

Part 1

第一部分: 考官会介绍自己并确认考生身份,然后打开录音机/笔,报出考试名称、时间、地点等考试信息。考官接下来会围绕考生的学习、工作、住宿或其他相关话题展开提问。



1 What did you study in history lessons when you were at school?

Well, I think we learnt tons of basic facts about past events just like other people did, especially those so-called turning points , as well as influential historic figures and battles that reshaped the course of human civilization . But fundamentally , it was exam-oriented and that made history lessons less engaging . And honestly speaking , I only have very vague memory about what I learned from school.

tons of 大量的

turning point 转折点

influential historic figure 有影响力的历史人物

battle 战役

reshape the course of human civilization 改变人类文明的进程

fundamentally 从本质上来说

exam-oriented 应试的

engaging 令人着迷的

honestly speaking 说实话

vague 模糊的

2 Did you enjoy studying history at school? [Why/Why not?]

Well, if you had the misfortune to do too much of it at school as I did, you’ll probably know how dull it can be. By that I mean, we had to learn everything on the coursebook by rote , like dates and facts. So it wouldn’t be surprising that most of us tend to steer well clear of the whole topic after we graduated from high school.

have the misfortune to do sth. 不幸做……

dull 乏味的

learn sth. by rote 用死记硬背的方式学习……

it wouldn’t be surprising that 对某事并不

steer well clear of sth. 避开……感到奇怪

3 How often do you watch TV programmes about history now? [Why/Why not?]

Actually, programmes in this genre are not my kind of thing . But I do check the video clips about history from time to time according to my own interest. Maybe I just want to gain insight into why a country is in its current state or simply get fascinated by some inspirational leaders from the past. Compared to the history taught in school, those videos normally present more information from various perspectives , and they’ve sort of opened the lens for me.

not my kind of thing 不是我喜欢的

video clip 视频片段

from time to time 不时,有时

gain insight into 深入了解

in its current state 所处的现状

get fascinated by 对某事感到着迷

inspirational leader 有感召力的领袖

various perspectives 多种视角

open the lens 打开眼界

4 What period in history would you like to learn more about? [Why?]

Well, this is a tough one for me, as there are a couple of historical periods that I find compelling , like European Renaissance , Scientific Revolution as well as the Second World War , because they have drastically shaped our modern world. Time permitting , I’ll also read books on Big History , like Guns, Germs and Steel, for it possibly can provide me a more holistic view on human civilization.

historical period 历史时期

compelling 引人入胜的

European Renaissance 欧洲文艺复兴

Scientific Revolution 科学革命

the Second World War 第二次世界大战

drastically 彻底地

time permitting 如果时间允许

Big History 大历史(宏观历史)

a more holistic view 一个更全面的视角 Fh0lQDITObDCSjtn03KGQH0GKaZb5LFIPTwvWzmOaq7/zBNthC8vyV59C6geCrct
