
William Smith

apprentice[ ə'prentɪs ]

v. 使做学徒

to place or take on as a beginner or learner

arthropod[ 'ɑ:rθrəpɑ:d ]

n. 节肢动物

any of numerous invertebrate animals of the phylum arthropoda

blacksmith[ 'blæksmɪθ ]

n. 铁匠,锻工

one that forges and shapes iron with an anvil and hammer

breadth[ bredθ ]

n. 宽度

the measure or dimension from side to side; width

【近】 broadness , wideness , width

composition[ ˌkɑ:mpə'zɪʃn ]

n. 组成

the combining of distinct parts or elements to form a whole

excavate[ 'ekskəveɪt ]

v. 挖掘

to expose or uncover by or as if by digging

fauna[ 'fɔ:nə ]

n. 动物群

animals , especially the animals of a particular region or period, considered as a group

faunal[ 'fɔ:nl ]

adj. 动物区系的

the animals characteristic of a region , period, or special environment

flora[ 'flɔ:rə ]

n. 植物群

plants considered as a group , especially the plants of a particular country, region, or time

floral[ 'flɔ:rəl ]

adj. 植物的

made of flowers or decorated with flowers or pictures of flowers

indicator[ 'ɪndɪkeɪtər ]

n. 指示者

one that indicates

ion[ 'aɪən ]

n. 离子

an atom or a group of atoms that has acquired a net electric charge by gaining or losing one or more electrons

limestone[ 'laɪmstoʊn ]

n. 石灰石

a common sedimentary rock consisting mostly of calcium carbonate

locomotive[ ˌloʊkə'moʊtɪv ]

n. 火车头,机车

a self-propelled vehicle , usually electric or diesel-powered, for pulling passenger cars on railroad tracks

masterpiece[ 'mæstərpi:s ]

n. 杰作,名著

an outstanding work of art or craft

【近】 masterwork

meticulous[ mə'tɪkjələs ]

adj. 一丝不苟的,过细的,精确的

extremely careful and precise

【近】 careful , fastidious , painstaking , punctilious , scrupulous

outcrop[ 'aʊtkrɑ:p ]

n. 露出层

a portion of bedrock or other stratum protruding through the soil level

parish[ 'pærɪʃ ]

n. 教区

an administrative part of a diocese that has its own church in the Anglican, Roman catholic

proceed[ proʊ'si:d ]

v. 开始

to begin to carry on an action or a process

quartz[ kwɔ:rts ]

n. 石英

a very hard mineral composed of silica , Sio 2

resemble[ rɪ'zembl ]

v. 相似,像

to exhibit similarity or likeness to

【近】 take after

rudimentary[ ˌru:dɪ'mentrɪ ]

adj. 基本的,初步的

of or relating to basic facts or principles; elementary

【近】 basal , basic , beginning , elementary , rudimental

sandstone[ 'sændstoʊn ]

n. 沙岩

a sedimentary rock formed by the consolidation and compaction of sand and held together by a natural cement, such as silica

shale[ ʃeɪl ]

n. 页岩,泥板岩

a fissile rock composed of layers of claylike, fine-grained sediments

stratum[ 'strætəm ]

n. 层,地层(pl: strata)

a bed or layer of sedimentary rock having approximately the same composition throughout

surveyor[ sər'veɪər ]

n. 测量员,检查员

one that surveys , especially one whose occupation is surveying land

temporal[ 'tempərəl ]

adj. 时间的

of, relating to, or limited by time

trilobite[ 'traɪləbaɪt ]

n. 三叶虫

any of numerous extinct marine arthropods of the class trilobita

ubiquitous[ ju:'bɪkwɪtəs ]

adj. 到处存在的,普遍存在的

being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time; omnipresent

【近】 omnipresent , universal

undergo[ ˌʌndər'goʊ ]

v. 遭受,经历

to pass through; experience

【近】 experience , go through , suffer

vanish[ 'vænɪʃ ]

v. 消失

to pass out of existence

【近】 disappear , evanesce , evaporate , fade , fade out

virtually[ 'vɜ:rtʃʊəlɪ ]

adv. 几乎

almost entirely; nearly SSMLvqPpP1A1zxZyf3uyOQ4Mj/C4QwWD2rFjBykYCXBbAYzQwnbWWAPZQBAW35cu

