
Running Water on Mars

adorn[ ə'dɔ:rn ]

v. 装饰

to lend beauty to; decorate

【近】 decorate , embellish , garni sh , ornament

aside[ ə'saɪd ]

adv. 在旁边

to or toward the side

carbonate[ 'kɑ:rbəneɪt ]

n. 碳酸盐

a salt or ester of carbonic acid

catastrophic[ ˌkætə'strɒfɪk ]

adj. 灾难的

of, relating to, or involving a catastrophe

【近】 calamitous , cataclysmal , ca taclysmic , disastrous

channel[ 'tʃænl ]

n. 水道,海峡

the deeper part of a river or harbor, especially a deep navigable passage

conceivably[ kən'si:vəblɪ ]

adv. 想得到地,可理解地

able to be believed or imagined

considerably[ kən'sɪdərəblɪ ]

adv. 相当地

to a considerable extent

crater[ 'kreɪtər ]

n. 碗状凹陷

a bowl-shaped depression at the mouth of a volcano or geyser

detractor[ dɪ'træktər ]

n. 诽谤者,恶意批评者

someone who says bad things about someone or something


distinctive[ dɪ'stɪŋktɪv ]

adj. 独特的

serving to identify; distinguishing

【近】 characteristic , indivi dual , peculiar , typica l , vintage

enormous[ ɪ'nɔ:rməs ]

adj. 巨大的

very great in size, extent, number, or degree

【近】 immense , mammoth , mas sive , tremendous , vast

equatorial[ ˌekwə'tɔ:rɪəl ]

adj. 赤道的

of, relating to, or resembling the earth’s equator

flash[ flæʃ ]

v./n. 闪现

to appear or occur suddenly

gully[ 'gʌlɪ ]

n. 小峡谷,水沟

a deep ditch or channel cut in the earth by running water after a prolonged downpour

hemisphere[ 'hemɪsfɪr ]

n. 半球

half of the earth as divided by the equator or the eastern or western half as divided by a meridian


hint[ hɪnt ]

n. 线索,提示

a slight indication of the existence, approach, or nature of something; clue

inconclusive[ ˌɪnkən'klu:sɪv ]

adj. 非决定性的

not conclusive

【近】 ambiguous , dubious , equivocal , indecisive , problematic

interconnect[ ˌɪntərkə'nekt ]

v. 互连,使互相连接

to be connected with each other

interpretation[ ɪnˌtɜ:rprɪ'teɪʃn ]

n. 解释

the act or process of interpreting

Martian[ 'mɑ:rʃn ]

adj. 火星的

of or relating to the planet Mars or its hypothetical inhabitants

merge[ mɜ:rdʒ ]

v. 使合并

to combine or unite

miniature[ 'mɪnətʃər ]

adj. 小规模的,纤小的

being on a small or greatly-reduced scale

【近】 minuscule , minute , tiny

multiple[ 'mʌltɪpl ]

adj. 多倍的,复合的

relating to more than one individual, element, part, or other component; manifold

onrushing[ 'ɒnˌrʌʃɪŋ ]

adj. 猛冲的,汹涌的

of, relating to a rushing forward or onward

outflow[ 'aʊtfloʊ ]

n. 流出

the act or the process of flowing out

permafrost[ 'pɜ:rməfrɔ:st ]

n. 永久冻土层

permanently-frozen subsoil , occurring throughout the polar regions

proponent[ prə'poʊnənt ]

n. 建议者,支持者

one who argues in support of something; an advocate

recede[ rɪ'si:d ]

v. 后退

to move back or away from a limit, point, or mark

【近】 ebb , retract , retreat , retrocede , retrogra de , retrogress


relic[ 'relɪk ]

n. 遗物,遗迹

something that has survived the passage of time

【近】 remains

resemblance[ rɪ'zembləns ]

n. 相似处

the state or quality of resembling, especially similarity in appearance

【近】 alikeness , analogy , likeness , par allelism , similarity

rim[ rɪm ]

n. 边,轮缘

the border , edge, or margin of an object

【近】 brim , brink , edge , edging , fringe , margi n , verge

runoff[ 'rʌnˌɔ:f ]

n. 径流

rainfall not absorbed by soil

shoreline[ 'ʃɔ:rlaɪn ]

n. 海岸线

the line where a body of water and the shore meet

site[ saɪt ]

n. 位置,地点

the place where a structure or group of structures was, is, or is to be located

【近】 emplacement , loc ation , locus , placemen t , position , situation

speculate[ 'spekjʊleɪt ]

v. 推测

to engage in a course of reasoning often based on inconclusive evidence

【近】 hypothesize , theorize

teardrop[ 'tɪrdrɑ:p ]

n. 泪珠

a single tear

terrace[ 'terəs ]

v. 使成梯形地,使有平台屋顶

to form (a hillside or sloping lawn, for example) into terraces

tidal[ 'taɪdl ]

adj. 潮汐的

relating to or affected by tides

tide[ taɪd ]

n. 潮汐,浪潮

the periodic variation in the surface level of the oceans and of bays

twist[ twɪst ]

v. 扭转

to wind together so as to produce a single strand HzGsco60fWGhvgTErtF+UIG5XoTwFAeeKTDVb5RIprdBtDLdv4V92tL0auEZwwmN
