









Traditional Chinese health preservation has a long-standing history. Its well-established theoretical system has evolved over thousands of years by integrating Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and cultural understanding on human health and disease. As an essential part in promoting health and longevity, some practice methods were long before the emergence of Bian -stone, acupuncture,moxibustion and Chinese herbs.

These ancient practice methods have been proved by unearth books including the Dao Yin Tu (Daoyin Diagram) in Mawangdui, Yin Shu (Book on Daoyin) in Zhangjiashan and Xing Qi Yu Pei Ming (Jade Inscriptions on Qi Cultivation) from the Warring States Period, along with the later books such as Zhuang Zi (Zhuangzi), Lü Shi Chun Qiu (Spring and Autumn of Master Lü), and Huang Di Nei Jing (Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic). The academic idea on Daoyin has been further enriched and developed. In 1950s, the Daoyin became known as Qigong.

Traditional Chinese Daoyin and health preservation are essential to the health and wellness of Chinese people and contain the philosophical wisdom of Chinese civilization, which highlights the holistic and dialectic view on man-nature unity. The Daodejing states, “Men emulate earth; earth emulates heaven; heaven emulates the Dao; and the Dao emulates spontaneity.” The holistic view is both the corner stone of traditional Chinese philosophy and theoretical foundation of Chinese medicine and health preservation. Chinese medicine believes that the human body is an organic whole, including the zang-fu organs, meridians, essence, qi and spirit. In addition, man is inseparable to society and nature.

On the occasion of celebrating the 30 th anniversary, Shanghai Qigong Research Institute put forward the academic idea of “Qi-Dao harmony” and compiled a set of eight books (in Chinese and English) on health preservation exercise— Yi Jin Jing (Sinew-Transformation Classic), Gu Yin Liu Zi Jue (Six Healing Sounds), Xiao Yao Gong (Free and Easy Exercise), Ba Duan Jin , Tian Zhu Dao Yin Gong , Song Rou Gong (Soft and Relaxed Exercise), Liu He Gong (Six-Unity Exercise) and Fang Song Gong (Relaxation Exercise).

The World Health Organization’s (WHO) defines health as“a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” To address the u nprecedented health challenges of infectious diseases, chronic diseases, aging and mental health issues, the WHO is seeking low cost interventions to reduce economic burden. One of the WHO’s strategic goals is to promote universal health coverage by integrating traditional and complementary medicine services into health service delivery and self-care.

In 2016, the Taiji Health Center was established within the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Shanghai Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The Center focuses on Taiji,aims to help achieve health as “a state of complete physical, mental,and social well-being”, and thus constructs a self-healing Taiji health __model by combining ancient health preservation, Daoyin, massage,food therapy, herbal diet and mental regulation. Professor Li Jie and her colleagues compiled another five books (in Chinese and English) on health preservation: Zhu Bing Yuan Hou Lun Dao Yin Shu (Daoyin Foreword Recorded in Zhu Bing Yuan Hou Lun), Zhang Zhuang Gong (Post Standing Exercise), Xing Bu Gong (Qigong Exercise in Walking), Wo Gong (Qigong Exercise in Lying Position) and Shen Qi Wu Xing Cao (Exercise of Five Elements).

I firmly believe that the publication of this book series will benefit the inheritance of traditional Chinese culture and promote the public health and wellness. I deeply hope that they will continue to dedicate and make effort to introduce excellent Chinese culture and traditional health preservation exercise to more people around the world.

Hu Hongyi
August, 2022 hL5ByD+6L6ibAtgIOQHntA13YnIlzWqYUl+SrOeTviZ3L/scXGEtUMWtp5F7ZVmI
