
二 多选题的做题方法

以下真题出自《剑桥雅思官方真题集11》Test 2-Part 2,请先听一遍录音,完成题目。

New Staff at theatre

Questions 11 and 12

Choose TWO letters, A-E .

Which TWO changes have been made so far during the refurbishment of the theatre?

A Some rooms now have a different use.

B A different type of seating has been installed.

C An elevator has been installed.

D The outside of the building has been repaired.

E Extra seats have been added.

Questions 13 and 14

Choose TWO letters, A-E .

Which TWO facilities does the theatre currently offer to the public?

A rooms for hire

B backstage tours

C hire of costumes

D a bookshop

E a café

Questions 15 and 16

Choose TWO letters, A - E .

Which TWO workshops does the theatre currently offer?

A sound

B acting

C making puppets

D make-up

E lighting


11~12题的选项较长,对考生的审题要求很高。对于这种多选题,考生需要快速有效地分析选项。以此题为例,在确认题干中关键信息“ TWO ”、“changes”、“during the refurbishment of the theatre”后,应立刻转向选项,确认定位词: A rooms; B E seat; C elevator; D outside。


(1)细审题干。和单选题相同,题干主要起到一个定位的作用,告诉考生文章的发展方向,提示考题答案何时出现。审题干时首先需弄清楚题目问的是什么,关键词通常会涉及 advantages/disadvantages/types/skills/topics/problems/reasons/results/requirements/changes ,提问的形式多为 which include/not include、which do/don’t、which can/can’t 等。状语部分也很可能是考点,例如在“Which TWO changes have been made so far during the refurbishment of the theatre?”中,考生需要注意“during the refurbishment of the theatre”。


A rooms for hire

B backstage tours

C hire of costumes

D a bookshop

E a café




11-12 答案 A B

解析 在11~12题中,选项出现的顺序是D-C-B-E-A,答案出现的顺序是B-A。

The interior has just been repainted, and we’re about to start on the exterior of the building–that’ll be a big job.(题干中时态为现在完成时,表示已发生,此处be about to do表示未发生;exterior同义替换outside,选项D排除)

...so we’ve had to postpone installing an elevator .(定位词elevator,postpone意为“推迟”,表明电梯尚未安装,选项C排除)

We ’ve replaced them with larger seats (选项B中replaced同义替换installed,larger seats同义替换different type), with more legroom. This means fewer seats in total...(选项E排除)

We’ve also turned a few storerooms over to other purposes , like using them for meetings.(选项A中other purposes同义替换different use)

13-14 答案 B D

解析 在13~14题中,选项出现的顺序是B-E-D-A-C,答案出现的顺序是B-D。


原文提及backstage tours...these are proving very popular,现在进行时表示现有的事情,选项B符合。

the possibility of opening a café指开咖啡厅的可能性,说明目前尚不存在,选项E排除。

We have a bookshop为一般现在时,表示现有的,选项D符合。

rooms that will be decorated为将来时,表示未发生,选项A排除。

We’re considering hiring out costumes表示正在思考中,是尚未发生的事情,选项C排除。

原文 One way is by organising backstage tours, so people can be shown round the building and learn how a theatre operates. These are proving very popular . What we’re finding is that people want to have lunch or a cup of coffee while they’re here, so we’re looking into the possibility of opening a café in due course. We have a bookshop , which specialises in books about drama, and that attracts plenty of customers.

15-16 答案 C E

解析 在15~16题中,选项出现的顺序是B-E-A-D-C,答案出现的顺序是E-C。


acting...but we’re waiting until we’ve got the right people指还在等合适的人,尚未发生,选项B排除。

lighting...has already started为完成时,表示现有的,选项E符合。

We’re going to start one on sound next month为将来时,表示尚未发生,选项A排除。

make-up...considering for the future表示正在考虑,是尚未发生的事情,future为重要提示,选项D排除。

A surprise success is the workshop on making puppets表示已成功,选项C符合。

原文 There’s a big demand to learn about the technical side of putting on a production, and our lighting workshop has already started , with great success. We’re going to start one on sound next month. A number of people have enquired about workshops on make-up, and that’s something we’re considering for the future. A surprise success is the workshop on making puppets—we happen to have someone working here who does it as a hobby, and she offered to run a workshop. It was so popular we’re now running them every month! xatS5JYGi/0AMlORvxJMOHYXMm9oawZA9/TJMNm4rmk/Yku7BzaPz9DogJ2VnciF
