

abundant[ ə'bʌndənt ]

adj. 大量的,丰富的,充足的

occurring in or marked by abundance; plentiful

【近】 ample , copious , plentifu l , substantial

available[ ə'veɪləbl ]

adj. 可用的

capable of being obtained or used

【近】 attainable , gettabl e , obtainable , procura ble

basalt[ bə'sɔ:lt ]

n. 玄武岩

a hard, dense, dark volcanic rock

bed[ bed ]

n. (河)床

the bottom of a body of water , such as a stream

bubble[ 'bʌbl ]

n. 气泡

a globular body of air or gas formed within a liquid

capacity[ kə'pæsətɪ ]

n. 接受力,吸收力

the potential or suitability for holding , storing, or accommodating

cavity[ 'kævətɪ ]


a hollow; a hole

cemented[ sɪ'mentɪd ]

adj. 渗碳的,注水泥的,黏合的

united or made firm by or as if by cement

【近】 consolidated

circulate[ 'sɜ:rkjəleɪt ]

v. 循环

to move in or flow through a circle or circuit

coarse[ kɔ:rs ]

adj. 质地粗糙的

consisting of or covered with large particles

crevice[ 'krevɪs ]

n. 裂缝

a narrow crack or opening ; a fissure or cleft

crystalline[ 'krɪstəlaɪn ]

adj. 晶体的,晶体物的

being, relating to, or composed of crystal or crystals

current[ 'kɜ:rənt ]

n. 流动,潮流,水流

the part of a fluid body (as air or water) moving continuously in a certain direction

【近】 flow , stream

deposited[ dɪ'pɒzɪtɪd ]

adj. 堆积的

laid down or left behind by a natural process

drain[ dreɪn ]

v. 变干

to become empty by the drawing off of liquid

emerge[ ɪ'mɜ:rdʒ ]

v. 浮现,脱出,形成

to begin to appear or develop

【近】 appear , arise , commen ce , originate

exception[ ɪk'sepʃn ]

n. 例外,除外

the act of excepting or the condition of being excepted; exclusion

fanwise[ 'fænˌwaɪz ]

adv. 呈扇形展开地

in the manner or position of the slats of an open fan

glacial[ 'gleɪʃl ]

adj. 冰的,冰河的

of, relating to, or derived from a glacier

grain[ greɪn ]

n. 颗粒,细粒

a relatively small particulate or crystalline mass

【近】 fragment , particle

gravel[ 'grævl ]

n. 砾石,沙砾

an unconsolidated mixture of rock fragments or pebbles

highlight[ 'haɪlaɪt ]

v. 标示记号

to mark with a usually fluorescent marker

incredible[ ɪn'kredəbl ]

adj. 难以置信的

too extraordinary and improbable to be believed

【近】 unbelievable , unimaginable , unthinka ble

inland[ 'ɪnlənd ]

adv. 在内地,向内地

in, toward, or into the interior of a country or region

introductory[ ˌɪntrə'dʌktərɪ ]

adj. 介绍性的,前言的

of, relating to, or constituting an introduction

laden[ 'leɪdn ]

adj. 装满的,承受重负的

carrying a load or burden

【近】 heavy - laden , loaded

lava[ 'lɑ:və ]

n. 熔岩,火山岩

molten rock that reaches the earth’s surface through a volcano or fissure

lowland[ 'loʊlənd ]

n. 低地

an area of land that is low in relation to the surrounding country

meteoric[ ˌmi:tɪ'ɔ:rɪk ]

adj. 大气的

of or relating to the earth’s atmosphere

minor[ 'maɪnər ]

adj. 不重要的,次要的

lesser in importance , rank, or stature

out of sight



【近】 concealed , hidde , i n h iding , out of v iew

outwash[ 'aʊtwɒʃ ]

n. 冰水沉积

sediment deposited by streams flowing away from a melting glacier

overlie[ ˌoʊvər'laɪ ]

v. 躺在……上面

to lie over or upon

particle[ 'pɑ:rtɪkl ]

n. 微粒

a minute quantity or fragment

pebble[ 'pebl ]

n. 鹅卵石

a small stone , especially one worn smooth by erosion

percolate[ 'pɜ:rkəleɪt ]

v. 滤过或渗过

to be diffused through: penetrate

【近】 permeate

period[ 'pɪrɪəd ]

n. 一段时间

an interval of time

【近】 age , day , epoch , era , time

permeability[ ˌpɜ:mɪə'bɪlətɪ ]

n. 渗透,渗透性

the property or condition of being permeable

plug[ plʌg ]

v. 堵住,堵塞

to become stopped up or obstructed

pore[ pɔ:r ]

n. 细孔,气孔

a space in rock or unconsolidated sediment

porosity[ pɔ:'rɑ:sətɪ ]

n. 多孔性,有孔性

the state or property of being porous

porous[ 'pɔ:rəs ]

adj. 多孔的

full of or having pores

precipitation[ prɪˌsɪpɪ'teɪʃn ]

n. 降水

any form of water, such as rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls to the earth’s surface

proportion[ prə'pɔ:rʃn ]

n. 比例

a relationship between things or parts of things

remain[ rɪ'meɪn ]

v. 留下,逗留

to be in existence or in a certain state for an indefinitely long time

【近】 continue , endure , persist , stay

retain[ rɪ'teɪn ]

v. 保持,保留

to keep or hold in a particular place, condition

【近】 keep , maintain , sta y w ith

sandbar[ 'sændbɑ:r ]

n. 沙洲

a ridge of sand formed in a river or along a shore

saturate[ 'sætʃəreɪt ]

v. 浸透,渗透

to fill completely with something that permeates

【近】 soak , sodden , sop , souse , w et

seafloor[ 'si:ˌfloʊr ]

n. 海底

the ground under the sea

sediment[ 'sedɪmənt ]

n. 沉淀物,沉积

material deposited by water, wind, or glaciers

【近】 deposit , precipitation

sediment-laden[ 'sedɪmənt'leɪdn ]

adj. 含沙的

carrying or containing sediment of other kind of particles

separate[ 'sepərət ]

v. 分散

to space apart; scatter

sheet[ ʃi:t ]

n. 一大片

a broad, flat , continuous surface or expanse: e.g. a sheet of ice

slope[ sloʊp ]

n. 斜坡,倾斜,斜面

a stretch of ground forming an incline

so much for


that is enough about

soak[ soʊk ]

v. 渗透

to become saturated by or as if by immersion

【近】 saturate , souse , wet

solidified[ sə'lɪdəfaɪd ]

adj. 凝固的,固化的,变硬的

when a liquid solidifies or is solidified, it changes into a solid

square[ skwer ]

n. 正方形

a plane figure having four equal sides

stream[ stri:m ]

n. 溪,流,川

a flow of water in a channel or bed, as a brook, rivulet, or small river

surface tension


the attractive force exerted upon the surface molecules of a liquid by the molecules

unconsolidated[ ˌʌnkən'sɒlɪˌdeɪtɪd ]

adj. 疏松的,松散的

loosely arranged, especially: not stratified

【近】 loose

underfoot[ ˌʌndər'fʊt ]

adv. 在脚下,在地上

below or under the foot or feet; against the ground

volcanic[ vɑ:l'kænɪk ]

adj. 火山的

produced by or discharged from a volcano

volume[ 'vɑ:lju:m ]

n. 量,数量

amount ; quantity

water-saturated[ 'wɔ:tər'sætʃəreɪtɪd ]

adj. 满水的

containing water wO+lVmHXysjeX86ErhtJI/dWm9Y6USRxEPxEBt7+Tue5dFlUHSDpmIGfjZoil5KH
