即把进入你脑海的所有想法写下来,不必顾忌语法、标点、拼读。比如,此时你的脑海一片空白,你就写下“我的脑海一片空白(My mind has gone blank.)”,你觉得很疲劳,就写下“我感觉很累(I’m so tired.)”。当你写下一些不相关的东西时,有意无意中会产生一些灵感,从而打开写作的思路。
Computer. I do not know what to write about it. I’m so tired. My family has two computers. I simply… I really do not know what to say. It is all said before. My mind has gone blank. Yesterday there was a quarrel in my family because of playing games on the computer. They said I’m so absorbed in the computer, forgetting everything. Playing games is a waste of time for anyone who is trying to do something that deserves concentration. I like the Internet. It can provide me with all kinds of information. E-mail is so convenient. Some games are totally unfit for children. Many people have complained about this. Maybe it is also none of my business. There are so many programs for children. It makes computer become very interesting. I am tired of computer. Pause, but if there were no computer, what our life would become of? Oh, I am scribbling some nonsense.
●computer: a screen, keyboard
●computer manufacturer, Microsoft, Internet
●untired worker, work accurately and quickly
●advertisement on the Internet, all kinds of information
●some unhealthy games
●entertainment; informative, entertaining and instructive programs
●harm to your eyes, waste of time, negligence of one’s work or study, ruin of independence to harmonious human relations…
●be glued to computer, be crazy about TV…
●computer VS. TV, computer VS. newspaper
●What do you know about the history of computer?
●Why do people like computer?
●How long do you use the computer every day?
●What are your favourite computer games?
●What are some of the computer makers or computer brands?
●How to maintain a computer?
●Whether should computer be widely used to entertain or educate?
●How seriously has some computer affected our health?
●Why can we say that computer has ruined our independence, cut us from natural environment?
●Who should be responsible for selecting the right programs for children?