
三 真题演练及解析


以下真题出自《剑桥雅思官方真题集13》Test 3-Part 2,请先听一遍录音,完成题目。

Questions 11 - 16

What advantage does the speaker mention for each of the following physical activities?

Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter A-G , next to Questions 11-16.


A not dependent on season

B enjoyable

C low risk of injury

D fitness level unimportant

E sociable

F fast results

G motivating

Physical activitie s

11 using a gym_______

12 running_______

13 swimming_______

14 cycling_______

15 doing yoga_______

16 training with a personal trainer_______




答案 11. F 12. D 13. A 14. B 15. C 16. G


11. 通过题干gym定位。Many people are put off by the idea of having to fit a visit to the gym into their busy day—you often have to go very early or late as some gyms can get very crowded. But with regular training you’ll see a big difference in a relatively short space of time .

12. 通过题干running定位。Running has become incredibly popular in recent years. That’s probably got a lot to do with the fact that it’s a very accessible form of exercise—anyone can run—even if you can only run a few metres (任何人都能跑步,哪怕一开始只能跑几米,对应选项中 fitness level unimportant )to begin with.

13. 通过题干swimming定位。Swimming is another really good way to build fitness. What attracts many people is that you can swim in an indoor pool at any time of year(not dependent on season) .

14. 通过题干cycling定位。Cycling has become almost as popular as running in recent years. That’s probably because as well as improving their fitness, many people say being out in the fresh air in a park or in the countryside can be fun(enjoyable) , provided the conditions are right, of course—only fanatics go out in the wind and rain!

15. 通过题干yoga定位。Yoga is a good choice... which focuses on developing both a healthy mind and body..., there’s less chance of hurting (low risk of injury)yourself than with other more active sports.

16. 通过题干trainer定位。Getting a personal trainer is a good way to start your fitness programme. Obviously there can be significant costs involved. But if you’ve got someone there to encourage you(motivate) and help you achieve your goals, you’re less likely to give up.


以下真题出自《剑桥雅思官方真题集16》Test 3 Part 2,请先听一遍录音,完成题目。

Questions 15 20

What information does Megan give about each of the following job opportunities?

Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A–H , next to Questions 15–20.


A not a permanent job

B involves leading a team

C experience not essential

D intensive work but also fun

E chance to earn more through overtime

F chance for rapid promotion

G accommodation available

H local travel involved

Job opportunities

15 Fresh food commercial manager_________

16 Agronomist_________

17 Fresh produce buyer_________

18 Garden centre sales manager_________

19 Tree technician_________

20 Farm worker_________

答案 15. D 16. F 17. A 18. H 19. C 20. G


《剑桥雅思官方真题集11》Test 3-Part 2, Q16~20

《剑桥雅思官方真题集12》Test 1-Part 2, Q17~20

《剑桥雅思官方真题集13》Test 3-Part 2, Q11~16

《剑桥雅思官方真题集14》Test 3-Part 2, Q15~20

《剑桥雅思官方真题集17》Test 1-Part 3, Q27~30





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