


Part A [考点解析与技巧解密]





1 学生的作业与考试; 2 课程与讲座的介绍。


1 在学习上有典型的“男差女好”现象,男生通常表现为:(1)觉得上课听不懂;(2)作业不容易;(3)学习笔记通常都很乱;(4)课后想去玩。女生则正好相反,通常表现为:(1)学习很好;(2)笔记工整;(3)课后还会主动学习。另外,原定考试时间可能会发生变化。

2 课程与讲座主要考查三个方面:(1)课程与讲座的时间、地点安排与变化;(2)课程与讲座内容的难易和有趣与否;(3)专业特色介绍。


1. How does Dr. Heath spend most of his time?

A. Giving lectures.

B. Conducting research.

C. Doing office work.


2. Why does Elaine call Peter?

A. To borrow his notes.

B. To explain her absence.

C. To discuss the presentation.


3. When did the woman arrive?

A. Friday.

B. Saturday.

C. Sunday.

4. What major did the man choose in the end?

A. English.

B. Biology.

C. History.

5. What suggestion does the man give on reading the books?

A. Making notes.

B. Skimming first.

C. Reading word by word.


6. What is the conversation mainly about?

A. Course design.

B. Course registration.

C. Course evaluation.

7. What course did the woman choose?

A. International Trade.

B. Modern History.

C. Chemistry.

8. What will Jack do to take mathematics?

A. Wait for an opening.

B. Apply to the department.

C. Speak to Professor Anderson.




1 参观学校的日程安排; 2 介绍学校历史; 3 科系课程设置; 4 学期计划。



9. What is the talk mainly about?

A. The history of the school.

B. The courses for the term.

C. The plan for the day.

10. Where can the visitors learn about the subjects for new students?

A. In the school hall.

B. In the science labs.

C. In the classrooms.

11. What can students do in the practical areas?

A. Take science courses.

B. Enjoy excellent meals.

C. Attend workshops.

12. When are the visitors expected to ask questions?

A. During the lunch hour.

B. After the welcome speech.

C. Before the tour of the labs.




1 藏书介绍; 2 借阅规则; 3 复习学习。


1 图书馆藏书的多少、种类、位于哪个区域。

2 借阅规则:有的书只能在图书馆看,而不能借出。能借阅的图书,每次借阅的数量是多少,归还的时间,以及未及时归还会有惩罚。

3 图书馆还是预习与复习功课的最佳场所,特别是当考试来临的时候。


13. How do students enter the library?

A. With a library account.

B. With a student card.

C. With a password.

14. What is the maximum number of books current students can borrow?

A. 12.

B. 11.

C. 9.

15. What kind of books have to be returned within one week?

A. Books borrowed by local residents.

B. Books liked by a lot of people.

C. Books published recently.

16. What will the speaker do next?

A. Tell the students where to get bottled water.

B. Take the students on a campus tour.

C. Show the students around the library.




1 舍友相处; 2 学习与玩; 3 学生的困难; 4 参与兼职工作。


1 舍友的关系大多都很紧张,主要有三个原因:smoking、make loud noise、throw things around。

2 学习与玩的场景通常是男生约女生去玩,但女生通常谢绝邀请,因为要学习。

3 校园生活中面临的困难主要是学费问题,上学没钱,需要勤工俭学。


17. What will Dorothy do on the weekend?

A. Go out with her friend.

B. Work on her paper.

C. Make some plans.


18. What is the woman going to do tonight?

A. Go to a concert.

B. Phone her doctor.

C. Prepare for an exam.

19. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Teacher and student.

B. Classmates.

C. Doctor and patient.


20. Why did the woman not go to college?

A. She didn't pass the exam.

B. She wasn't interested in college.

C. She couldn't afford college education.

21. What job does the woman say she did?

A. She was a bus conductor.

B. She was a shop assistant.

C. She was a housekeeper.

22. What did the woman think of her friend's college life?

A. It was busy.

B. It was wonderful.

C. It was dull.

Part B [原文创新与听写挑战]


请重听Part A录音,将Part A听力原文中的空格内容补充完整。

Text 1

W: Dr. Heath, you seem to be busy every day. What do you do besides giving lectures?

M: I need to prepare class ________ and hold office hours. However, I spend nearly two-thirds of my time doing research.

Text 2

W: Hey, Peter, it's Elaine. I'm preparing for Professor Butler's ________ tomorrow. And I need the notes for last Tuesday when I was gone. Have you got them?

M: Yeah, I think so. Hold on and let me look.

Text 3

W: Hi, Tim. Have you been here long?

M: Hi. I arrived on ________. How about you?

W: I got here a few days ago, on Saturday...Oh, no. Wait a minute...Sorry, Friday, not Saturday.

M: But we didn't have to be here until today.

W: Yes, I know, but I wanted to get my things moved into my room and take a look around. So, did you choose English as your major in the end?

M: No. I ________ and chose history instead. And you are doing biology, if I remember correctly.

W: Yes.

M: How much reading have you got? I was given an amazingly long ________ of books to read. See?

W: Well, mine isn't as long as yours. But I don't know how to ________ them all. Do I have to make notes while reading?

M: Well, you'd better skim the books first to see what's important and what isn't.

W: But what if you miss something?

M: You don't mean you're going to read every word, do you?

Text 4

M: Hey, Iris. I forgot to register for the courses. I'm one day late, and most of the classes are full. What do you think I should do?

W: Poor you, Jack! You can't do anything about that.

M: Do you think going to the registration office will help now?

W: No, they will tell you the same thing, in a worse way.

M: Did you register yet?

W: Of course, and it wasn't easy for me to register for International Trade. It's so popular.

M: What classes do you think are still open?

W: Maybe Modern History, and Chemistry.

M: OK. What do you think about mathematics? I wanted to take that class this term.

W: I took that class last year. Professor Anderson is really cool! If you go to his office, you can have him write a card that will let you in even if the class is full.

M: He does that?

W: I guess that's because some people ________ his class.

M: That makes sense. I think I'll do that. Thanks for all the help.

Text 5

Welcome to Montfort School. Thank you for choosing our school and for joining the happy Montfort family, which has been educating boys since ________. We are so happy that you have taken time off to be with us today. It is with great pleasure that we have prepared some ________ that we hope will please you. At 9:00 am, our ________ will give a welcome speech; this will be in the school hall. Please be seated by ________. Following the speech is the guided tour of ________ at 9:30. Here you can see the proud history of our school and our achievements in the ________ of education. The exhibition is laid out in the classrooms on the 2nd floor.

Then the guided tour of science labs at 10:20 am. Here you can see the subjects that new students will be studying. You will also notice that our labs have excellent ________. At 11:00 am, you will be guided to the tour to practical areas. This covers our ________, music, and other areas of our school life. At Montfort, we believe in all-around development of our students.

Lunch will be at 12:00. It has been specially prepared for our guests. All our teachers and student leaders will be present to answer any questions that you have in your minds. We are so happy that you could be with us today.

Text 6

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to East Campus Library. To start your tour, I'm going to give you some useful information and ________. I won't keep you long.

First, how to enter our library. Thanks to the advanced technology, you just need to bring your student card and touch it in front of the touch point and the door will ________ open for you. Then the opening hour. Our library is open from 9:00am to 10:00pm every weekday. For the weekends, it's only open from 11:00am to 4:00pm. Please bear that in mind, so you won't come ________. Our library is also open for the local residents. And there are differences for students and the public: our ________ can borrow up to 12 books at a time. However, for the rest, the maximum they can borrow is 9. You need to return the books on time, or your ________ will be blocked and you can't borrow any more books.

Remember books have different due days according to their popularity. Mostly, the books should be returned within 4 weeks, but for the popular books you have to bring them back within only one week. The last thing I must mention here is that you are not allowed to smoke in the library anywhere at any time. And as to drinks, only ________ is allowed to bring in.

OK, now it's time to show you where everything is.

Text 7

M: Do you have any plans for the weekend, Dorothy? Would you like to join me for an ________?

W: Thanks. But I'm going to work on my ________ all weekend.

Text 8

M: I'm thinking about going to the ________ concert in the student center tonight. Will you join me?

W: Sorry, I don't think I'll go to the concert tonight. I'll have to wait for my doctor's call, and then prepare for the exam.

M: Are we having an exam tomorrow?

W: Yeah, our class will have a ________ exam at ten tomorrow morning. Did you forget it?

M: Yes. Then I don't think I'll go to the concert, either.

Text 9

M: Juliet, you ________ not to go to college. Why? Was it about money?

W: Well, I don't want to sit here and say I was too poor to go to college. But the fact is that we didn't have the money, though my mum probably could have made enough somehow. I probably could have worked harder at school and gotten better ________, so, it's really—I didn't get to go to college. I had a wish to go back to school every other week. It just wasn't my path.

M: At the time did you feel like you were missing something?

W: My best friend went off to university and I just remember every time I talked to her. It all sounded so fun and so great. And here I was, selling ________ and getting on the bus every day to work in town. We both thought the other person's life was so much more exciting. I was trying hard to make enough to pay for my own ________ every month and that seemed so exciting to her. And she would talk about studying for ________, and going to parties, and I thought, God, she is so perfect.

Part C [历年真题与专项突破]


Section 1:真题选择填空


Text 1

1. What is the man doing?

A. Writing a book.

B. Preparing a lecture.

C. Searching for references.

2. What does the woman suggest the man do?

A. Make his topic more specific.

B. Get a complete reading list.

C. Read at least six books.

3. What is the man going to focus on?

A. Hollywood in the 1920s.

B. 20th-century Hollywood movies.

C. Golden Age Hollywood comedies.

4. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Student and teacher.

B. Reader and librarian.

C. Customer and shop assistant.

Text 2

5. Who is the woman talking to?

A. A student.

B. A teacher.

C. A secretary.

6. What does the man say about Frank?

A. He is quiet.

B. He is active.

C. He is honest.

7. What does the woman think good student should be like?

A. They should ask questions.

B. They should pay attention in class.

C. They should not be afraid of making mistakes.

Text 3

8. What are the students going to do on Wednesday?

A. See a film.

B. Play sports.

C. Go sightseeing.

9. When are the students leaving for London?

A. Friday.

B. Saturday.

C. Sunday.

10. What is the purpose of the man's talk?

A. To welcome the students to the center.

B. To inform the students of the arrangements.

C. To tell the students the rules they should follow.

Text 4

11. Why is the woman upset?

A. The man didn't apologize.

B. The man didn't turn up.

C. The man didn't call.

12. Who is the man speaking to?

A. A waitress.

B. A professor.

C. A doctor.

13. When will the two speakers see each other?

A. On Tuesday.

B. On Thursday.

C. On Friday.

Text 5

14. What's the man doing now?

A. Looking for a job.

B. Studying in a university.

C. Teaching at a high school.

15. What kind of movie does the man like best?

A. Adventure.

B. Comedy.

C. Drama.

16. Where are the speakers going first?

A. The supermarket.

B. The cinema.

C. The café.

Text 6

17. Why is the man proud of his daughter?

A. Because she's going to college.

B. Because she's going to leave home.

C. Because she'll save money on food.

18. What does the man remind his daughter to do?

A. Take some food.

B. Register for food.

C. Eat instant noodles.

19. What is the man surprised to hear?

A. His daughter decides to change her major.

B. His daughter has a discussion with her Mom.

C. Business administration is a great major.

Text 7

20. Who is the speaker?

A. A college student in China.

B. A Chinese student in the US.

C. An American student in the US.

21. How do Chinese students learn in class?

A. They study textbooks.

B. They listen and take notes.

C. They review before exams.

22. What does the American professor want to know?

A. The class's opinion.

B. The student's research.

C. The student's opinion.

Text 8

23. According to Peter, what is the problem with the building?

A. The air-conditioning is too strong.

B. The air-conditioning is out of order.

C. The air-conditioning stops working sometimes.

24. Why did Peter miss the breakfast yesterday morning?

A. He overslept.

B. He couldn't fall asleep the night before.

C. He talked with his roommates late into the night.

25. How many students will be staying in this room?

A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four.

Text 9

26. Why does the man sound surprised?

A. Lily rejected a job offer.

B. Lily was absent from school.

C. Lily turned down a scholarship.

27. What has Lily decided to do?

A. Travel to Dubai.

B. Stay with her mom.

C. Start a business.

Text 10

28. What do the students come to the school for?

A. Visiting the school.

B. Attending summer courses.

C. A sightseeing tour of the area.

29. How long has the school been open?

A. Twenty years.

B. Five years.

C. Twenty-five years.

30. What could the students do in the study center if they were out late the night before?

A. Talk to the teachers.

B. Use the equipment.

C. Do the homework.

Section 2:真题原文填空


请重听Part C Section 1录音,将以下听力原文中的空格内容补充完整。

Text 1

W: Sir, you've been using the online ________ for quite a while. Is there anything I can help you find?

M: Yes, thank you. I've got to write a paper about Hollywood in the 30s and 40s. And I'm really struggling. There're hundreds of books, and I just don't know where to begin.

W: Your topic sounds pretty big. Why don't you narrow it down to something like, er...the history of the ________ during that time?

M: You know, I was thinking about doing that, but more than 30 books came up when I typed in “Hollywood comedies”.

W: You could cut that down even further by listing the specific years you want. Try adding “1930s” or “1940s”, or maybe “Golden Age”.

M: “Golden Age” is a good idea! Let me type that in. Hey, look! Just six books came up. That's a lot better. I think I will get started with these books. Thanks a lot.

W: You're welcome. If you need more help, I'll be over there, at the Reference Desk.

Text 2

W: Oh, Frank's in your class? He was in my class last ________. I didn't like him at all.

M: What? You didn't like Frank? He's one of my best students.

W: Oh, no. Not Frank! He was always asking questions. Frank always ________ me and the other students. He was never quiet.

M: Yes, that's Frank. That's why he is such a good student. He is always thinking and trying to use English. He ________ a lot. Frank doesn't worry about making ________. I enjoy having him in class.

W: Not me. I love students like David. Do you have him in your conversation class this term?

M: Yes, but to be honest, David is too quiet for me. I can't tell if he's learning. David is so silent. He doesn't say anything.

W: Yes, that's David. That's how good students should be. They have to listen to their teachers.

Text 3

W: Welcome, everyone. Welcome to Language International. My name is Ema Waston. And I am the center ________. I hope you will all have a wonderful stay here with us. This is Mr. Brone, our ________ organizer.

M: Thank you, Ema. Hello, everyone. I'm Jone Brone. And it's my job to make sure you have some fun while you are here. Now this afternoon we'll go together on a walking tour of the city. And then on Wednesday afternoon, we are off to the local sports center where you can play ________ or football, use the ________, or go swimming to keep yourselves ________. And on Friday afternoons, we have a film club. This week's film is Spider Man . On Saturday, we are going on a day trip to Oxford, leaving here at ________ in the morning. Please don't be late, or we'll go without you. And finally on Sunday, we are off to London, leaving at the same time. If there are any other things you'd like to do while you are here, just ask me. And I'll see if I can help.

Text 4

M: I'm really sorry, Professor Erin. I was ________ yesterday.

W: Look, I'm not ________ that you couldn't keep the appointment. But you didn't call me. When someone doesn't turn up and doesn't call, it makes someone else wait.

M: You are right. I apologize. I didn't feel well and I guess I just wasn't thinking of calling you at the time.

W: OK. Apology ________. Now I suppose you need to set up another appointment.

M: Yes, I do. But I'm really worried about my ________. Can you see me now if I wait?

W: No. I can see you at ________ o'clock this afternoon or during my office hour on Tuesday or Thursday or Friday.

M: Great. Your office hour is best. That's 2 o'clock, right?

W: That's right. Which day do you prefer?

M: Tuesday.

W: OK. Be there this time.

M: I will.

Text 5

W: How is your study going?

M: It seems that university is much ________ than high school.

W: Yes, I agree. I'm really pleased that I finished my studies and started my job in a supermarket. OK, now, what do you want to see tonight?

M: I don't know. I quite like ________ and ________, but adventure is always my favorite.

W: Well, there is a new adventure movie on at the Circle Cinema tonight. Will that do?

M: Yeah! Why not?

W: Well, would you mind if we first stopped off at the café on Long Street?

M: No worries.

Text 6

W: Er...Dad, are you going to miss me when I leave for college next week?

M: Yeah.

W: No, Dad, seriously. I mean you're always talking about how much money you'll ________ on food, hot water and ________ when I am going.

M: Of course I will. No. Er...well, I'll miss you, of course. You know, I'm proud of you for that. Getting a university degree is a real ________.

W: Exactly.

M: But let's go over the to-do ________. Have you registered for food in the university canteen? So you don't have to eat instant noodles every day.

W: Yeah, but Mum said I could take some food from home to get me started.

M: OK, OK. You know, Business Administration will be a great major for you.

W: Well, Dad, er...

M: And future possibilities, a great salary, ________ to make a difference in the ________ and supporting...

W: Dad. I've changed my major.

M: What? You've changed your major? You ________ in majors?

W: Yeah, I really thought about it. After talking it with Mum, I've decided to major in wildlife science.

M: What? Er?

Text 7

Now, I want to talk a little bit about how the ________ are going on here in the United States. It's so different. I came from China and even in college, all we have to do in the class is to be a good listener. You go to the class; you listen to whatever the professor or the teacher says, and take notes and that's it. You go back home and do some ________ before exams. Maybe you walk out of the exam, you forget everything. But here, from the very beginning, the first class, you’ve got to be very ________. You have to be prepared before you go to the class. You read the material the professor assigned to you and you do some research, maybe read the newspaper like The Wall Street Journal for business students. And take some notes from the ________ you read about the topics. Many of the professors give ________ about the ________ in class. So you cannot just keep quiet and take notes from whatever everybody else said. You have to speak out yourself, your opinion. It's very interesting. One of our professors said, “you know I don't want to listen to you, like I agree with someone else. I want to know what your opinion is.”

Text 8

J: Hi, my name is John.

P: Hi, I'm Peter. Welcome. We are ________ now. Have you just arrived? I got here last week. I stayed in hotel before ________ over here.

J: I just arrived. What's the room like?

P: It's OK, not perfect, but for the students, is not bad I think.

J: Why? What's the matter with it?

P: Well, the air-conditioning doesn't always work. It was terribly hot yesterday and the breakfast is very early in the morning. Today I overslept and missed it ________.

J: You overslept? Why was that?

P: You'll see there are two more boys in this room. They got so excited that they kept talking until after midnight last night. I couldn't fall asleep at even after 1 o'clock.

J: Oh, no. Well, I don't know what we can do about the breakfast or the roommate. But why don't you ask the university to ________ the air-conditioning?

P: En...Yes, what a good idea! Why didn't I think of that before?

Text 9

M: Lily, don't you think the scholarship from New York University is something great? Why did you decline this offer?

W: I do realize the value of the scholarship. But, if I could explain, my mother doesn't want me to go overseas.

M: Why?

W: You know, I'm the only child in the family. My mother will be living alone most of the time for three years in my ________. She cannot even think of it.

M: Nobody to take care of her?

W: My father travels a lot to many countries and he is doing business in Dubai now. I have to do a lot for my mom at home.

M: Oh, I see. You are very considerate.

Text 10

Good morning everybody, and welcome to our school. We hope you enjoy your summer courses here with us for the ________ of July and I know some of you are going to stay here for two courses until the end of ________. I hope this gives you plenty of time to ________ the surrounding countryside and visit the many typical English country ________ we are lucky to have in this area. For those of you who are here for one course, come to us for advice on which are the best places to visit. Well, before you go on your ________ tour of the area, I would just like to say a few things about the school: It has been opened now for 20 years and during that time thousands of students have passed through our homes. I myself came here five years ago, but Mr. Frank over there has been here since the beginning. So if any of you choose to do project work on the...the history of the school, he is the man to talk to.

The main building of the school consists of 14 classrooms, a small study center and a computer room which has proved to be very popular. The teachers' room is on the first floor and is open to you at all times. As is my office which is next to it. The building opens at ________ o'clock in the morning, so you have time to do the homework in the study center before classes begin if you are out late the night before. The building also stays open until 6 in the evening, so you are welcome to use any of the ________ in it after classes finish at 4 o'clock. y5aPb/FoyteLtxyBDcQnhhjIEl33tSTxG2S6my1kSCyYHDeobrvTHBm9vrDydYZa
