
三 真题演练及解析


以下真题出自《剑桥雅思官方真题集14》Test 4-Part 3,请先听一遍录音,完成题目。

Questions 21-25

Choose the correct letter, A , B or C .

21 What does Trevor find interesting about the purpose of children’s literature?

A the fact that authors may not realise what values they’re teaching

B the fact that literature can be entertaining and educational at the same time

C the fact that adults expect children to imitate characters in literature

22 Trevor says the module about the purpose of children’s literature made him

A analyse some of the stories that his niece reads.

B wonder how far popularity reflects good quality.

C decide to start writing some children’s stories.

23 Stephanie is interested in the Pictures module because

A she intends to become an illustrator.

B she can remember beautiful illustrations from her childhood.

C she believes illustrations are more important than words.

24 Trevor and Stephanie agree that comics

A are inferior to books.

B have the potential for being useful.

C discourage children from using their imagination.

25 With regard to books aimed at only boys or only girls, Trevor was surprised

A how long the distinction had gone unquestioned.

B how few books were aimed at both girls and boys.

C how many children enjoyed books intended for the opposite sex.


21. 答案 A

原文 Right, and whether the teaching should be factual—giving them information about the world—or ethical, teaching them values. What’s fascinating is that the writer isn’t necessarily conscious of the message they’re conveying. (前半句为题干同义替换,属于同义词替换,后半句为答案同义表达替换)

22. 答案 C

原文 That module made me realise how important stories are they can have a significant effect on children as they grow up .(此句对应题干)Actually, it inspired me to have a go at it myself , just for my own interest.(同义表达替换和句式转换)

23. 答案 A

原文 That’s good. I remember some frightening ones I saw as a child and I can still see them vividly in my mind, years later! Pictures can be so powerful (此处暗示题干出现), just as powerful as words. I’ve always enjoyed drawing, so that’s the field I want to go into when I finish the course. I bet that module will be really helpful.(同义词替换和句式转换)

24. 答案 B

原文 STEPHANIE: But children are so used to visual input—on TV, video games, and so on. There are plenty of kids who wouldn’t even try to read a book, so I think comics can serve a really useful purpose .

TREVOR: You mean, it’s better to read a comic than not to read at all? Yes, I suppose you’re right. (此句既是定位题干,也是答案)I just think it’s sad when children don’t read books.(同义表达替换)

25. 答案 B

原文 STEPHANIE: What about books for girls and books for boys? Does the course go into that? (此句容易定位题干)

TREVOR: Yes, there’s a module on it. For years, lots of stories, in English, at least, assumed that boys went out and did adventurous things and girls stayed at home and played with dolls. I was amazed how many books were targeted at just one sex or the other. Of course this reflects society as it is when the books are written.(同义表达替换和句式转换)


《剑桥雅思官方真题集17》Test 1-Part 2


Day 3




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