
Petroleum Resources

accessible[ ək'sesəbl ]

adj. 易接近的,易进入的

easily approached or entered

accumulation[ əˌkju:mjə'leɪʃn ]

n. 堆积,积聚

the act of gathering or amassing, as into a heap or pile

adjacent[ ə'dʒeɪsnt ]

adj. 毗连的,邻近的

not distant; nearby

【近】 neighboring , nex t to , touching

alter[ 'ɔ:ltər ]

v. 改变

to change or make different; modify

【近】 change , modify , mutate , turn , vary

ashore[ ə'ʃɔ:r ]

adv. 向岸

to or onto the shore

cargo[ 'kɑ:rgoʊ ]

n. 货物

the freight carried by a ship , an aircraft, or another vehicle

collision[ kə'lɪʒn ]

n. 碰撞

the act or process of colliding ; a crash or conflict

convert[ kən'vɜ:rt ]

v. 转化,变换

to turn (something) into another form , substance, state, or product; transform

【近】 change , transform

crude[ kru:d ]

adj. 天然的,未加工的

being in an unrefined or natural state; raw

【近】 native , raw , unprocessed , unrefined

decay[ dɪ'keɪ ]

n. 腐烂

the organic phenomeno of rotting

【近】 breakdown , decomposition , disintegration

decompose[ ˌdi:kəm'poʊz ]

v. 分解,腐烂

to separate into components or basic elements

【近】 break d own , decay , deteriorate , disintegrate

dense[ dens ]

adj. 密集的

having relatively high density

density[ 'densətɪ ]

n. 密度

the quantity of something per unit measure

【近】 compactness , solidity , thickness

derrick[ 'derɪk ]

n. 钻架

a tall framework over a drilled hole , especially an oil well, used to support boring equipment or hoist and lower lengths of pipe

dismantle[ dɪs'mæntl ]

v. 拆除……的设备

to take apart ; disassemble; tear down

【近】 brea k d own , disassemble , dismount , take d own

drift[ drɪft ]

v. 使漂流

to be carried along by currents of air or water; float ; wash

droplet[ 'drɑ:plət ]

n. 小滴

a tiny drop

【记】drop( n./v. 滴)let小→小水滴

dye[ daɪ ]

n. 染料

a substance used to color materials

【近】 color , pigment , stain

extraction[ ɪk'strækʃn ]

n. 抽出

the act of extracting or the condition of being extracted

fertilizer[ 'fɜ:rtəlaɪzər ]

n. 肥料

materials to increase its capacity to support plant growth

foul[ faʊl ]

v. 弄脏

to make dirty or foul; pollute

【近】 contaminate , pollute

gasoline[ 'gæsəli:n ]

n. 汽油

a volatile mixture of flammable liquid hydrocarbons derived chiefly from crude petroleum

gusher[ 'gʌʃər ]

n. 自喷油井

one that gushes, especially an abundantly flowing gas or oil well

halt[ hɔ:lt ]

v. 使停止

a suspension of movement or progress, especially a temporary one

hostile[ 'hɑ:stl ]

adj. 不利的

unfavorable to health or well-being; inhospitable or adverse

kerosene[ 'kerəsi:n ]

n. 煤油

a thin oil distilled from petroleum or shale oil, used as a fuel for heating and cooking, in lamps, and as a denaturant for alcohol

landslide[ 'lændslaɪd ]

n. 山崩

the downward sliding of a relatively dry mass of earth and rock

legislation[ ˌledʒɪs'leɪʃn ]

n. 立法,法律

the act or process of legislating; lawmaking

【近】 act , enactment , law , statute

marine[ mə'ri:n ]

adj. 海的

native to, inhabiting, or formed by the sea

【近】 maritime , oceanic

microscopic[ ˌmaɪkrə'skɑ:pɪk ]

adj. 用显微镜可见的,精微的

exceedingly small; minute

offshore[ ˌɒf'ʃɔ:r ]

adj. 近海的

located at a distance from the shore

organism[ 'ɔ:rgənɪzəm ]

n. 生物,有机体

an individual form of life , such as a plant, an animal, a bacterium, a protist, or a fungus

originate[ ə'rɪdgɪneɪt ]

v. 产生,来自

to bring into being ; create

【近】 arise , begin , commence , start

petrochemical[ ˌpetroʊ'kemɪkl ]

n. 石化产品

a chemical derived from petroleum or natural gas

petroleum[ pə'troʊlɪəm ]

n. 石油

an oily flammable bituminous liquid

pipeline[ 'paɪplaɪn ]

n. 管道

a conduit of pipe , especially one used for the conveyance of water, gas, or petroleum products

portable[ 'pɔ:rtəbl ]

adj. 可移动的,轻便的

carried or moved with ease

pump[ pʌmp ]

v. 用泵抽

to raise or cause to flow by means of a pump

reef[ ri:f ]

n. 礁,暗礁

a strip or ridge of rocks , sand, or coral that rises to or near the surface of a body of water

refinery[ rɪ'faɪnərɪ ]

n. 精炼厂

an industrial plant for purifying a crude substance, such as petroleum or sugar

【近】 cleaner , cleanser , purifier , refiner

sedimentation[ ˌsedɪmen'teɪʃn ]

n. 沉淀作用,沉降

the act or process of depositing sediment

slick[ slɪk ]

n. 一层浮油

a floating film of oil

sloping[ 'sloʊpɪŋ ]

adj. 倾斜的,有坡度的

to diverge from the vertical or horizontal; incline

sophisticated[ sə'fɪstɪkeɪtɪd ]

adj. 复杂精密的

very complex or complicated

spillage[ 'spɪlɪdʒ ]

n. 溢出

the act of spilling

spout[ spaʊt ]

n. 喷口,水柱

a tube, mouth, or pipe through which liquid is released or discharged

strategy[ 'strætədʒɪ ]

n. 策略

a plan of action resulting from strategy or intended to accomplish a specific goal

【近】 blueprint , plan , project , scheme

subject[ səb'dʒekt ]

v. 使受到

to expose to something

subside[ səb'saɪd ]

v. 沉降

to sink to a lower or normal level

vessel[ 'vesl ]


a craft , especially one larger than a rowboat, designed to navigate on water ilKtlK90+9VXb+Nm+xhCCTfUvI+j6GYmYDHecLcKrS+Tvf65zi5Ef6CO3f/vBkjB
