
三 提分短语

★ sense of community

释义 邻里和睦 the feeling that you belong to a community

例句 What I enjoy most is the sense of community in my hometown where people look out for each other.

★ bring back (to)

释义 唤起回忆 make you remember something

例句 Intimate sights in my hometown brought back a lot of happy memories.

★ cost of living

释义 日常开销 the level of prices relating to a range of everyday items

例句 What I really dislike about my hometown is that the cost of living there is exorbitant.

★ give others a hand

释义 帮忙 to help someone do something

例句 Everyone is living close together and willing to give others a hand when they need help.

★ be born and raised

释义 (在这里)出生和长大 be born and bred

例句 I was born and raised and still live in Wuhan. I know this city like the back of my hand.

★ close-knit

释义 亲如一家 bound together by intimate social or cultural ties

例句 I like how the people in my hometown are so friendly. It’s a really close-knit community and there are many mom and pop shops, which are hard to find in big cities.

★ be well known for

释义 因…而著名 be famous or known about by a lot of people because of something

例句 My hometown is Beijing, the capital city of China. It is well known around the world for its rich culture and wonderful scenery.

★ commuter belt

释义 (大城市周围的)通勤者聚居区 the area surrounding a large city, where many people who work in the city live

例句 My hometown is located in the commuter belt around Beijing, the capital of China.

★ one of the main downsides

释义 一个主要的不足之处 the main disadvantage

例句 However, one of the main downsides of my hometown is the cost of living. Housing costs are some of the highest in the country, so any advantage of higher wages is usually cancelled out by higher living costs.

★ face environmental/social problems

释义 面临环境/社会问题 have to deal with environmental/social problems

例句 My hometown faces environmental problems such as air pollution caused by some local factories, and it also faces social problems such as overcrowding and housing shortage. jCQj01dqIk8AcRMWygwgqlZ12cF1EPKBCfBMedYIDYMgYYYs36l/vjZBokdxtrpJ
