婚。

The two sisters embraced (each other) warmly. 两姐妹热情拥抱。

Their children are always fighting . 他们的孩子老打架。

这类动词有时后面跟each other或one another这种相互代词,这时它就是及物动词,如果不跟,就是不及物动词。常见的这类动词有:


5. 双宾动词

双宾动词(ditransitive verbs)后面跟两个宾语,直接宾语(Od)为动词直接涉及的事物,间接宾语(Oi)往往指涉及的人,如:

I can't promise you (Oi) anything (Od) now. 我目前不能答应你什么。

He handed her (Oi) the timetable (Od). 他把时刻表递给了她。


He handed his key to the teacher . 他把钥匙交给了老师。

常见的能跟这类以 to 引导的(短语来表示)间接宾语的动词有:


She played some ancient Chinese music for us . 她给我们放了一些中国古代的音乐。



They forgave him his crimes. 他们宽恕了他的罪行。

She wished them a safe journey. 她祝他们一路平安。


6. 短语动词


I look forward to receiving your job application when you are finished with school. 当你完成学业时,我期待着收到你的求职信。

The book consists of three parts. 这本书包含三部分。



I must have dozed off . 我准是睡着了。

The boys are fooling around . 男孩子们在瞎胡闹。




We must abide by the rules. 我们必须遵守规定。

I'm used to dealing with matters of this sort. 我已习惯于处理这类事情。




We've decided to put the meeting off . 我们决定把会议推迟。

We've decided to put off the meeting.

How are we to carry out this policy? 我们怎样执行这个政策?

How are we to carry this policy out ?




They agreed to let him into their secret. 他们同意让他知道他们的秘密。

They tried to set his daughter against him. 他们设法让他的女儿反对他。




Why do they put up with such treatment?他们为什么忍受这样的待遇?

China and the Republic of Korea called on Japan to face up to its wartime past. 中国和韩国呼吁日本面对战争历史。


7. 合成动词


They cross-examined the defence witness. 他们盘问了被告的证人。

We hitchhiked through France to Spain. 我们搭顺风车穿过法国来到西班牙。


We often went window-shopping . 我们常常出去逛商店(闲逛,不买东西)。

He refused to kowtow to the emperor. 他不肯向皇帝磕头。


He could proof-read four pages an hour. 他一小时可以校对四页。

She cross-checked the names against a list. 她用一个名单把名字核对了一遍。


I'm going to spring-clean (the house) this weekend. 这个周末我将进行大扫除。

8. 系动词

系动词(linking verbs)中最常用的是be,它后面都跟一个表语,或称补语(complement)。主要的系动词有:

be 用得最多:

What nationality is he? 他是哪国人?

I'm all for it . 我完全赞成。

另外还可加上形容词及介词构成be fond of, be sure of, be tired of, be careful of, be keen on等短语。

The apple appeared sound , but it was rotten. 苹果看起来像是好的,但却已腐烂。

The house appeared deserted . 房子里好像空无一人。


The patient appeared to be all right after taking the medicine. 服药后,病人显得好多了。

The car appears to have no brake. 这车的刹车好像失灵了。



He appeared a normal person . 他看起来是一个正常的人。

It appears a true story . 这似乎是一个真实的故事。


It appears (that) the plane did not land at Rome . 好像飞机没在罗马降落。

It appears to me that you are all mistaken . 我感到你们都错了。


It' s becoming a serious problem . 这正在成为一个严重问题。(跟名词)

She became quite cheerful . 她变得很高兴。(跟形容词)

At last the truth became known . 最后真相大白了。(跟过去分词)


All three fell asleep . 三个人都睡着了。

He has fallen ill . 他生病了。


He fell (a) victim to her charms. 他中了她的魔法。

She fell an easy prey to him. 她很容易地被他俘获了。


He fell into a doze . 他打起盹来了。

The house fell into decay . 这栋房子已经朽坏。


He felt utterly miserable . 他感到极其痛苦。

When he got up, he felt dizzy . 他站起来时,感到头晕。

feel后可跟很多与感受有关的形容词,如:well, awkward, (un)com­fortable, sick, dizzy, lonely, bad, gloomy, sympathetic, weak, ill, chilly, right, guilty, proud, sure, glad, sorry,等等。


They felt insulted . 他们感觉受到了侮辱。

其他还可跟relieved, puzzled, hurt, embarrassed, disheartened, depressed, discouraged, comforted, refreshed, inclined,等等。


Silk feels soft and smooth . 绸缎摸起来柔软光滑。


It' s getting chilly . 天凉起来了。

How fat Jim is getting ! 吉姆变得多胖了!



She got married two days ago. 两天前她结婚了。

I'm getting bored and homesick . 我感到无聊且想家。


He got engaged (=was engaged) to her last winter. 去年冬天,他和她订婚了。


Then we got chatting together. 后来,我们在一起聊了起来。(现在分词)

She was getting an old woman . 她正在变成老妇人。(名词)

We'll let you know as soon as production gets under way . 一旦等生产上了轨道,我们就通知你。(介词短语)


Your hair has gone quite white . 你的头发已经变得很白了。

When I mentioned it he went red . 我提到它时,他脸红了。



They went out of fashion years ago. 它们好多年前已变得不时尚了。

He went off his mind . 他精神错乱了。


The sea is growing calm . 大海变得平静起来。

The pollution problem is growing serious . 污染问题日益严峻。

还有许多形容词可以跟在它后面,如cold, hot, old, big, fat, tall, thin, bright, close, angry, rich, restless, uneasy, worse, weak, fierce, violent, serious, loud, intimate,等等。


He said I would grow used to it. 他说我会变得习惯起来。

I grew excited , and a little frightened. 我变得激动,也有点害怕。


It has grown out of date . 它已经过时了。


I hope you'll keep fit . 希望你身体保持健康。

She knew she must keep calm . 她知道她必须保持镇静。

此外,还可以跟well, cool, warm, close, near, fine, happy, clear,等等。有时keep还可跟副词或介词短语:

Keep away from them. 不要靠近它们。(跟形容词)

They did their best to keep on their guard . 他们尽量保持警惕。(跟介词短语)


His advice did prove sound . 他的忠告的确证明是对的。

The article has proved most useful . 这篇文章证明很有用。


It proved a waste . 这证明是浪费。(名词)

Our discussion proved to be of the greatest value to us.



She remained relatively calm . 她保持相对的平静。(形容词)

The door remained closed . 门仍然关着。(过去分词)

They remained listening . 他们一直在听。(现在分词)

We can remain friends . 我们可以继续做朋友。(名词)

The Indian people remain in deep poverty . 印第安人仍处于极端贫困状态。(介词短语)


The affair rests a mystery. 这件事一直是个谜。

Rest easy. 不要紧张。


The well ran dry . 井干涸了。

I have run short of money . 我缺钱用了。

These shirts run small . 这些衬衫小了。

Our supplies are running low . 我们的供应品不多了。


Our supplies soon ran out . 我们的供应品很快用完了。(副词)

The truck' s run out of gas again. 卡车又没有汽油了。(介词短语)


The doctor seems very capable . 那位医生似乎很能干。(形容词)

She seemed well pleased . 她似乎很高兴。(过去分词)

Claire seemed lacking in enthusiasm. 克莱尔似乎缺乏热情。(现在分词)

She seems an unusually clever girl . 她似乎是一个绝顶聪明的姑娘。(名词)

You seem in high spirits . 你看来情绪很高涨。(介词短语)


The temperature has stayed hot this week. 这星期气温仍然很高。

The shop stays open till seven o'clock. 这家商店一直营业到七点。


They are unlikely to stay in power after the next election.


Father hoped we'd stay out of trouble . 父亲希望我们别碰上麻烦。


He turned pale at the thought. 想到这,他脸色变得苍白。

It turned awful chilly . 天变得非常凉。


He has turned traitor . 他成了叛徒。

Is it wise for a general to turn politician ? 将军从政明智吗?

9. 助动词和情态动词



(1)be有am, are, is, was, were, been, being等各种形式,可以构成:

① 进行时态:

We were talking about our school days. 我们在谈我们的学生时代。

What will you be doing tomorrow evening? 你明天晚上(会在)干什么?

② 被动语态:

The road is being repaired . 路正在修整。

She was brought up by her aunt. 她是她姑姑带大的。

③ 复合谓语,(和不定式一道用)表示“打算做的或必须做的”事:

Where are we to meet ? 我们将在哪儿碰头?

You' re to be back tomorrow. 你明天得回来。

(2)have有has, have, had三种形式,主要用来构成:

① 完成时态,表示一段时间内已完成的动作或存在的情况:

We had never met before. 以前我们从未见过面。

② 完成进行时态,表示一段时间内一直进行的动作:

He said he had been waiting for a reply. 他说他一直在等候回信。

(3)do有do, does, did三种形式,可以用来:

① 构成疑问句:

How do you like the weather here? 你觉得这里的天气怎样?

② 构成否定句:

He didn't go to the show. 他没有去看演出。

③ 加强语气:

She does feel that way. 她确实有那种感觉。

④ 代替前面的动词以避免重复:

“I love flowers.” “So do I.”“我喜欢花。”“我也喜欢。”

She got there earlier than I did . 她比我到得早。



(1)will主要用来构成将来时态,可用于各个人称(否定式will not常紧缩为won't /wLʊnt/):

We will never forgive the terrorists. 我们永远不会宽恕这些恐怖分子。


Shall we stop over in Tokyo? 我们要不要在东京停留?


That would energise poaching, not stop it. 这无法阻止偷猎行为,反而会刺激偷猎。


Blue skies will not be, and should not be, a luxury . 蓝天在未来不会也不应该成为奢侈品。



(1)can主要表示“能够”“会”“可以”,(它的否定形式can not常紧缩为can't,在英式英语中读作/kɑ:nt/,在美式英语中读作/kænt/):

It is an intolerable situation and it can't be allowed to go on.这种情形令人无法容忍,不应该继续下去。

(2)could可以用作can的过去式,意思相同(否定式could not可紧缩为couldn't,读作/'kudnt/):

You could look for a career abroad where environmental jobs are better paid and more secure.你可以在国外找份工作,那里的环保工作薪水更高,也更稳定。


I wonder if you could pass the message on to her. 不知你可否把这口信带给她。


A vegetarian diet may not provide enough calories for a child's normal growth. 素食可能无法提供一名孩子正常成长所需要的足够热量。


There's a report today that smoking might be banned in most buildings.今日有报道说,大多数建筑里有可能要禁止吸烟。


He might be in his office now. 他现在说不定在办公室里。


Microsoft must change . 微软必须改变。

Must I finish the work tonight? 我必须今晚完成这项工作吗?

否定式must not常紧缩为mustn't,读作/'mʌsnt/,表示“一定不要”:

We mustn't ignore it. 我们不能忽视它。

You mustn't forget to tell her about it. 你可别忘了告诉她这件事。


Must we leave so soon?”“Yes, we must .”“我们必须这么早走吗?”“必须这么早走。”

Must I come over tonight?”“No, you needn't .”“我今晚必须过来吗?”“不必。”

ought to, have to, have got to, used to, be able to:

(1)ought to和should的意思差不多,表示“应该”:

The company ought to do something about the poor service. 公司应该对劣质的服务采取点措施。

ought not常可紧缩为oughtn't,读作/'ɔ:tnt/:

You oughtn't to go on living this way. 你不应该再这样生活下去了。

(2)have to的意思和must很相近,也表示“必须”“不得不”:

I had to walk fast enough to overtake him. 我得走得足够快才能赶上他。

have to的疑问及否定形式,多依靠助动词构成:

Do you have to leave so soon? 你必须这么早就走吗?

You don't have to worry. 你不必发愁。

(3)have got to的意思和have to基本上相同:

I have got to be off now. 我得走了。

The child has got to have an operation. 这孩子得动手术。

have got to的疑问及否定形式和现在完成时相同:

Have you got to go home this summer? 这个暑假你必须回家吗?

How long have they got to stay there? 他们得在那里待多久?

have to和have got to起着与情态动词相似的作用。

(4)used to表示“过去(常常)……”:

He used to write poetry when he was young. 他年轻时常常写诗。

It used to be a prosperous town. 它过去是一座繁荣的城市。


① 借助did:

She didn't use to like classical music. 她过去是不喜欢古典音乐的。

Did Jane use to have long hair? 简过去是留长头发的吗?

甚至有did … used及didn't … used to这类形式,但很多人认为这种写法是不对的。

② 不借助did(usedn't 读作/'ju:snt/):

You usedn't to make such mistakes. 你过去是不犯这种错误的。

You used to live in London, usedn't you? 你过去是住伦敦的,是吧?

(5)be able to和can的意思相同,是对can的一种补充,因为它可以用于更多时态:

She won't be able to come on January 1. 她1月1日来不了。

I haven't been able to get in touch with him. 我未能和他联系上。

be able to还可和其他情态动词连用:

I ought to be able to live on my salary. 我应当能靠我的薪水生活。

She might be able to convince him. 她或许能说服他。

need, dare:

这两个动词可以说是半情态动词(semi-modal verbs),因为它们只在一定情况下用作情态动词:


You need not dust all the furniture. 你无须掸掉所有家具上的尘土。


He dared not go near the place. 他不敢走近那个地方。

I scarcely dare think of it. 我对此想都不敢想。


I dare say he will come. 我揣测他会来。


She dared to walk the tightrope. 她敢走钢丝。

He dares to behave like that in my house! 他竟敢在我家这样做!

Many people are angry, but don't dare speak up. 许多人都很生气,但是嘴上不敢说。


1. 动词的四种主要形式





过去式有两类,一类为“规则动词”(regular verbs),由现在式加-ed词尾构成,如:

I work in the post office. 我在邮局工作。(work为现在式)

I worked in a bank last year. 去年我在一家银行工作。(worked为过去式)

另一类则有独特的过去式,称为“不规则动词”(irregular verbs),如:

We go there every day. 我们每天去那里。(go为现在式)

We went there last week. 我们是上星期到那里去的。(went为过去式)



I live near the park. 我在公园附近住。(live为现在式)

I have lived here for many years. 我在这里住了好多年了。(lived为过去分词)


I do my homework at home. 我在家做作业。(do为现在式)

I have already done my homework. 我的作业已经做完。(done为过去分词)

We buy bread in the supermarket. 我们在超市买面包。(buy为现在式)

We have bought a new apartment. 我们买了一套新公寓。(bought为过去分词)




She is telling us a story. 她在给我们讲故事。

We are all listening to her. 我们都在听她讲话。


2. 规则动词与不规则动词




love → loved → loving

acknowledge → acknowledged → acknowledging

live → lived → living please → pleased → pleasing


study → studied/studying try → tried/trying

fry → fried/frying


plan → planned/planning beg → begged/begging

prefer → preferred/preferring permit → permitted/permitting


play → played/playing(虽以y结尾,但前面是元音字母a)

pack → packed/packing(末尾是两个辅音字母,因此无须双写)

repeat → repeated/repeating(辅音字母前是两个元音字母,因此辅音字母无须双写)

open → opened/opening(后面音节不重读,因此末尾辅音字母也无须双写)


travel → travelled/travelling(英)


cancel → cancelled/cancelling(英)



reveal → revealed/revealing(英,美)

appeal → appealed/appealing(英,美)


worship → worshipped/worshipping(英)


kidnap → kidnapped/kidnapping(英)


program → programmed(英,美)



tax → taxed/taxing mix → mixed/mixing







3. 现在分词的构成法


go → going stand → standing

ask → asking answer → answering

study → studying be → being

see → seeing



come → coming write → writing

take → taking become → becoming


agree → agreeing singe → singeing


canoe → canoeing


sit → sitting begin → beginning

run → running admit → admitting

stop → stopping forget → forgetting


die → dying tie → tying lie → lying

4. -s词尾的加法


She works in a computer company. 她在电脑公司工作。

He gives me a lot of help. 他给我许多帮助。


comes lives plays listens



teach → teaches catch → catches wish → wishes

wash → washes miss → misses guess → guesses

mix → mixes fix → fixes go → goes

do → does


try → tries study → studies

reply → replies fly → flies



helps /helps/ hopes /hLʊps/ lets /lets/ gets /ɡets/

asks /ɑ:sks/ thinks /θɪKks/ laughs /lɑ:fs/ coughs /kɒfs/


guesses /ˑɡesɪz/ stresses /ˑstresɪz/

rises /ˑraɪzɪz/ pleases /ˑpli:zɪz/

washes /ˑwɒFɪz/ brushes /ˑbrQFɪz/

teaches /ˑti:tFɪz/ catches /ˑkAtFɪz/

urges /ˑɜ:dVɪz/ wages /ˑweɪdVɪz/


comes /kQmz/ goes /ɡLʊz/ sees /si:z/ brings /brɪKz/

reads /ri:dz/ lies /laɪz/ shows /FLʊz/

begins /bɪˑɡɪnz/ forgives /fLˑɡɪvz/

5. 动词的紧缩形式


I'm going home. (=I am going home.)

He's gone to town. (=He has gone to town.)





1. 动词的限定形式



I know that. (第一人称)

She knows that. (第三人称)


She is a doctor. (第三人称单数)

They are doctors. (第三人称复数)



We had an English lesson yesterday. (过去时)

We will have another English lesson tomorrow. (将来时)

We're having an English lesson now. (现在进行时)


Everybody respects him. (主动语态)

He is respected by everybody. (被动语态)


He is rather careless.(陈述语气)

Be careful.(祈使语气)

I wish he were more careful. (虚拟语气)

这些形式称为限定形式(finite forms),也有人称为谓语形式,即作谓语时用的形式。有少数动词,如情态动词,不受主语的影响,在任何人称后形式都不变。因此它们也被称为无变化动词 (defective verbs)。

2. 时态





I (He) was excited. We (They) were excited.


You (He, She, They) will try .

Shall I try ?

Will you try ?


We knew we should win.


(现在)We are (I am /He is ) learning a new tense.

(过去)She was (They were ) playing bridge.

(将来)I will be thinking of you.

(过去所指的将来)I told him we would be thinking of him.

(6)各种完成时态都用“have (has)+过去分词”构成,时间由have表现出来:

(现在)He has written a poem.

(过去)He showed me the poem he had written .

(将来)You will have got the letter by tomorrow.

(过去所指的将来)I told him that he would have got an answer by that night.


(现在)He has been teaching for eight years.

(过去)He told me that he had been teaching for eight years.

(将来)By July, I' ll have been teaching here for ten years.

(过去所指的将来)I heard by July you' d have been teaching here for ten years.




一般现在时 现在进行时 一般过去时 一般将来时



过去进行时 过去完成时 现在完成进行时 过去完成进行时 将来进行时





3. 语态

英语中有两种语态(voices),一种是主动语态(the active voice),一种是被动语态(the passive voice)。大部分句子用的是主动语态。这时动词表示主语的动作:

He wrote many plays. 他写了许多剧本。(“写”是“他”的动作)

She broke a cup. 她打破了一个杯子。(“打破”是“她”的动作)


The play was written by Cao Yu. 这个剧本是曹禺写的。(“剧本”是“写”的对象)

The cup was broken by Mary. 杯子是玛丽打破的。(杯子被打破了)


(现在)She is respected by everyone. 她受到大家的尊重。(一般现在时)

(过去)She was born in a small town. 她出生在一座小城。(一般过去时)

(将来)Who will be invited ? 将要邀请谁?(一般将来时)

(现在完成)He has been sent abroad. 他被派到国外去了。(现在完成时)

(现在进行)The question is being discussed. 这问题正在讨论。(现在进行时)



4. 语气


陈述语气(indicative mood)——陈述事实或提出看法。英语中的句子绝大部分都是陈述语气:

She was very nervous. 她非常紧张。

You may be right. 你可能是对的。

疑问语气(interrogative mood)——提出问题:

Why are you so nervous? 你为什么这样紧张?

祈使语气(imperative mood)——提出请求、命令、要求等。祈使语气都用动词原形表示,否定式加do not:

Have a smoke.请抽烟。(建议)

Fasten your seat belt. 系好安全带。(指示)

Be sure to get there before nine. 务必在九点以前到达。(命令、要求)

Take care not to catch a cold.注意不要感冒。(劝告)

Have a pleasant trip! 祝旅途愉快!(祝愿)


(1)Somebody fetch a pail of water. 谁去打一桶水来。

You be quiet! 你们安静!

(2)Come in, Mrs. Brown. 布朗夫人,进来。

Stand up, everybody. 大家起立。

虚拟语气(subjunctive mood)——表示一种假想的情况或主观愿望:

If only I weren't so nervous. 但愿我不这样紧张。

Long live peace! 和平万岁!


5. 动词的非限定形式

动词除了在句子中充当谓语外,还可充当许多其他成分。由于在充当其他成分时它们不需要和主语在人称和数上保持一致,又不按照时间变换词形,所以它们被称作动词的非限定形式(nonfinite forms),也有人称为非谓语形式。非限定形式有不定式、动名词和分词三个:

不定式(the infinitive):


To talk with him is a great pleasure. 和他谈话是一件非常愉快的事。(主语)

Who is going to be his assistant? 谁将当他的助手?(谓语)

I went to France to learn French . 我到法国去学法语。(状语)

I have a question to ask you . 我有一个问题要问你。(定语)

I want you to read the sentence clearly . 我要你把句子读清楚。(复合宾语)

The house is to let . 房屋出租。(表语)

在一些词语后面,不定式就不带to,如let, help, would rather, had better,等等。这时也可构成某些成分:

We had better do it ourselves. 我们最好自己干。(构成谓语)

Mother helped me (to) do my homework . 妈妈帮助我做作业。(构成复合宾语)

动名词(the gerund):


His job is looking after sheep . 他的任务是看羊。(表语)

Dancing is fun. I love it. 跳舞很有意思,我很喜欢。(主语)

She loves swimming . 她喜欢游泳。(宾语)

Thank you for calling . 谢谢你打电话来。(介词的宾语)


waiting room 候车室 swimming-pool 游泳池

sleeping-car 卧车 sightseeing 观光游览

分词(the participle):

分词又分现在分词(the present participle)和过去分词(the past participle)。现在分词是另一种-ing形式,主要起形容词的作用,可以作表语、定语、状语等,有时单独一个分词构成一个成分,有时跟宾语或状语等构成短语作为句中的一个成分:

We were worrying about you. 我们正在为你发愁呢。(谓语)

The theory is quite convincing . 这理论很有说服力。(表语)

Public-health crises such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic tend to affect those living in poverty . 当下新冠肺炎疫情等公共卫生危机会对贫困地区的人口产生影响。(定语)

Laughing and shrieking , the crowd rushed out of the park.又是笑又是叫,那群人从公园里冲了出来。(状语)

I heard someone knocking at the door .我听见有人敲门。(复合宾语)


She has been transferred to another unit. 她调到另外一个部门去了。(谓语)

They were delighted with the result . 他们对这个结果感到很高兴。(表语)

This was a record set by a Chinese girl . 这是一个中国姑娘创造的纪录。(定语)

Guided by these principles , they achieved remarkable success.在这些方针的指引下,他们取得了可喜的成就。(状语)

He hated to see any bird killed . 他憎恨人打死鸟。(复合宾语) DT6M5y8FPPLr/SznvFap0bqQztMTGbIuhrKCEgB34TmLzZdn104dtCLiT4BNxq14

第2节 助动词和情态动词


1. 英语中的助动词


(1)be, am, are, is, was, were, been, being

(2)have, has, had, having

(3)do, does, did

shall, will, should, would虽然也是助动词,但它们有时的作用却接近情态动词,即可以说是介于助动词与情态动词之间的词。它们的作用和can, may, must有很多相近之处。为了方便仍将它们放在本节当中。

2. be的用法




Organisers were waiting for Guiness World Records to confirm the record. 目前,活动组织者正在等待吉尼斯世界纪录的确认。

She is trying to reach you. 她正设法和你联系。

Both of us are going to the show. 我们两人都准备去看演出。

Her heart was beating violently. 她的心在猛烈地跳动。

I'll be here. I'll be helping them. 我将在这里,我将帮助他们。

They were hunting for jobs. 他们在找工作。

What have you been doing since then? 那以后你一直在干什么?

I thought you would be arguing about it. 我还以为你们会为此争论的。


Smoking is not permitted here. 这里禁止吸烟。

You are requested to be present at the ceremony. 请参加这场典礼。

I' m supposed to arrive at 2. 我应在两点到达。

He was fined $200. 他被罚款200美元。

They were shown round the city. 他们被带着在城里观光。

The goods will be shipped to you by train. 货物将由火车运到你处。

The case is (was) being investigated. 案件正在调查之中。

He said these people should be punished. 他说这些人应受到惩罚。

He asked to be forgiven. 他请求被原谅。

I walked fast to avoid being overtaken. 我走得很快,以免被人赶上。


Don't talk rot. I' m being serious. 别瞎扯了,我是说正经的。

My dear child, you' re being childish. 我的乖孩子,你这是孩子气。

Am I being over-enthusiastic? 我这样是不是过度热情了?

He was being terribly friendly to Aunt Ruth. 他对鲁思阿姨特别友好。


How long ago was it (=did it happen)? 这是什么时候的事了?

The party will be (=take place) in a week. 晚会一周后举行。

When is the wedding to be ? 婚礼什么时候举行?

They think that such a thing cannot be . 他们认为这样的事不可能(发生)。


(1)按计划、安排要发生的事或打算做的事(接近be going to):

I am to see him today at six o'clock. 我今天六点钟和他见面。

The book I edited is to appear soon. 我编的那本书不久即将出版。

She was to meet Kurt at an agreed place on the street.她将在街上一个约定的地方和库尔特见面。

(2)该做或不该做的事(接近should, must, ought to, have to,等等):

What am I to do (=What should I do) then? 那么我该怎么办?

In future you are not to go out alone. 以后你不要一个人出去。

Such men are to be pitied rather than despised. 这种人不应被看不起,而应当被同情。

(3)能或不能发生的事(接近can, may):

How am I to pay such a debt? 我怎么还得起这么一笔债?

Not a cloud was to be seen . 天空上看不到一片云彩。

We are not to be bullied . 我们是不能被欺侮的。


The worst is still to come . 最坏的情况还在后头。

They said goodbye, little knowing that they were never to meet again.他们道别了,完全不知道他们再也不会见面。

He didn't know that he was to become famous later on. 他不知道他将来会出名。


If we are to be there in time, we'll have to hurry up.如果我们想及时赶到,我们得加紧赶路。

If I were to do that, what would you say? 如果我来做这事,你觉得怎么样?


I was to have seen him last Wednesday, but he did not come.我本来要在上星期三和他见面的,但他没有来。

We were to have been married last year. 我们本来打算去年结婚的。

have been结构,主要用来构成现在完成时:

It has been cold lately. 最近天很冷。


If China can solve these issues, then the primary incentives to emigrate will have been taken away. 如果中国能够解决这些问题,那么移民的主要驱动因素将不复存在。

By tomorrow, I will have been a teacher for ten years. 到明天,我当教师就满10年了。


The boxer has been training very hard. 这个拳击运动员一直在抓紧练习。

They have been travelling for a whole year. 他们整年一直在旅游。

He has been nominated for president. 他被提名为总统候选人。

I' ve been assigned to cover international news. 我被派采访国际新闻。

have been to表示“到过(某地方)”:

Have you ever been to Japan? 你到过日本吗?

(比较:Has he gone to Japan? 他到日本去了吗?)

How many countries have you been to ? 你到过多少国家?

She' s just been to a party. 她刚参加一个晚会回来。


Where have you been ? 你到哪儿去了?

He' s only been there two or three times. 他只到过那里两三次。

Who has been here? 刚才谁在这里?


I' ve been to see your grandmother. 我(刚才)看你奶奶去了。

I' ve been three times to see her. 我去看过她三次了。


Have you ever been on holiday in winter? 你曾冬季出去度过假吗?

I' ve never been for a swim at night. 我从未在夜间游过泳。

3. have的用法



You haven't been abroad before, have you? 你没出过国,对吧?

What have you been doing since then? 从那时起你一直在干什么?

I had not been reading for half an hour when I heard steps outside.我看书还不到半小时就听见外面有脚步声。

She' ll have arrived in Shanghai by 3 o'clock. 三点前,她就可以抵达上海。

I was afraid she would have left for home when I got there. 我担心到达那里时,她已经回家了。


You ought to have noticed it. 你应当已经注意到这件事。

I'm sorry to have given you so much trouble. 对不起,给你带来这么多麻烦。

I remember having heard you speak on that subject. 我记得曾听见你谈过这个问题。

Pile was apologizing to Helen for having kept her waiting.派尔正为让海伦久等而向她致歉。

Having been there once, she knew the place quite well.由于去过一次,她对这地方很熟悉。



He had an American accent. 他有美国口音。

Bad news has wings. 坏消息传得快。(谚语)


Daddy and I had a long talk this afternoon. 爸爸和我今天下午谈了很长时间。

Let's have a look at these things. 咱们看看这些东西。

I must have a wash first. 我得先洗一洗。

She had a swim every day. 她每天游一会儿泳。

He had not for ten years had a quarrel with anyone. 10年来他从未和任何人吵过架。


Lanny had his meals in the hotel dining room. 兰尼在旅馆的餐厅吃饭。

Everybody here has the influenza . 这儿人人都患流感。

Wilson had a severe headache that evening. 那天晚上威尔逊头疼得厉害。


① 跟不带to的不定式结构,表示“让某人做某事”:

He did not wish to have her go with him. 他不愿让她和他一起去。

I will not have you worry her. 我不能让你给她烦恼。

② 跟带过去分词的结构,表示“让某事做好”“遭到某种情况”等:

She might have gone to have her hair waved . 她可能去烫发去了。

She is having her eyes tested . 她将要去检查视力。

③ 跟带现在分词的结构,表示让某种情况发生:

He soon had them all laughing . 他很快逗得大家都笑了。

We'll soon have you walking about again. 我们不久就可再让你到处走动了。

(5)have to的用法

have to表示“不得不”:

We have to go to a meeting now. 我们现在得去开会了。

He may have to cancel the plan. 他可能需要取消这个计划。

have got to也有同样意思:

I' ve got to be off now. 我现在得走了。

The child has got to have an operation. 这孩子必须得动手术。

(6)have got(=have)的用法:

I' ve got another three minutes. 我还有三分钟。

I haven't got a thermometer. 我没有体温表。

4. do的用法



When do we meet again? 我们什么时候再见面?

I don't care what she thinks. 她怎么想,我不管。

Never did I see him again. 后来我再也没见到过他了。

I don't often go to the theatre, neither does she. 我不常去看戏,她也不常去。


I do hope you'll stay for lunch. 我的确希望你留下吃午饭。

Please! Do be quiet a moment! 求求你们!安静一会儿!


Nancy works 16 hours a day. I don't know how she does it.南希每天工作16小时,我不知道她怎么做到的。

“May I come round in the morning?”“Yes, please do .”“我早上来行吗?”“行,请早上来吧。”



I used to do business with them. 我过去常和他们做生意。

Alison and I did our homework together. 艾利森和我一道做作业。


Easier said than done . 说来容易做时难。(谚语)

Well begun is half done . 头开得好,事成一半。(谚语)


Martin did no reading that night. 马丁那天晚上没看书。

Maria did most of the talking . 大部分时间都是玛丽亚在讲话。


They do the kitchen and bathrooms every day. 他们每天打扫厨房和浴室。

I am doing the dishes . 我在洗盘子。


Martin has done an excellent article . 马丁写了一篇精彩的文章。

She did some pretty sketches . 她画了几张漂亮的素描。


They did me very well at that hotel. 在那家旅馆他们把我招待得很好。

Who's doing Ophelia? 谁扮演奥费丽娅?

That shopkeeper did me. 那家商店的老板骗了我。



He did very well in the examination. 他考得很好。

Everything in the garden is doing well. 花园里所有花木都生长良好。


Will it do if we let you have an answer by Friday?我们星期五以前给你答复行吗?

No, that won't do . It's too risky. 不,那不行,太冒险。

Will £5 do ? 五英镑够吗?

5. will的用法


I must go; the students will be waiting for me. 我得走了,学生们会等我的。


Will you have a whisky, Doctor? 大夫,你要不要喝一杯威士忌?

If you want help, let me know, will you ? 如果你需要帮助,告诉我,好吗?


Bring the fruit up to the dining room, will you ? 把水果送到楼上餐厅里来,好吗?

Will you please, at once, pack up and leave? 请马上收拾行李离开。


Won't you take off your coat? 你要不要把大衣脱掉?

Won't you come in and have something to drink? 你要不要进来喝点什么?

I meant to reason with you, but you won't reason. 我本想和你讲道理,但你不肯讲道理。



Boys will be boys. 男孩子总是男孩子。

Oil and water will not mix. 油和水混不起来。

These things will happen. 这种事总是要发生的。


“Tell me the secret.” “I won't .”“把秘密告诉我。”“我才不哩。”

We will never talk about that subject again. 我们绝不再谈这个问题。


I won't let you down in any way. 我绝不会做对不起你的事。

We' ll pay back the money soon. 我们不久就偿还这笔钱。


You will not go out today; instead, you will stay in and work.今天你不要出去,相反,你要待在家里干活。

No one will leave the examination room before 12 o'clock. 12点前谁也不准离开考场。


This will be the house you're looking for. 这想必是你找的房子。

The audience will not be aware of such detail. 听众们想必不知道这样的细节。

6. would的用法


I thought you would be sleeping . 我还以为你会在睡觉呢。


I would hate to move to another house now. 我不想现在搬到别处去。

I wouldn't mind being a messenger. 我不介意做一个传书递简的人。

If he were in town he would help you. 如果他在城里,他会帮助你的。

If you had taken my advice, this wouldn't have happened .如果你听了我的劝告,这事就不会发生了。

She would have said more, had he not walked away.如果他没走开,她还会多说一些的。


Denial would have been useless. 否认是没有用的。

But for your help we would have been late . 幸亏你帮忙,要不我们就迟到了。

Such a thing wouldn't have happened elsewhere. 这样的事在别处是不会发生的。


If Ann would admit this I'd be quite happy. 如果安肯承认这一点,我会很高兴。

If they would put their heads together, they would find ways to tide over the difficulty.如果他们肯集思广益,他们会找到渡过难关的办法。


The windows wouldn't open . 窗子打不开了。

The wound would not heal . 伤口老不愈合。

用于would rather (sooner) 等结构中:

He would rather listen to others than talk himself. 他宁愿听别人谈而不自己谈。

We would sooner ( rather ) have left on the 8th. 我们宁愿8号走。

I would as soon stay at home. 我宁愿待在家里。


I'd rather ( sooner ) you didn't ask me to speak. 我宁愿你不让我发言。

I'd rather you knew that now, than afterwards. 我宁愿你现在知道而不是以后知道。

7. shall的用法



We shall be going away tomorrow by an early tram. 我们明天将坐早车离开此地。

Tomorrow we shall have finished with this business. 明天我们就能干完此事。

现在,在陈述句中用shall的时候越来越少。美国人都用will,英国人也多用will。shall not可紧缩为shan't /Fɑ:nt/,美国人读作/FAnt/:

I shan't be long. 我不会去太久。

We shan't be coming back today. 我们今天不回来了。



You shall hear everything directly you come. 你一来就可听到所有情况了。

I don't want to be hard on him; he shan't be pressed . 我不会对他苛刻,不会逼他。


I shan't go back there. 我绝不回那里去。

That day shall come . 那一天一定会来。

Terrorism shall not pass. 恐怖主义不能逍遥法外。


He shall suffer for this. 他将为此受苦。

She shall do as she is told. 她得按命令行事。

He shan't come here. 我不会让他来。


Each competitor shall wear a number. 每个参赛者要戴一个号码。

Members shall enter the names of their guests in the book provided.会员必须将他们客人的名字登记在提供的本子里。

All foreign residents shall have reported to the nearest police station by September 20.所有外籍居民必须于9月20日前到最近的派出所去一趟。


We demand that the rich shall pay for this. 我们要求富人为此付款。

It has been decided that he shall be given the job. 已决定应当给他这份工作。


8. should的用法



We thought we should never see you again. 我们以为会再也见不到你了。

The BBC weather report this morning said that we should have rain.



I can't think why he should have said that. 我想不明白为什么他竟说出这样的话。

It is odd that they should not have presented you with a copy.他们竟然没有送你一本,真太奇怪了。



I should never have done it if I hadn't been so hard up.要不是我经济上那样困难,我绝不会做这事。

I should not have laughed if I had thought you were serious.要是我以为你是认真的,我就不会发笑了。


We shouldn't have won without you. 要不是有你,我们不会赢。

What should I have done in her place? 我要是处在她的地位,我会怎样做?


I should be happy to go with you if I should not be in the way.如果我不碍事,我愿和你们一道去。

Should I be free tomorrow, I will come. 如果明天我有空我就来。

用在so that,lest等引导的从句中:

We hid it so that he should not see it. 我们把它藏起来,以免他看到。

He offered to write it out for her, lest she should forget .他提出替她写下来,以防她忘记。


1. can的用法



Two eyes can see more than one. 两只眼睛比一只看得清。(谚语)

His sprawling impact on science can't be reduced to such concise phrases. 他对科学广泛的影响无法用如此简短的句子概括。

be able to可表示同样意思:

Look! I can/am able to stand on my hands! 瞧!我能倒立!

Can you/ Are you able to speak a foreign language? 你能讲外语吗?

can只能表示现在情况,没有完成形式,而be able to则可以:

I haven't been able to sleep recently. 最近,我睡不着觉。


So data of this kind can be valuable. 因此,这样的资料有时很有价值。


You can ' t smoke here. 你不能在这里抽烟。



How can you be so conceited? 你怎么能这样高傲?

Can he still be alive after all these years? 过了这么多年,他还活着?


You can't have forgotten me. 你不可能已忘记我了。

They can't have gone out because the light's on.他们不可能出去了,因为灯还亮着。

What on earth can she be doing ? 她此刻能在干什么呢?

2. could的用法



She could sing very well when she was a girl. 她小时候歌唱得很好。

She couldn't understand his state of mind. 她不能理解他的心态。

这时可以用was (were) able to表示同样的意思:

But several seconds after the launch the rocket blew up, before the new second stage motor was able to ignite. 在发射数秒后,第二级新助推器点燃之前,火箭发生了爆炸。

She wasn't able to ( couldn't ) answer the question. 她不能回答这个问题。


It was so dark that we could see nothing. 天那么黑,我们什么也看不见。

Mary could be pretty naughty when she was a child. 玛丽小时候有时很调皮。



I could come early, if necessary. 如果有必要,我可以早点儿来。

I couldn't be happier. 我再高兴不过了。


Could this be true? 这能是真的吗?

They couldn't have left so soon. 他们不可能走得这么早。


If it hadn't been for the freezing wind they could have reached the injured man in time. 要不是有刺骨的寒风,他们就及时赶到伤员身边了。


Why didn't you apply for the job? You could have got it.你干吗没去申请这份工作?你是有可能得到这份工作的。

Paul couldn't have gone anyway because he was ill.保罗不管怎样都不能去,因为他生病了。



We could not have heard them because of the noise from the river.由于有河水声,我们不可能听见他们的话。

I do not see how I could have done otherwise.我看不出那时我还能有什么别的做法。


I could have lent you the money. Why didn't you ask me?我本来可以借这笔钱给你的。你为什么不向我提出?

Indications are that the accident could have been prevented.迹象表明,这次事故本来是可以避免的。


You could have been more considerate. 你本可考虑得更周到的。

You could have started a little earlier. 你本可早点儿动身的。

3. may的用法


May I have the key? 能把钥匙给我吗?

You may do exactly as you like. 你可以爱怎么做就怎么做。

If I may say so, your work needed revision.如果我可以这样说的话,你的著作需要修订。


People may not pick flowers in the park. 人们不得在公园里攀折花木。

Dogs may not be taken into these carriages. 不得带狗进入这些车厢。


He may be engaged. 他可能有事。

It may be a new species. 它可能是一个新品种。


You may have read some account of the matter. 你可能已看到对这事的一些报道。

She may be bringing a few friends home. 她可能会带几个朋友到家里来。

He may not have been feeling well. 他可能身子不舒服。


That may well have been their intention. 这很可能是他们的意图。

It may well be the largest cathedral in the world. 它很可能是世界上最大的教堂。


May some of the suggestions prove of value to you! 愿这些建议有些能对你有益!

用于may as well,意为“不妨”:

If that is the case, I may as well try . 既然如此,我不妨试一试。

Since (Now) you are here, you may as well make yourself useful.既然你在这儿,不妨做点有益的事。

4. might的用法



I asked if I might glance through the exercises. 我问可否看看这些练习。

He suggested one or two books which they might buy . 他推荐了一两本他们可以买的书。


With careful modulation, aging might be reversed . 通过小心谨慎的调节,衰老的过程可能逆转。

I was careful not to look at him. He might have seen the surprise in my eyes.我注意不看他。(否则)他可能会看出我惊异的眼神。


I wished that you were there so that I might thank you in person.我希望你在那儿以便我能当面向你致谢。

Amy was not allowed to go to bed, lest she might be needed .他们不让埃米睡觉,以防需要她。



Might I inquire if you are the owner? 我可否问一句你是不是老板?

You might just give me half a cup. 你给我半杯就行了。


She might have been taken ill quite suddenly. 她或许是突然生病了。

I might have come to a wrong conclusion. 我可能得出了错误的结论。

might well可表示“很可能”:

You might well be right. 你很可能是对的。


If it hadn't been for Margaret, I might not have understood. 要不是马格雷特,我或许还不能理解。


I still think I might have made a go at it.我仍然认为我可以试一试的。


You might have let me know before! 你要是早点儿让我知道就好了!


Father mightn't have been to blame. 或许不可能怨父亲。

用于might as well(和may as well意思相同,表示“不妨”):

I'm ready, so I might as well go now 我已准备好,因此不妨现在就走。

A lot of men died who might have been saved . 很多人本来可以获救的,却死了。


We might as well have gone ( go ) home as you suggested.我们还不如照你说的回家去。

5. must的用法



A work ill done must be done twice. 一件作品没做好必须重做。(谚语)

must也可用来表示过去情况,但用had to也许更清楚一些:

Why did you have to go there? 你为什么得去那里?(这样时间比较清楚)

She asked her boss if she must ( had to ) work overtime.她问老板她是否一定要加班。


Of course she mustn ' t leave us.当然她不能离开我们。


“Must I come at four?”“Yes, you must.”

“我一定要四点钟来吗?”“是的,一定要四点来。”(“No, you needn't. You may come any time in the afternoon.”“不一定,你可以下午任何时候来。”)


Judging by the smell, the food must be good. 从香味上看,这菜一定很好吃。

Your brother must be anxious to know the particulars. 你哥哥一定急于知道详细情况。


Nonsense, you must have misheard . 胡说,你准是听错了。

You must be joking . 你准是在说笑话。

Someone must have been smoking here. 一定有人一直在这里抽烟。


Why must she be so nasty to me? 为什么她偏对我这么恶劣?

6. ought的用法



One (A fellow) ought to be broad-minded about things.



He ought to be isolated . 他应当被隔离。


I ought to have helped her, but I never could. 我本该帮助她的,却从未能这样做。


Jim ought to be up now. 吉姆现在应当已经起床了。


He ought to have arrived by now. 现在他应当已经到了。

We ought to be hearing from him soon. 我们不久应当会接到他的信。


1. need的用法



You needn't clean the windows. They aren't dirty. 你不必擦窗子,不脏。

“Must we take action immediately?”“No, you needn't fuss .” “我们必须立即采取行动吗?”“不,你不必大惊小怪。”


They need not have been punished so severely. 他们不必受到这样严厉的惩罚。


I don't think you need take it too seriously. 我看你不必对这事太认真。

I don't see why we need discuss it further. 我看不出我们还有什么必要进一步谈。


Why need you go today? 为什么你需要今天走?

Need you have scolded him so severely? 你有必要这样严厉地批评他吗?


Do you think you need tell her about it? 你认为你有必要告诉她这件事吗?

I wonder if I need bring my mosquito-net. 不知我有否必要带蚊帐。

情态动词need的否定式是needn't,及物动词need的否定式是don't/doesn't/didn't need。




Humans need glucose to survive. 人类需要葡萄糖才能生存。

I don't need anything. 我什么也不需要。


They need to tackle the problem in a new way. 他们需要以新的方式处理这个问题。

The house needs to be redecorated. 房子需要装修。


The pants need pressing (to be pressed). 裤子需要熨烫。

The garden needs watering. 花园需要浇水了。


I need you over to help me with the children. 我需要你过来帮我看孩子。

I need this tooth out. 我需要拔掉这颗牙。

2. dare的用法




He daren't ask his boss for a day off. 他不敢向老板请求休一天假。

I scarcely dare think of it. 我简直不敢想这事。


How dare you say I am a liar? 你竟(怎么)敢说我是个撒谎的人?

Dare you ask him? 你敢问他吗?

How dare he take my bicycle without even asking?他怎么敢骑走我的自行车也不说一声?


I wonder if she dared come home. 不知她敢不敢回家。

(3)dare say(猜测,或许,可能):

I dare say I overdo it. But you go to the other extreme. 或许我做得过分,但你却走了另一个极端。

You're tired, I dare say . 或许你累了。


作及物动词时可以与一些助动词如do, would, won't, have等连用:


She dared to walk the tightrope without a net. 她敢于不用安全网踩钢丝。

He dares to accuse me of dishonesty. 他(竟)敢说我不老实。


Sally is the only person in our class who dares (to) answer our teacher back. 萨莉是我们班上唯一敢和老师顶嘴的人。


The actress dared a new way of playing that famous character.那位女演员敢于尝试以一个新方式来扮演这个著名角色。


I dared him to fight. 我要求和他打一架。

I dare you to jump off that wall. 我看你敢不敢从墙上跳下来。

3. be able to的用法

be able to常和动词一起用,表示“能够”,意思接近can,有时两者可以换用:

I' m not able to (can't) explain this. 我不能解释这个问题。

He was able to (could) speak five languages. 他能讲五种语言。

但be able to可用于许多时态,这时可能无法换为can, could:

I haven't been able to get in touch with her. 我一直未能和她联系上。

She had been able to send money home regularly to maintain the family.她一直能定期寄钱回家维持家人的生活。

Each drone would be able to deliver enough supplies to feed up to 50 people per day.每架无人机运载的物资能满足50人一天的消耗。

be able to还可和情态动词或某些系动词连用:

I ought to be able to live on my salary. 我应当可以靠薪水生活。

You might be able to persuade him. 你或许能劝说他。

She should be able to give us a good answer.她应当可以给我们一个令人满意的答复。

He seemed able to put complicated thought in simple words.他似乎能用简单的词表达复杂的思想。


He said he so much regretted not being able to swim .他说他对不会游泳感到非常遗憾。

She grasped my hand, not being able to say anything.她抓住我的手,一句话也说不出来。

4. have (got) to的用法

have to的意思接近must(must强调说话人的意愿),而have to表示客观上的必要,常可译为“(不)得(不)”,否定式表示“不必”:

You must come with us. 你一定要和我们一道去。

I had to go to hospital. 我得去医院。

You have to have a social-media presence if you want to have a successful business. 如果你想把事业做成功,就得在社交媒体上有影响力。

have to可用于各种时态:

We failed to catch the bus. We had to walk home. 我们没赶上车,只好步行回家。

If it hadn't been for her support, he would have had to leave .如果不是她支持,他就不得不离职了。

have to还可和情态动词一起用:

He may have to cancel his plan. 他可能不得不取消他的计划。

They might have to ask his permission to do this.他们这样做可能不得不征求他的同意。

have to的疑问句及否定句都借助do(es),did构成:

What do I have to do to get a license? 我要怎样做才能领到驾驶证?

She doesn't have to stay up so late. 她不必熬夜到这么晚。

have got to和have to的意思差不多,也可译为“不得不”“一定得”:

It's the one thing you' ve got to be careful about. 这是你必须小心处理的一件事。

Have you got to get yourself involved with all this? 你有必要卷进这一切吗?

5. had better (best) 的用法

had better也接近一个情态动词,和should的意思很相近,表示“最好”;had常紧缩为“d”:

Graduates had better known what they want before they start looking for a job. 毕业生最好在求职前想清楚自己想要什么。

You had much better have the thing out at once. 你最好马上把事情谈清楚。


I think I' d better be going . 我想我最好还是马上走。

You' d better be getting your clothes ready. 你最好马上把衣服准备好。


You better stop arguing. 你们最好不要争论了。

Better not wait for them. 最好别等他们了。

Better get his file then. 最好把他的档案取来。

had best也有类似的意思:

I thought I had best have your opinion first. 我想最好先听你的意见。

You had best get home before midnight. 你最好在午夜之前回到家里。

6. used to的用法

used to表示“过去(常常)……”(现在已不再如此):

I used to play tennis a lot but I don't play very often now.我过去常常打网球,但现在不常打了。

He used to be devoted to her. 他过去是很爱她的。


Did you use to eat a lot of sweets when you were a child? 你小时候吃很多糖吗?

I didn't use to have my own room. 我过去不是一个人住一间房的。


Used you to know them? 你过去认识他们吗?

She used not to be so forgetful. 她过去不是那样爱忘事的。 DT6M5y8FPPLr/SznvFap0bqQztMTGbIuhrKCEgB34TmLzZdn104dtCLiT4BNxq14
