
一 喃喃自语


Part 1 问题

1. Where are you from?

★ I’m from Meishan, which is a quiet and small town best known for the towering mountains surrounding it.

★ I’m from Qingdao, a coastal city in eastern Shandong Province. You might have heard of it. It’s pretty much popular with tourists from home and abroad.

2. Is it a big city or a small place?

★ It’s pretty small with slightly more than 2 million people. It has breathtaking views and outstanding food. However, it can be a little bit boring coz there are only a few small shops and a couple of pubs and that’s it.

★ It’s a medium-sized city in China. In high seasons, all the interesting sites swarm with tourists from different parts of the world. Some locals complain that the public transport gets overcrowded with feisty visitors. I think we can help tourists experience our city as a hospitable and tolerant place.

3. Do you like your hometown?

★ Of course I love my hometown. I know “my beautiful hometown” sounds like a cliché, but it’s so true. Although it’s been almost two years since I left there, I can still picture the imposing mountains and the serene rivers now.

★ I like my hometown. As a matter of fact, I am proud of its tasty seafood, wonderful beaches and well-known beer.

4. What do you think needs changing in your hometown?

★ I think that the transport infrastructure needs upgrading. Because of its steep and rugged terrain, the roads in my hometown are mostly in kind of undesirable conditions.

★ I think that we need to seriously deal with litter. To tell you the truth, I once actually had to wade through a flotsam of trash just to get into the ocean. This problem has been getting worse with more and more tourists pouring into the city.

5. Please describe your hometown a little.

★ My hometown is a small traditional village. Tradition is preserved by a number of festivals celebrated by local people. Besides, local artisans keep traditional crafts alive by making products in old ways. It’s also so small that all the people are kind of related to one another, so the whole village is literally a big family.

★ My hometown is a bustling young city. It seems that its skyline keeps changing with new high-rise buildings. It also attracts talents from all kinds of business, but at the same time, we have to suffer from the terrible environment, especially the bad air quality.

6. What are the environmental problems in your hometown?

★ Smog is definitely the most serious problem we’re facing nowadays. From late-autumn to winter, the whole city is wrapped in the suffocating smog and we are terrified by some probable effects of the smog on our health, and even on the health of our future children. I wish we would soon figure out how to deal with smog.

★ One serious environmental problem we are facing is tons of non-biodegradable plastic waste. Even though the government has conducted several educational campaigns to raise the public’s awareness, the residents still use plastic products every single day and unintentionally destroy the environment.

Part 2 话题卡


Describe the recent changes in your hometown.

You should say:

which part of your hometown these changes have affected

when and where these changes were made

how you feel about it


As far as I know, a noticeable change that has occurred in my hometown is that more and more people who made big money elsewhere now return to my hometown and try to open some local businesses.

My hometown, just like any other places in China, has been expanding toward the suburban area. Such area, which is also called new town, or development zone, is mostly affected by this trend. Most aspiring entrepreneurs see opportunities there, and they invest in every industry you can imagine, such as clothing, catering, education, and so on.

Surely this change has not taken place overnight. According to a friend of mine who has established a store in the new town, since 2008, it has been harder to “earn quick money” in the big cities for reasons such as economic recession and overcrowded market. On the contrary, emerging towns like my hometown attract investors as a promising market.

This change is kind of exciting, because it seems that people who return with their money and business experience will boost the local economy. But even in my hometown, the competition is still fierce. In the long run, only businesses with top-notch products and services, good management as well as creative strategies can win.


I was born and raised in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province. I have been living here all the time so practically I have seen numberless changes in my hometown, to name a few, completion and opening of the metro system, planning and construction of the “Yangtze Axis” program for urban infrastructure development, demolishing old neighbourhoods to give room for new ones, etc.

Generally, the whole city has experienced dramatic changes. You know, here and there you can see new businesses popping up. But it seems that the suburbs are particularly affected. A lot of people change from farmers to urban residents. They lose their farming fields, traditional lifestyle and pastoral scenes in exchange for benefits of urban citizens such as better education opportunities for their children.

This trend in fact has last about 20 years not only in my hometown, but also all over the country. Our country today is just like a huge construction site, not a single day passes without a new project kicking off.

As to my personal opinion on such changes, to tell you the truth, I kind of have mixed feelings. On one hand, it is surely great to have more shopping malls, more roads and bridges, more schools etc. Our life is better off. On the other hand, we are also compelled to give up on some precious things in this development rush, such as clean environment, leisure life, some historical and cultural sites, and worst of all, harmonious neighbourhood. I hope we can make it right in the future by focusing on people rather than GDP in my hometown.

Part 3 问题

1. What will your hometown be like in 50 years?

★ To speak frankly, I’ve never thought about this question before. In fact, compared to some bustling cities I worked in, what is special about my hometown is that it almost has remained the same. Unlike many places in our country, in the past ten years, there just have been a few new buildings put up there. But I think the pace of development will get faster in the future because my hometown has been appointed a “key town” for economic development by the provincial government. With some preferential policies and efforts by people from all walks of life, in 50 years, my hometown will surely have its own university, some large-sized state-owned enterprises, more shopping malls and entertainment centers. And hopefully, my hometown will maintain its natural beauty at that time.

★ 50 years is kind of long. According to the current pace of development in my hometown, in 50 years, there surely will be a lot of changes. The planned light-rail might have been completed by that time. Maybe a lot of old buildings will be pulled down to give room to the new development projects. And I think the planners should preserve the historic sites in the process. In addition, I hope my hometown will be more environment-friendly in 50 years. I have a great attachment to my hometown, and I hope people there will be better off in every aspect 50 years later.

2. What are the advantages of living in a small town?

★ I surely can speak for myself about such advantages because I was born and raised in a small town but have lived in big cities after graduation. First of all, the life is safer in a small town. The neighbourhoods are closer and people look out for each other so that crimes such as burglary tend to be less rampant in small towns. Second, small towns are generally cleaner because they have less highly polluting factories. Third, people in small towns tend to be more hospitable and friendly, not because they are better-natured, but because they are not so stressful as people in big cities. Really, I think people should take a break from the hustle and bustle in big cities sometimes.

★ In fact, because I don’t have any personal experience in living in a small town, I have to answer this question based on assumptions. First, I think that in a small town, people are definitely free of the pain of a long-distance commute. Second, maybe people living in a small town can enjoy a slower life pace. I remember, in one of documentaries I have seen, people in a small town often walk to the grocery store to buy food and then walk home to cook such food. It’s kind of unimaginable in a big city where people have to drive for shopping. Third, people are closer in a small town. According to my cousin who lives in a small town, she practically knows more than half of people in the neighborhood. As for me, I barely know guys next door.

3. What should your hometown do to attract new businesses?

★ I think the tourism should be the focus here; after all, my hometown is always renown for its towering mountains and serene rivers. First thing first, the decision-makers should get as much data from national agencies about my hometown. They should be clear about the local soil quality and what they can grow or get out of it so that they can prepare a 2- or 3-year plan designed to bring people in to buy local produce. They should also understand the elevation and microclimate in my hometown so they can come up with appropriate seasonal events and attractions. In addition, they should identify native flora and fauna that are rare elsewhere based on which they can come up with some annual festival to bring in tourists. By taking the above measures, it is likely that my hometown will attract new businesses.

★ As I see it, a business-friendly environment with non-obtrusive regulations is of primary importance. If my hometown wants to attract business owners, the authorities should understand that they extremely dislike having to fill out permits and unnecessary paperwork. Besides, minimal taxes and tax breaks for hiring a large workforce or making a significant investment in the community is important to business owners considering one region or another. In conclusion, the less red tape business owners have to go around, the more money and time they have to invest in their business. v1B9wEuYrLgdzp3Gn7C70uhqAAkEWNy6XUdqOUMg5fEM8g8zQ3K4YgKVsHKAbUhm
