
二 配对题的做题方法

以下真题出自《剑桥雅思官方真题集11》Test 3-Part 3,请先听一遍录音,完成题目。

Questions 27-30

Who is going to write each of the following parts of the report?

Write the correct letter, A-D , next to Questions 27-30 .

A Helen only

B Jeremy only

C both Helen and Jeremy

D neither Helen nor Jeremy

Parts of the report

27 how they planned the project_______

28 how they had ideas for their stories_______

29 an interpretation of their stories_______

30 comments on the illustrations_______



选项数量>题目数量 每个选项最多被用一次,有的选项不会被用到
选项数量=题目数量 所有选项都会被用到一次
选项数量<题目数量 每个选项至少会被用到一次







27. 答案 A

原文 Yeah. Well, you’ve had most of the good ideas so far.

解析 用planned the project进行定位,难度不大。后面男生问how do you feel about drafting something...?女生回答OK,对应选项A。

28. 答案 C

原文 Well, I’ve started writing something about that, so why don’t you do the same and we can include the two things.

解析 用ideas for stories进行定位,本题难点在于,答案句I’ve started writing something about that, so why don’t you do the same...意为两个人都做,之后再进行讨论,对应选项C。

29. 答案 D

原文 That’s going to come up later, isn’t it? I think everyone in the class is going to read each other’s stories and come up with their own interpretations, which we are going to discuss.

解析 用interpretation进行定位,难度不大。后面听到with their own interpretations时,可以确定答案为D。此题有一定的迷惑性,因为我们通常认为自己的故事由自己解释,而此题答案句意为让大家读完之后再给出各自的解释,最后进行讨论,对应选项D。

30. 答案 B

原文 JEREMY: No. But we need to write about the illustrations , because they’re an essential element of children’s experience of reading the stories. It’s probably easiest for you to write that section, as you know more about drawing than I do.

HELEN: Maybe, but I find it quite hard to write about. I’d be happier if you did it.

JEREMY: OK. So when do you think...

解析 用illustration进行定位,先有个让步,接着女生说“I’d be happier if you did it.”,男生回答OK,对应选项B。 fBfb3Ee0PXCwMYLOpkk9t1u93eY6on2z+NWFWyeuyaJjwEv16Qufhe68GE6J9ZG9
