
The Cambrian Explosion

alga[ 'ælgə ]

n. 藻类,海藻

any of various chiefly aquatic, photosynthetic organisms

arthropod[ 'ɑ:rθrəpɑ:d ]

n. 节肢动物

any of numerous invertebrate animals , including the insects, crustaceans, arachnids

assign[ ə'saɪn ]

v. 把……归于

to ascribe; attribute

available[ ə'veɪləbl ]

adj. 有空的,有用的

present and ready for use; at hand; accessible

await[ ə'weɪt ]

v. 期待,等候

to wait for

Cambrian[ 'kæmbrɪən ]

adj. 寒武纪或系的

of, relating to, or belonging to the geologic time , system of rocks, and sedimentary deposits of the first period

category[ 'kætəgɔ:rɪ ]

n. 种类

a specifically defined division in a system of classification; a class

【近】 class , classification , order

complicate[ 'kɑ:mplɪkeɪt ]

v. 弄复杂

to make or become complex or perplexing

crab[ kræb ]

n. 螃蟹

any of various predominantly marine crustaceans

decomposition[ ˌdi:kɒmpə'zɪʃn ]

n. 分解,腐烂

breakdown or decay of organic materials

【近】 decay , disintegration

descend[ dɪ'send ]

v. 遗传下来,传下

to come from an ancestor or ancestry

descendant[ dɪ'sendənt ]

n. 子孙,后代

a person, an animal, or a plant whose descent can be traced to a particular individual or group

detritus[ dɪ'traɪtəs ]

n. 碎石

loose fragments or grains that have been worn away from rock

distribution[ ˌdɪstrɪ'bju:ʃn ]

n. 分布

the geographic occurrence or range of an organism

【近】 dispensation

diversification[ dɪ'vɜ:sɪfɪ'keɪʃn ]

n. 多样化

emergence of many varieties

eruption[ ɪ'rʌpʃn ]

n. 爆发

a sudden, often violent outburst

evolutionary[ ˌi:və'lu:ʃənerɪ ]

adj. 发展的;进化的

relating to the way in which plants and animals develop

fossilize[ 'fɑ:səlaɪz ]

v. 使成化石

to become a fossil

generalization[ ˌdʒenrələ'zeɪʃn ]

n. 归纳

the act or an instance of generalizing

gradual[ 'grædʒʊəl ]

adj. 逐渐的

advancing or progressing by regular or continuous degrees

interpretation[ ɪnˌtɜ:rprɪ'teɪʃn ]

n. 解释

a result of interpreting

locale[ loʊ'kæl ]

n. 现场,场所

a place , especially with reference to a particular event

【近】 environment

mite[ maɪt ]

n. 螨类

any of various small or minute arachnids that are often parasitic on animals and plants

multicellular[ ˌmʌltɪ'seljələ ]

adj. 多细胞的

having or consisting of many cells

niche[ ni:ʃ ]

n. 生物居所的特定区间

the particular area within a habitat occupied by an organism

【近】 place

nucleus[ 'nu:klɪəs ]

n. 细胞核

a large, membrane-bound, usually spherical protoplasmic structure within a living cell

numerous[ 'nu:mərəs ]

adj. 很多的

amounting to a large number; many

outdated[ ˌaʊt'deɪtɪd ]

adj. 旧式的,过时的

out-of-date; old-fashioned

paleontologist[ pælɪɒn'tɒlədʒɪst ]

n. 古生物学者

one who study a science dealing with the life of past geological periods

predator[ 'predətər ]

n. 食肉动物

an organism that lives by preying on other organisms

progression[ prə'greʃn ]

n. 前进,发展

the process of progressing; progress

【近】 advance , advancement

promote[ prə'moʊt ]

v. 促进

to help bring about; encourage

regarding[ rɪ'gɑ:rdɪŋ ]

prep. 关于

in reference to; with respect to ; concerning

relatively[ 'relətɪvlɪ ]

adv. 相对地,比较而言


representative[ ˌreprɪ'zentətɪv ]

n. 代表

one that serves as an example or a type for others of the same classification

sequence[ 'si:kwəns ]

n. 序列,顺序

an order of succession ; an arrangement

【近】 arrangement , organization

significant[ sɪg'nɪfɪkənt ]

adj. 重要的

having or likely to have influence or effect; important

specific[ spə'sɪfɪk ]

adj. 特有的

special, distinctive, or unique

【近】 particular

spider[ 'spaɪdər ]

n. 蜘蛛

any of numerous arachnids of the order araneae, making nests, cocoons, or webs for trapping insects

steady[ 'stedɪ ]

adj. 稳定的,不变的

free or almost free from change , variation, or fluctuation; uniform

worldwide[ 'wɜ:rldwaɪd ]

adj. 全世界的

involving or extending throughout the entire world ; universal

【近】 cosmic , universal 1pL80AH7xs9Omc4dfIqz247V7HEQhIOF5xmX0A5bgYRoFcjsZ9E3oXF/vJ3mB3r7
