
Extinction of the Dinosaurs

adequacy[ 'ædɪkwəsɪ ]

n. 适当,足够,恰当

an adequate quantity

【近】 enough , sufficiency

alteration[ ˌɔ:ltə'reɪʃn ]

n. 变更,改变

the act or procedure of altering

【近】 change , mod ification , mutation , p ermutation , variation

asteroid[ 'æstərɔɪd ]

n. 小行星

any of numerous small celestial bodies that revolve around the sun

basin[ 'beɪsn ]

n. 盆地

a broad tract of land in which the rock strata are tilted toward a common center

【近】 concavity , depression , dip , hollow , p it , sag , sink , sinkhole

bombard[ bɑ:m'bɑ:rd ]

v. 炮击,攻击

to attack or strike , shells, or missiles

【近】 strike , attack

boundary[ 'baʊndrɪ ]

n. 边界

something that indicates or fixes a limit or extent

buffer[ 'bʌfər ]

v. 缓冲

to act as a buffer for or between

cenozoic[ ˌsɪnə'zoʊɪk ]

adj. 新生代的

of, belonging to, or designating the latest era of geologic time

clay[ kleɪ ]

n. 泥土,黏土

an earthy material that is plastic when moist but hard when fired

collide[ kə'laɪd ]

v. 碰撞

to come together with violent , direct impact

【近】 bump , crash

consolidate[ kən'sɒləˌdeɪt ]

v. 巩固,统一

to unite into one system or whole; combine

cope[ koʊp ]

v. 竞争,对付

to contend with difficulties and act to overcome them

core[ kɔ:r ]

n. 核心

the central part of a body, mass, or part

cretaceous[ krɪ'teɪʃəs ]

adj. 白垩的,含白垩的

of, belonging to, or designating the geologic time , characterized by the disappearance of dinosaurs

crippled[ 'krɪpəld ]

adj. 跛腿的,残废的

deprived of the use of a limb and especially a leg

crocodile[ 'krɑ:kədaɪl ]

n. 鳄鱼

any of various large aquatic reptiles , chiefly of the native to tropical and subtropical regions

demise[ dɪ'maɪz ]

n. 死亡


【近】 death , extinction

disruption[ dɪs'rʌpʃn ]

n. 瓦解,崩溃

the act or process of breaking apart or rupturing

【近】 disturbance , perturbation

dissatisfaction[ ˌdɪsˌsætɪs'fækʃn ]

n. 不满,不平

the condition or feeling of being displeased or unsatisfied ; discontent

【近】 discontent , discontentment

【记】satisfy( v. 满足,使满意,说服)

document[ 'dɑ:kjʊmənt ]

v. 证明,为……引证

to support with evidence or decisive information

episode[ 'epɪsoʊd ]

n. 事件

an incident or event that is part of a progression or a larger sequence

eradicate[ ɪ'rædɪkeɪt ]

v. 根除,根绝

to get rid of as if by tearing up by the roots

exhaustion[ ɪg'zɔ:stʃən ]

n. 疲惫,筋疲力尽

the state of being exhausted ; extreme fatigue

fallout[ 'fɔ:laʊt ]

n. 放射性粒子的沉降

the descent of radioactive debris after a nuclear explosion

flourish[ 'flɜ:rɪʃ ]

v. 繁荣,活跃

to grow well or luxuriantly; thrive

【近】 bloom , blossom , thrive


fluctuation[ ˌflʌktʃʊ'eɪʃn ]

n. 波动,动摇,变动

the act to shift back and forth uncertainly; variation

frigid[ 'frɪdʒɪd ]

adj. 寒冷的,严寒的

extremely cold

fuel[ 'fju:əl ]

v. 激起

to support or stimulate the activity or existence of

geochemistry[ ˌdʒɪoʊ'keməstrɪ ]

n. 地球化学

the chemistry of the composition and alterations of the solid matter of the earth or a celestial body

hypothesis[ haɪ'pɑ:θəsɪs ]

n. 假设

something taken to be true for the purpose of argument or investigation; an assumption

【近】 theory

hypothesize[ haɪ'pɑ:θəsaɪz ]

v. 假设,假定

to assert as a hypothesis

【近】 speculate , theorize

incorporate[ ɪn'kɔ:rpəreɪt ]

v. 合并,混合

to unite (one thing) with something else already in existence

【近】 combine , embody , integrate

inhibit[ ɪn'hɪbɪt ]

v. 禁止,抑制

to hold back; restrain

insufficient[ ˌɪnsə'fɪʃnt ]

adj. 不够的,不充足的

not sufficient ; inadequate

【近】 deficient , inadequate , s carce , short , shy , unde r , wanting

【记】sufficient( adj. 充分的,足够的)

iridium[ ɪ'rɪdɪəm ]


a very hard and brittle,whitish-yellow metallic element

livable[ 'lɪvəbəl ]

adj. 适于居住的,能接受的

suitable to live in ; habitable

【近】 habitable , inhabitable

lizard[ 'lɪzərd ]

n. 蜥蜴

any of numerous reptiles , characteristically having a scaly elongated body, four legs, and a tapering tail

Mesozoic[ ˌmesəʊ'zəʊɪk ]

adj. 中生代的

of, relating to, or being the third era of geologic time , characterized by the appearance and extinction of dinosaurs

metallic[ mə'tælɪk ]

adj. 金属的

of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a metal

meteorite[ 'mi:tɪəraɪt ]

n. 陨星

a stony or metallic mass of matter that has fallen to the earth’s surface from outer space

microscopic[ ˌmaɪkrə'skɑ:pɪk ]

adj. 精微的,微小的

exceedingly small ; minute

modification[ ˌmɑ:dɪfɪ'keɪʃn ]

n. 修改,缓和,改变

a small alteration , adjustment, or limitation

【近】 alteration , change , mutation , p ermutation , variation

paleontologist[ peɪlɪən'tɒlədʒɪst ]

n. 古生物学者

one who study a science dealing with the life of past geological periods as known from fossil remains

photosynthesis[ ˌfoʊtoʊ'sɪnθəsɪs ]

n. 光合作用

the process in green plants by which carbohydrates are synthesized from carbon dioxide and water

plate[ pleɪt ]

n. 板块

in the theory of plate tectonics , one of the sections into which the earth’s crust is divided

preferentially[ ˌprefə'renʃlɪ ]

adv. 优先地

showing preference

retreat[ rɪ'tri:t ]

v. 后退

the act or process of withdrawing

seaway[ 'si:weɪ ]

n. 海上航道,海道

an inland waterway for ocean shipping

tectonics[ tek'tɒnɪks ]

n. 构造学

the study of the earth’s structural features

torrid[ 'tɔ:rɪd ]

adj. 炎热的,灼热的

parched with the heat of the sun; intensely hot

variation[ ˌverɪ'eɪʃn ]

n. 变更,变化

the act, process, or result of varying

【近】 alteration , change , modificati on , mutation

whereas[ ˌwer'æz ]

conj. 然而

while on the contrary ilKtlK90+9VXb+Nm+xhCCTfUvI+j6GYmYDHecLcKrS+Tvf65zi5Ef6CO3f/vBkjB
