
二 解题技巧


What do you think of the education you’ve got in the university?

Part 1的回答分为两部分,第一部分是直接回答(a direct answer to the question),第二部分是加以解释(provide more information)。记住,对考官而言,Part 1的交流往往可以帮助考生热身,所以不必紧张。但是,如果考生属于怯场型选手,为了保险起见,在解释部分可以采用“正话、反话一起说”的方法,即先说教育的积极(positive)效果,再承认其局限性(limitations),这样内容饱满,而且转承启合,比较自然。

I think it’s very helpful. My university is trying very hard to offer us the most useful and advanced information and knowledge in our field. Of course, it’s impossible to learn everything in university. But at least my university gives me a very good start.


What do you think of your professors?

My professors are really knowledgeable, friendly and helpful. But sometimes what they teach in class is over my head. In these cases, I take notes carefully and try to figure out the puzzles after class by consulting reference materials.

请记住,这一回答方法堪称“icebreaker”,可以让考生放松紧张的情绪,打开话匣子。但是在实际运用时,不能犯自相矛盾的错误,不能前面说教授knowledgeable,后面抱怨他们don’t know what they are lecturing about。请考生在揣摩上面的例子之后,自己设计问题,并用这个方法回答。 c8xShvLA89dbOI6R4p6ekpBl1ilQqbPkVVE1Wj0LDn0Pb5c+WfOye3ApPjlQDDDu

三 提分短语

★ cram for a test

释义 突击备考 to study for a test shortly before it happens

例句 I have a bad habit of cramming for a test. It seems that I’m only motivated by taking tests.

★ pull an all-nighter

释义 熬夜 to remain awake all night long, especially so as to study or to complete something

例句 I can never pull an effective all-nighter. In fact, I need to sleep well to perform well.

★ under a lot of pressure

释义 承受多重压力 while facing or enduring a great amount of stress caused by compelling or constraining influences

例句 I have trouble dealing with deadlines, so I’m under a lot of pressure especially at the end of the semester.

★ breeze through

释义 轻松搞定 to do something or win easily with little effort or concern

例句 Exams are quite predictable, and I can pretty much breeze through them with a bit of revision.

★ buckle down

释义 全力以赴 to do a task with determination

例句 I have been procrastinating, but now it’s time for me to buckle down and start to study seriously.

★ learn (something) by heart

释义 记住,掌握 commit something to memory;memorize(注意与recite的区别,learn by heart指记忆的学习过程,recite则是大声诵读,更具“表演性”。)

例句 Learning common idioms by heart is one of the ways of building up a bank of them to use in IELTS Speaking test, but it’s important to learn and use idioms in context.

★ brush up on

释义 复习;重温 to refresh one’s memory; renew one’s skill

例句 My sister suggested I read articles from Atlantic Monthly to brush up on GRE vocabulary.

★ sit an exam

释义 参加考试 take an exam

例句 The time when I have to sit an exam is really stressful because I make it a habit of burning the midnight oil to cram for exams and have less time to relax.

★ pass with flying colours

释义 高分通过(考试) to pass with a very good score/mark/grade

例句 After studying so hard for the exam, I was extremely happy to pass with flying colours.

★ scrape through

释义 勉强通过(考试) barely pass with a rather low score/mark/grade

例句 A: Did you pass the test?

B: Yeah, I managed to scrape through, but I was hoping to do better. c8xShvLA89dbOI6R4p6ekpBl1ilQqbPkVVE1Wj0LDn0Pb5c+WfOye3ApPjlQDDDu
