
Ancient Rome and Greece

administrative[ əd'mɪnɪstreɪtɪv ]

adj. 管理的,行政的

of, for, or relating to administration or administrators

assemble[ ə'sembl ]

v. 集合,聚集

to gather together ; congregate

caliber[ 'kæləbə ]

n. 水平,程度

degree of worth; quality

cement[ sɪ'ment ]

n. 水泥

a building material made by grinding calcined limestone and clay to a fine powder

cohesion[ koʊ'hi:ʒn ]

n. 结合,内聚

the act, process, or condition of cohering

【近】 adherence , adhesion , bond

cohesiveness[ kəʊ'hi:sɪvnəs ]

n. 黏合,聚合

exhibiting or producing cohesion or coherence

Colosseum[ ˌkɒlə'sɪəm ]

n. 罗马圆形大剧场

an amphitheater built in Rome

consciously[ 'kɒnʃəslɪ ]

adv. 有意识地

perceiving or noticing with a degree of controlled thought or observation

continuator[ kən'tɪnjʊˌeɪtə ]

n. 继承者

one that continues, especially a person who carries on the work of another

enforce[ ɪn'fɔ:rs ]

v. 执行,强制

to compel observance of or obedience to

【记】force( n. 力量; vt. 强制)

engender[ ɪn'dʒendər ]

v. 引起,产生

to bring into existence; give rise to

esteem[ ɪ'sti:m ]

v. 尊重

to regard with respect

【近】 admire , consider , honor , regard , respect , value

exploitation[ ˌeksplɔɪ'teɪʃn ]

n. 开发

the act of employing to the greatest possible advantage

fertile[ 'fɜ:rtl ]

adj. 肥沃的,丰富的

highly or continuously productive ; prolific

【近】 fecund , fruitful , productive , prolific , rich

fixation[ fɪk'seɪʃn ]

n. 入神

an obsessive preoccupation

【近】 fetish , mania , obsession

foster[ 'fɔ:stər ]

v. 促进

to promote the growth or development of; encourage

【近】 encourage , feed , promote

garrison[ 'gærɪsn ]

n. 要塞,驻地

a military post , especially one that is permanently established

genius[ 'dʒi:nɪəs ]

n. 天赋

a strong natural talent , aptitude, or inclination

Greco-Roman[ ˌgrekoʊ'roʊmən ]

adj. 希腊罗马的

of or relating to both Greece and Rome

imitator[ ɪmɪteɪtər ]

n. 模仿者

one who mindlessly imitates another

【近】 mimic , parrot

imperative[ ɪm'perətɪv ]

n. 驱使

a rule, a principle, or an instinct that compels a certain behavior

inhabitant[ ɪn'hæbɪtənt ]

n. 居民,居住者

one that inhabits a place , especially as a permanent resident

innovative[ 'ɪnəveɪtɪv ]

adj. 创新的,革新的

marked by or given to innovations

【近】 inventive , novel , original , unprecedented

instinct[ 'ɪnstɪŋkt ]

n. 本能

an inborn pattern of behavior that is characteristic of a species and is often a response to specific environmental stimuli

intellectual[ ˌɪntə'lektʃʊəl ]

n. 知识分子

an intellectual person

legion[ 'li:dʒən ]

n. 军团,军队

a large military unit trained for combat; an army

monolithic[ ˌmɒnə'lɪθɪk ]

adj. 庞大的,整体的

massive , solid, and uniform

novelty[ 'nɑ:vltɪ ]

n. 新颖,新鲜

the quality of being novel ; newness

【近】 innovation

【记】源于:novel( n. 小说; adj. 新奇的)

numerous[ 'nu:mərəs ]

adj. 很多的,多数的

amounting to a large number; many

【近】 legion , many , multitudinous , myriad

obsession[ əb'seʃn ]

n. 着魔,萦绕

compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion

【近】 fixation , mania

philosophical[ ˌfɪlə'sɑ:fɪkl ]

adj. 哲学的

of, relating to, or based on a system of philosophy

predispose[ ˌpri:dɪ'spoʊz ]

v. 使偏向于

to make susceptible or liable

【近】 dispose , incline , influence , sway

realm[ relm ]

n. 国土,领土

a field , sphere, or province

regularity[ ˌregjʊ'lærətɪ ]

n. 规则性,匀称

the quality or state of being regular

scattered[ 'skætərd ]

adj. 散乱的,散布的

to occur or fall at widely spaced intervals

sensibility[ ˌsensə'bɪlətɪ ]

n. 鉴赏力

the ability to feel or perceive

【近】 feeling , sensation , sense , sensitiveness , sensitivity , sentiment

speculative[ 'spekjələtɪv ]

adj. 推测的

given to conjecture or speculation

sphere[ sfɪr ]

n. 范围

an area within which something or someone exists, acts, or has influence or power

stark[ stɑ:rk ]

adj. 完全的,极端的

complete or utter; extreme

successor[ sək'sesər ]

n. 继承者

one that succeeds another

surpass[ sər'pæs ]

v. 超越,胜过

to be or go beyond , as in degree or quality

【近】 exceed , excel , outstrip , transcend

territorial[ ˌterə'tɔ:rɪəl ]

adj. 领土的,地方的

of or relating to the geographic area under a given jurisdiction

【近】 regional , sectional

undeniable[ ˌʌndɪ'naɪəbl ]

adj. 不可否认的

difficult or impossible to deny; irrefutable

【近】 incontrovertible , undisputable , unquestionable

unify[ 'ju:nɪfaɪ ]

v. 统一

to make into or become a unit ; consolidate

wed[ wed ]

v. 使结合

to unite closely

whereas[ ˌwer'æz ]

conj. 然而

while on the contrary

worship[ 'wɜ:rʃɪp ]

v. 崇拜,尊敬

the reverent love and devotion accorded a deity, an idol, or a sacred object

【近】 adore , idolize , revere , reverence , venerate uPdw1SaIFmC6B7siGFl2BfnFnwrdlGfBx1z/Njmq0/AVeMShZppR0nQynlmcUcV/
