adj. 毗连的,邻近的,接近的
close to ; lying near
【近】 near , nearb y , proximate
adj. 高山的,阿尔卑斯山的
of or relating to high mountains
v. 达到,到达
to reach as an end; gain ; achieve
【近】 accomplish , achieve , gain , reach
n. 山崩,雪崩
a fall or slide of a large mass, as of snow down a mountainside
adj. 赤裸的,无遮蔽的
without the usual covering
【近】 bald , naked , nude
n. 桦树,桦木
any of various deciduous trees or shrubs
n. 界限,范围
something that indicates or fixes a limit or extent
【近】 border , borderland , frontier
adj. 阔叶的
having broad leaves
v. 吃叶,吃……上的草
to feed on leaves, young shoots; graze
n. 停止
a bringing or coming to an end; a ceasing
v. 有助于
to help bring about a result; to act as a factor
n. 徐行,爬
A very slow rate of speed
【近】 crawl , drag , inch
adj. 落叶的
losing foliage at the end of the growing season
adj. 畸形的,变形的
misshapen , esp. in body or limbs
n. 多样性
the quality of being made of many different elements, forms
n. 持续时间
the time during which something exists or lasts
【近】 span
v. 忍耐,忍受
to undergo, especially without giving in; suffer
adj. 赤道的,赤道附近的
of, located at, or relating to an equator
n. 常绿树,常绿植物
a tree having foliage that persists green throughout the year
adv. 更确切地,完全地
actually; fully
n. 霜
a deposit of minute ice crystals
v. 吃草,放牧
to feed on growing grasses
n. 药草,香草
a seed plant
n. 野生山羊
any of several wild goats
n. 隔离,孤立
the act or process of isolating
n. 青苔,苔藓,地衣
a grey, green or yellow plant-like organism
adj. 低标高的
situated below the normal height or altitude
n. 马卡卢峰
a mountain , 8,476 meters high
v. 使成熟,成熟
to bring to full development ; ripen
n. 微小环境
a very small, specialized habitat
adj. 潮湿的,多雨的
slightly or moderately wet
【近】 damp , dank
n. 湿气,降雨,水分
diffuse wetness; dampness; water
n. 苔藓
any of a class (musci) of bryophytic plants
adj. 偶然的
happening or appearing now and then
adj. 两极的,极地的
of or relating to a geographic pole
adj. 普遍的,流行的
widely or commonly occurring
【近】 prevailing , widespread
adj. 极深的,深奥的
thoroughgoing; far-reaching
adj. 有……倾向的,易于……的
having a tendency or inclination; being likely
【近】 apt , disposed , inclined , lik ely
adj. 伏地的
lying down
n. 山脊
a range of hills or mountains
n. 严厉,艰苦
the fact or condition of being rigorous
adj. 令人满意的
giving satisfaction sufficient to meet a demand; adequate
n. 秧苗,树苗
a young plant that is grown from a seed
adj. 半干旱的
characterized by relatively low annual rainfall
n. 芽
a young stemlike growth arising from a plant
【近】 sprout
n. 矮树,灌木
a woody plant of relatively low height
v. 使窒息,闷死
to stop the breathing of
【近】 choke , stifle , suffocate
n. 雪堆
a mass or bank of snow piled up by the wind
n. 降雪
a fall of snow
n. 大草原
a vast semiarid grass-covered plain
adj. 惊人的,引人注目的
attracting attention or notice; dramatic
n. 亚热带
subtropical regions
n. 林木线
tree line
n. 转变,转换
passage from one state or stage to another
【近】 change , passage , sh ift , transit
n. 回归线,热带地区
either of the two parallels of terrestrial latitude
n. 苔原,冻土地带
a treeless area between the icecap and the tree line
adj. 有病的,古怪的
mentally or emotionally unsound or disturbed; sick
adj. 紫外线的
situated beyond the visible spectrum at its violet end
adj. 普遍的,通用的
applicable or common
【近】 common , general , generic
n. 植被,植物
the plants of an area or a region; plant life
n. 速度,速率
the rate of speed of action or occurrence
【近】 pace , spe ed , tempo
adj. 垂直的,直立的
being or situated at right angles to the horizon; upright
【近】 perpend icular , plumb , upright
conj. 然而
while ; on the contrary