
The Geologic History of the Mediterranean

barrel[ 'bærəl ]

n. 圆筒

the cylindrical part or hollow shaft of any of various mechanisms

basin[ 'beɪsn ]

n. 盆,盆地

a broad tract of land in which the rock strata are tilted toward a common center

brine[ braɪn ]

n. 盐水

water saturated with or containing large amounts of a salt

calcium[ 'kælsɪəm ]


a silvery, moderately hard metallic element that constitutes approximately 3 percent of the earth’s crust

cascade[ kæ'skeɪd ]

v. 使瀑布似的落下

to fall or cause to fall in or as if in a cascade

chloride[ 'klɔ:raɪd ]

n. 氯化物

a binary compound of chlorine

core[ kɔ:r ]

n. 核心

the central or innermost part

cruise[ kru:z ]

n. 巡航,漫游

to travel about or journey over

crustal[ 'krʌstəl ]

adj. 地壳的

of or relating to a crust , especially that of the earth or the moon

crystalline[ 'krɪstəlaɪn ]

adj. 水晶的,结晶性的

being, relating to, or composed of crystal or crystals

deck[ dek ]

n. 舱面,甲板

a platform extending horizontally from one side of a ship to the other

deluge[ 'delju:dʒ ]

n. 大洪水

a great flood

dome[ doʊm ]

n. 圆屋顶,穹窿

a structure or other object resembling such a hemispherical roof or vault

【近】 head , noddle , pate , poll

domelike[ 'doʊmlaɪk ]

adj. 穹顶状的

of or relating to a dome or looks like a dome

echo[ 'ekoʊ ]

n. 回声

repetition of a sound by reflection of sound waves from a surface

【近】 repercussion , reverberation

evaporate[ ɪ'væpəreɪt ]

v. 蒸发,消失

to convert or change into a vapor

【近】 boil away , vaporize , volatilize

【记】e出,vapor( n. 水蒸气,水汽)→出水汽→蒸发

expedition[ ˌekspə'dɪʃn ]

n. 远征

a journey undertaken by a group of people with a definite objective

extermination[ ɪkˌstɜ:mɪ'neɪʃn ]

n. 消灭,根绝

to get rid of by destroying completely ; extirpate

【近】 annihilation , eradication , extinction , extinguishment

fault[ fɔ:lt ]

v. 变动而产生断层

to shift so as to produce a fault

fauna[ 'fɔ:nə ]

n. 动物群

animals , especially the animals of a particular region or period, considered as a group

formulate[ 'fɔ:rmjʊleɪt ]

v. 规划,构想

to devise or invent

【近】 contrive , devise , fabricate , invent , make up

gravel[ 'grævl ]

n. 砂砾

an unconsolidated mixture of rock fragments or pebbles

gypsum[ 'dʒɪpsəm ]

n. 石膏

a widespread colorless, white, or yellowish mineral

hypothesis[ haɪ'pɑ:θəsɪs ]

n. 假设

something taken to be true for the purpose of argument or investigation; an assumption

【近】 theory

【记】hypo在……下面,thesis( n. 论题,论文)→论题的背后→假设

invertebrate[ ɪn'vɜ:rtɪbrət ]

adj. 无脊骨的,无脊椎的

lacking a backbone or spinal column ; not vertebrate

【记】vertebrate( n./adj. 脊椎动物/有脊椎的)

landlocked[ 'lændlɑ:kt ]

adj. 为陆地所包围的,陆封的

entirely or almost entirely surrounded by land

layer[ 'leɪr ]


a usually horizontal deposit or expanse; a stratum

marine[ mə'ri:n ]

adj. 海的

native to, inhabiting, or formed by the sea

【近】 maritime , oceanic , pelagic , thalassic

mineral[ 'mɪnərəl ]

n. 矿物,无机物

a naturally occurring, homogeneous inorganic solid substance

objective[ əb'dʒektɪv ]

n. 目的

something worked toward or striven for; a goal, a purpose

【近】 aim , goal , intent , intention , purpose

oceanographic[ oʊʃɪənoʊ'græfɪk ]

adj. 海洋学的,有关海洋学的

of or relating to a science that deals with the oceans

ooze[ u:z ]

n. 软泥,淤泥

a layer of mudlike sediment on the floor of oceans and lakes, composed chiefly of remains of microscopic sea animals

organism[ 'ɔ:rgənɪzəm ]

n. 生物

an individual form of life , such as a plant, an animal, a bacterium, a protist, or a fungus

pebble[ 'pebl ]

n. 小圆石,小鹅卵石

a small stone , especially one worn smooth by erosion

peculiarity[ pɪˌkju:lɪ'ærətɪ ]

n. 特质,特性

a notable or distinctive feature or characteristic

【近】 character , characteristic , feature , property , trait

penetrate[ 'penətreɪt ]

v. 穿透

to enter or force a way into; pierce

【近】 enter , perforate , pierce

precipitate[ prɪ'sɪpɪteɪt ]

v. 沉淀

to cause (a solid substance) to be separated from a solution

【近】 deposit

salinity[ sə'lɪnətɪ ]

n. 盐性,盐度

the quality or state of being saline

seaway[ 'si:weɪ ]

n. 海上航道

a sea route

sediment[ 'sedɪmənt ]

n. 沉淀物,沉积

solid fragments of inorganic or organic material that come from the weathering of rock

【近】 deposit , precipitate , precipitation

silt[ sɪlt ]

n. 淤泥

a sedimentary material consisting of very fine particles intermediate in size between sand and clay

sodium[ 'soʊdɪəm ]


a soft, light, extremely malleable metallic element that reacts explosively with water

soluble[ 'sɑ:ljəbl ]

adj. 溶解的

that can be dissolved , especially easily dissolved

sounding[ 'saʊndɪŋ ]

n. 测探水深

a probe of the environment for scientific observation

spectacular[ spek'tækjələr ]

adj. 壮观的

of the nature of a spectacle; impressive or sensational

sulfate[ 'sʌlˌfeɪt ]

n. 硫酸盐

a chemical compound containing the bivalent group SO 4

temperate[ 'tempərət ]

adj. 温和的,有节制的

moderate in degree or quality; restrained

tolerant[ 'tɑ:lərənt ]

adj. 容忍的,有耐力的

able to withstand or endure an adverse environmental condition

turbulent[ 'tɜ:rbjələnt ]

adj. 汹涌的

violently agitated or disturbed; tumultuous

【近】 violent

vessel[ 'vesl ]


a craft, especially one larger than a rowboat, designed to navigate on water

windblown[ 'wɪndbləʊn ]

adj. 被风吹的

blown or dispersed by the wind Fm/h2JxmXzabAfrpzY2Lt3OKTNIsbWNUFjWVUtT3BkQsgkZD/dedNzGFsE7iZGjp
