v. 提出
to bring forward for consideration, or acceptance: propose, set forth
adj. 美学的,艺术的,美的
of, relating to aesthetics or the beautiful
【近】 artistic , tasteful , tasty
n. 选择
a situation presenting such a choice
【近】 choice , option
n. 前事,前情
a preceding occurrence , cause, or event
【近】 ancestor , forebear , progenitor
n. 人类学者,人类学家
someone who scientifically studies human beings
adj. 显然的
clear or manifest to the senses
【近】 noticeable , obvious , patent , plain
adj. 艺术的
of or relating to art or artists
v. 归因于
to attribute to a specified cause, source, or origin
【近】 accredit , assign , attribute , refer
v. 扮演
to take on or give a false appearance of
v. 归于,属于
to relate to a particular cause or source; ascribe
【近】 accredit , ascribe
adj. 独立的
existing or capable of existing independently
【近】 independent , sovereign
adj. 有益的,有帮助的
producing or promoting a favorable result; advantageous
【近】 beneficent , useful
v. 停止,终止
to come to an end; stop
【近】 suspend , terminate
v. 举行,举行宗教仪式
to perform publicly and with appropriate rites
n. 仪式,礼节
a formal act performed as prescribed by ritual or custom
【近】 ceremonial , observance , ri te , ritual
v. 支持,拥护
to act as militant supporter of: uphold , advocate
【近】 back , endorse , support
n. 喜剧
a dramatic work that is light and often humorous in tone
【近】 funniness , humor
adj. 滑稽的,喜剧的
characteristic of comedy
【近】 amusing, comical, funny
n. 妥协
a settlement of differences in which each side makes concessions
adj. 具体的,实在的
of or relating to an specific thing; particular
v. 面对
to face ; to meet face-to-face; encounter
adj. 持续不断的,继续的
existing or occurring without interruption or end
n. 服装
an outfit or a disguise worn on halloween, or similar occasions
【近】 dress , garb , guise , outfit
v. 认为,以为
to regard as; consider
【近】 believe , consider , hold , think
adj. 值得向往的,令人满意的
worth having as by being useful, or pleasing
adj. 不含个人偏见的
marked by an absence of emotional involvement and an objectivity
【近】 disinterested , dispassionat e , neutral
n. 偏离
an act of diverging from an established way
【近】 aberration , divergence , divergency
v. 把……区别分类,区别
to recognize as being different
【近】 differentiate , discern , d iscriminate
v. 与……脱离
to make or keep separate; separate
adj. 有效的
producing or capable of producing a desired effect
【近】 effective , efficient , productiv e
v. 详细阐述,详细说明
to work out with care and detail ; develop thoroughly
v. 强调,着重
to give emphasis to; stress
【近】 accent , highlight , stress , underline
v. 遇见,邂逅
to meet ; come upon
【近】 confront , f ace , run into
adj. 有魅力的,迷人的
tending to draw favorable interest; attractive
v. 提高,增加,加强
heighten , increase
v. 想象,预想
to picture in the mind; imagine
【近】 conceive , imagine , pictur e , see , think
adj. 事实的,实际的
of the nature of fact; real
n. 幻想
an imagined event or sequence of mental images
n. 壮举,功绩
a notable act or deed, especially an act of courage; an exploit
【近】 achievement , exploit
n. 捏造,想象
an imaginative creation or a pretense
v. 正式化
to make formal
adj. 基本的,重要的
constituting or forming part of the essence of something
【近】 basic , essential , integ ral , vital
n. 优雅,风度
a characteristic or quality pleasing for its charm
【近】 elegance , elegancy , polish , urbanity
adj. 体操的,体育的
of or relating to gymnastics
adj. 假设的,假定的
presumed to be true , real, or genuine
【近】 conjectural , hypothetic , supposed
n. 模仿
the act of copying the manner
【近】 mimicry
adj. 模仿的
of or involving imitation
n. 扮演,模仿
the act of assuming or acting the character of
n. 倾向,意愿
a characteristic disposition to do, prefer ; a propensity
v. 影响,改变
to affect or alter by indirect or intangible means
n. 本能,直觉
an inborn pattern of behavior
adj. 魔术的,有魔力的
relating to supernatural powers or magic
n. 假面具
a cover or partial cover for the face used for disguise
adj. 值得纪念的,难忘的
worth being remembered or noted; remarkable
v. 更改,修改
to make a change in
【近】 alter , change , mutate , vary
n. 动机,推动
something that motivates
【近】 impetus , impulse , incentive , stimulus
n. 神话
a traditional ancient story dealing with supernatural beings
【近】 fable , legend
adj. 神话的,虚构的
based on a myth
【近】 fabulous , legendary , myth ic
adv. 然而,虽然如此
in spite of that; however
n. 基准,规范
an established standard or average
v. 表达
to give expression
v. 发源,来自
to come into being
【近】 arise , begin , commence , start
n. 舞剧,哑剧
a play or other theatrical performance; wordless storytelling
n. 倾向,嗜好
a definite liking; a strong inclination
【近】 proclivity , propensity , tendency
v. 感知,理解
to become aware of through the senses
【近】 apprehend , feel , in tuit , sense
n. 现象
an observable fact or event
adv. 首先,主要地
at first; originally; chiefly; mainly
v. 提出
to set forth for acceptance or rejection
【近】 advance , propound , pu t forward
n. 繁荣,成功
the condition of being thriving; economic well-being
【近】 welfare , well-being
v. 使高雅,精制
to free from coarse , or immoral characteristics
【近】 perfect , polish , smooth
v. 叙述,说
to give an account of; tell
【近】 narrate , state , tell
v. 改造
to shape , form, or organize again or anew
v. 保持,保留
to hold or keep in
adj. 有节奏的,有韵律的
marked by a regular rhythm
【近】 rhythmic
adj. 荒谬的,可笑的
deserving or inspiring ridicule; absurd
n. 仪式,典礼
a formal act or set of acts prescribed by ritual
n. 仪式,宗教仪式
of or relating to rites or a ritual; ceremonial
v. 使仪式化
to make a ritual of
to give an account or statement of; propose; advance
adj. 久经世故的
having acquired worldly knowledge or refinement
【近】 intellectual , thoughtfu l , worldly
n. 推论,推断
a theory reached by conjecture
【近】 conjecture , supposition , surmise
v. 总结,概括
to make a summary
【近】 epitomize , recapitulate , sum up
adj. 超自然的
of or relating to existence outside the natural world
adj. 剧场的,戏剧性的
of or relating to dramatic performance or the theater
v. 推理
to formulate or assert as a tentative explanation
【近】 hypothesize , speculate
adj. 不受欢迎的,令人不快的
not likely to please ; objectionable
【近】 undesired , unwanted , unwelcome
n. 精湛技艺
the technical skill
n. 幸福,安宁
a state of health, happiness, and prospering
【近】 prosperity , well-being
n. 幸福,康乐
the state of being happy, healthy, or prosperous; welfare
【近】 prosperity , welfare