


Part A [考点解析与技巧解密]





1 价格; 2 大小; 3 颜色。




1 已知原价,问折后价;

2 已知折后价,问原价;

3 已知原价,问售后找零。

所以解题前一定要看清楚题干问的问题。另外,商品打折(discount)的规律是以半价(half)为主,常涉及数字运算。同时,听音时要特别注意听fifteen/fifty, thirty/thirteen, fourteen/forty等词的区别。


1. What was the normal price of the T-shirt?

A. $15.

B. $30.

C. $50.


2. How much will the man pay for the tickets?

A. £7.5.

B. £15.

C. £50.


3. Why doesn't the woman take the green T-shirt?

A. It's too small.

B. It's too dark.

C. It's too expensive.

4. What does the woman buy in the end?

A. A yellow T-shirt.

B. A blue T-shirt.

C. A pink T-shirt.


5. For whom does the woman buy the T-shirt?

A. Herself.

B. Her husband.

C. Her friend.

6. How much does the T-shirt normally cost?

A. $54.

B. $60.

C. $70.

7. Why does the salesman agree to sell the T-shirt at $48?

A. It is cheaper online.

B. He is in a hurry.

C. A button is lost.




1 购买后的问题; 2 售后的处理; 3 售后的态度。


1 购买后通常都是不满意,主要有以下三个原因:(1)送货的时间太长;(2)货物寄错;(3)货物对了但有质量问题。

2 售后处理的结果通常是以下三个:退,换,修。即return; change/replace; repair。

3 售后人员的回应通常是apology,态度是有耐心,有礼貌,因为顾客是上帝!


8. Why did the woman apologize?

A. She made a late delivery.

B. She went to the wrong place.

C. She couldn't take the cake back.


9. Why is the man at the shop?

A. To order a camera for his wife.

B. To have a camera repaired.

C. To get a camera changed.

10. What color does the man want?

A. Pink.

B. Black.

C. Orange.

11. What will the man do afterwards?

A. Make a phone call.

B. Wait until further notice.

C. Come again the next day.


12. What is Julia doing?

A. Asking about her order.

B. Reporting a computer problem.

C. Confirming a visit to a company.

13. When will the chairs arrive today?

A. At about 10 am.

B. Around 12 noon.

C. By 4 pm.




1 何时去吃; 2 到何地去吃; 3 和谁吃; 4 吃什么; 5 味道满意与否; 6 谁买单。


1 考查“和谁吃”时,要熟悉听力考试中常见的八大人物关系——夫妻、朋友、顾客与服务员、同事、老板与员工、同学、师生、游客与导游。

2 考查“谁买单”时,通常符合公平原则,常见的对话是“上次你买单了,所以这次我买,或者我先买单,你下次再买”。另外,买单时,常包含有小费“tips”。


14. What is the woman looking for?

A. A pan.

B. Carrots.

C. Tomatoes.

15. What will the speakers probably have tonight?

A. French fries.

B. Noodles.

C. Fried chicken.


16. What did the man think of the meal?

A. Just so-so.

B. Quite satisfactory.

C. A bit disappointing.

17. What was the 15% on the bill paid for?

A. The food.

B. The drinks.

C. The service.


18. What did Mike do?

A. He threw some bread away.

B. He finished a big bread.

C. He packaged the rest of bread.

19. Which contributes most to the food waste in Europe?

A. Restaurants.

B. Households.

C. Canteens.

20. What can we know about the campaign?

A. It was tough.

B. It was interesting.

C. It was successful.

Part B [原文创新与听写挑战]


请重听Part A录音,将Part A听力原文中的空格内容补充完整。

Text 1

W: So what did you buy?

M: A T-shirt. It was a real ________. I got it half price, saving ________ dollars.

Text 2

M: How much are the tickets?

W: They are ________ pounds each, but student tickets are ________ price.

M: Could I have two students' tickets please?

Text 3

M: Can I help you?

W: Yes. How much are these T-shirts?

M: They are ________ each.

W: I like the green one, but it isn't big enough. Have you got a larger size?

M: Just a minute. No, I'm sorry, we haven't. What about the black one?

W: No, it's too dark. I prefer something ________, yellow or pink.

M: How about the pink one?

W: Yes. That's nice. I'll take it.

M: That's 12 dollars 50 cents then, please.

W: Here you are.

Text 4

M: What can I do for you, madam?

W: Yes. My husband and I were thinking of buying something. May I have a look at that T-shirt?

M: Certainly. You have very good taste, madam. It really ________ you.

W: Thanks, but it's not for me. It's for my friend. How much is it?

M: Well, madam, you're very lucky because we have a special offer on for this week only. That T-shirt is normally sixty dollars, but we are offering a ten percent discount.

W: Oh, dear. That's still ________ dollars.

M: I see. Well, madam, just look at the ________.

W: It's very nice, but I think your prices seem very high. A T-shirt like this is much ________ on the Internet.

M: But not of this quality, madam.

W: Well, I'm in a hurry, so why not 48?

M: 48? At that price, I'm ________ money. How about 50?

W: 50? Well...oh, look! There's a button missing.

M: Really? OK, let's make it 48.

W: Thank you. I'll take it.

Text 5

W: I'm sorry the ________ is late. We'll do better next time, I promise.

M: Well, I'm sorry, too. You'll have to ________. The birthday party is over, and we don't need the cake anymore.

Text 6

W: Can I help you?

M: Yes, my daughter bought this camera here for my wife's birthday, but it doesn't work. So I'd like to change it for another one.

W: I see. Let me have a look...Well, we'll be happy to change it for you, but I'm afraid we don't have another pink one.

M: Oh? What will I do then?

W: Would you like to choose a different color? We do have this camera in black and orange.

M: My wife doesn't like ________ of those colors.

W: If you want, we can order another camera just like this one. There wouldn't be any ________ for it.

M: That sounds fine. Would you please go ahead and do that?

W: We'd be very happy to. But it'll take at least a week, maybe ten days. We'll call you when it ________.

M: Thank you very much.

W: You're welcome.

Text 7

M: Hello, Johnson's Furniture. This is Kevin McMillan speaking. What can I do for you?

W: This is Julia Pauling from CC Computer. We still haven't ________ the thirty chairs. They were supposed to have arrived by 12 o'clock noon the day before yesterday.

M: I'm terribly sorry about that. The truck driver was ill. I spoke with our ________ department at about 10:00 this morning and they said that the chairs will be delivered by 4:00 this afternoon.

W: Excellent. I'm pleased to hear that.

Text 8

W: Where is the ________? I need to start preparing dinner.

M: I put it in the usual ________. What are we having tonight?

W: I am not sure. Something ________ like tomatoes or ________.

M: I'd like some French fries, or fried chicken, dear.

W: We'll do that tomorrow. But for today let's make some noodles, OK?

M: Well, in that case I'll have whatever you're having.

Text 9

W: How did you like the ________, sir?

M: Delicious! Everything was excellent here. Thank you.

W: Do you want some coffee? Tea, sir?

M: No, thanks. I'm fine. I'll just have the bill, please. How much is your ________?

W: ________. And it's included in your bill. Thank you very much, sir. We look forward to seeing you again.

M: Sure. Good night!

Text 10

W: Mike, did you just ________ the rest of that bread away?

M: Yeah. It was quite a big one, and I couldn't finish it.

W: You know you shouldn't waste food. Do you know how much of the world's food is wasted each year?

M: Uh...I don't know.

W: The figure is 1.3 billion tons of food, which is enough to feed a billion hungry people. Where do you think all this food waste comes from?

M: Well, restaurants, I imagine.

W: No. Restaurants do not ________ most to food waste. In Europe, 53% of food waste comes from households, which amounts to about 88 million tons of food waste a year.

M: Wow. I can't even believe it.

W: A high school student in America has started a ________ on the social media, persuading people to stop wasting food. Up to now, the food waste has been reduced by 25% in her city.

Part C [历年真题与专项突破]


Section 1:真题选择填空


Text 1

1. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a shop.

B. In a museum.

C. In a restaurant.

Text 2

2. What did the man worry about at the beginning of the conversation?

A. He might not find everything he wanted.

B. He might not have enough money with him.

C. He might not be able to carry the shopping.

3. How much should the man pay?

A. $5.

B. $75.

C. $75.05.

4. What did the woman do in the end?

A. She charged the man a little less.

B. She asked the man to pay her later.

C. She made a mistake in adding up the cost.

Text 3

5. What does Maria think of the soup?

A. Tasteless.

B. Just fine.

C. Thick.

6. What does Karl say can be added to the soup?

A. Salt.

B. Onions.

C. Pepper.

7. Where are the speakers?

A. At home.

B. At a restaurant.

C. At a friend's house.

Text 4

8. What juice does the man order?

A. Lemon.

B. Apple.

C. Orange.

Text 5

9. What does the woman plan to do at first?

A. To stay at home.

B. To eat out.

C. To see a film.

10. When will the two speakers meet?

A. At 11:00 am.

B. At 2:00 pm.

C. At 4:00 pm.

11. What is the man trying to do?

A. To introduce a new pizza to the woman.

B. To remind the woman to relax herself.

C. To invite the woman to see a movie.

Text 6

12. What does the man want to buy?

A. A camera.

B. A mobile phone.

C. A music player.

13. Which of the following does the man choose?

A. The PE310.

B. The RT230.

C. The FG160.

14. How much does the man pay?

A. $300.

B. $270.

C. $100.

Text 7

15. Where did the woman buy her new computer?

A. From a store.

B. From the Internet.

C. In a shopping center.

16. What makes it cheaper to buy online?

A. The seller has to rent a store.

B. The seller must pay its staff.

C. The seller can save money.

17. Why do many people still buy things in the store?

A. They think it's easy.

B. They think it's cheap.

C. They think it's safe.

Text 8

18. Why doesn't the man choose Japanese food?

A. He doesn't like Japanese food.

B. He ate Japanese food last night.

C. He thinks Japanese food is expensive.

19. What does the man really want to eat?

A. Buffet.

B. Fast food.

C. Chinese food.

20. Where will the man probably eat?

A. In a steak house.

B. In the shopping center.

C. Outside the shopping center.

Text 9

21. What color of tie should the man choose?

A. Red.

B. Blue.

C. Black.

22. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. What to dress for a fashion show.

B. Which color of tie to choose.

C. How to pass an interview.

Text 10

Ticket Booking Form

Section 2:真题原文填空


请重听Part C Section 1录音,将以下听力原文中的空格内容补充完整。

Text 1

W: Hello, can I help you?

M: No, it's OK. Thanks. I'm just ________.

W: OK. Ask me if you need any help.

Text 2

M: Great! This ________ has everything. I hope this comes to under 75 dollars because I don't have much money ________.

W: That comes to 75 dollars and 5 cents.

M: I knew it. I knew I'd be over.

W: Well. Don't worry about the 5 cents. There you go. Have a nice day.

M: Well. Thank you. See you again.

Text 3

W: I'm not sure about this soup, Karl. It has no taste.

M: No! I don't think so, Maria. It tastes fine to me. We've been to this place before, and I don't feel the soup tastes any different.

W: Well, I still think it needs something. Salt?

M: No, certainly not. What about pepper? If anything, I think it could use a little more of that.

W: Now you're talking. That's exactly what it needs. And how about some more ________ too?

M: I don't know about that. You seem to be starting to like food with strong tastes recently.

W: Oh, really?

Text 4

W: Anything to drink, sir?

M: What ________ do you have?

W: We have apple, orange and lemon.

M: OK, I'll have an orange juice.

Text 5

M: So, what's your plan for this weekend?

W: I just want to stay at home.

M: How about going to see a ________?

W: Sorry, I've been tired these days. I just want to have a good rest.

M: But I think going to movies is a better way to relax yourself.

W: You're probably right.

M: Maybe we should go out to eat first.

W: Yeah. I think so.

M: I know pizza's been your favorite. Let's meet at Summer Pizza House. I heard they just came out with a new pizza.

W: Really? I haven't been there for a long time. When shall we meet?

M: Well, the movie is at 2 pm and 4 pm.

W: Why don't we go to the 2 pm show?

M: No problem. We can meet at Summer Pizza House at ________ am.

W: Perfect. If so, we can have plenty of time to enjoy our pizza.

Text 6

M: Hi, I'd like to buy a mobile phone, please.

W: What functions do you want, sir?

M: Just basic functions please.

W: OK. Then I would ________ the PE310.

M: Er...what if I also want to ________ some music?

W: How about the RT230? It's also a wonderful music player. If you want to listen to music and take photos, then the FG160 may be a good choice.

M: How much is that?

W: 300 dollars. But if you pay in cash, you can get a ________.

M: You mean 270 dollars? But that's still very expensive.

W: Then how about the first one? It costs just 100 dollars.

M: OK, I'll take the first one then.

Text 7

M: Where did you buy your new computer?

W: I ordered it online. I saved ________ doing it that way.

M: Weren't you scared of being ________?

W: No, I order things online all the time, and I've never had a problem. I use a special pay card and only buy from sellers with good ________. The pay card makes it much safer for the consumer, because they will return your money if you don't receive the product.

M: Why is it so much ________ to buy online?

W: Selling online is much cheaper for the seller. They don't need to pay ________ or rent a huge store. In a competitive market, these savings are passed on to the consumer.

M: How does the pay card company make money?

W: They just take a couple percent of each buying. Even with that fee, it's still often cheaper to buy online. It really depends on where you shop and what you are buying though.

M: Why do so many people still buy things in stores then?

W: A lot of people still feel it safer to buy things that way. Some people don't really mind paying more.

Text 8

M: Excuse me, Madam. I'm looking for a place to eat. Can you tell me if there are any restaurants in the shopping center?

W: Sure. There are several. What kind of food are you thinking about?

M: I'm not sure. Anything but fast food.

W: There is a nice Japanese restaurant ________. It's a little expensive, but the food is good.

M: Oh, sounds good! But I ________ Japanese food last night. I'd rather try something else.

W: OK. How about Italian or maybe Chinese?

M: Italian sounds good, but so does Chinese. I just can't decide. Are there any American places here?

W: Yes, there is a very good ________ house downstairs across the parking lot. What do you think of it?

M: I'm sorry to be such a ________. But nothing strikes my fancy. I guess I just won't eat anything for a while.

W: Well. I'm afraid that's all we have here.

M: That's too bad. I'm sorry about my indecision. I guess what, what I really need is a good ________.

W: Hmm, I remember going to a buffet not far from here. They have foods from several different countries. It's about 2 ________ away. It's quite good, too.

M: That sounds great! Maybe I should do that.

Text 9

M: I'm going on Thompson's show. How do I look?

W: Your red tie...

M: What's wrong with it?

W: Well, red was the color of last year. Now it's light blue. Fashion experts say the light color makes a man look ________ and worthy of trust.

M: But I like red.

W: I know, but you'd better follow the fashion as you are having an interview on TV.

Text 10

W: Chestine Ticket Office. Can I help you?

M: Yes, I'd like to buy tickets for the Modern Dance Festival on June 10th.

W: One moment, please. We still have seats in the middle section from rows 11 to 15.

M: How much is it?

W: ________ dollars for one.

M: Um...I'll have two, please.

W: OK. I'll need your credit card information, please.

M: It's a visa card. The number is ________.

W: And your name, sir?

M: George Hinde, H-I-N-D-E.

W: Let me check. George Hinde, H-I-N-D-E. Is that right?

M: Yes.

W: How would you like to get your tickets?

M: By post, please.

W: Your tickets should arrive tomorrow.

M: Great!

W: Your address, sir?

M: I'm in Room 104, Thomas Place, 74 William Avenue.

W: Thank you, sir. fhAsI3i8vHzB9Fto7PFVE23wWycAzdcWouTBWo3Cd6mnAk1jCMkNKj/oNd7e08rZ
