
Cave Art in Europe

artwork[ 'ɑ:rtwɜ:rk ]

n. 艺术制品

work in the graphic or plastic arts

backdrop[ 'bækdrɑ:p ]

n. 背景幕

a painted curtain hung at the back of a stage set


bead[ bi:d ]

n. 珠子

a small, often round piece of material that is pierced for stringing or threading

bovine[ 'boʊvaɪn ]

n. 牛科动物

of, relating to a ruminant mammal, such as an ox, cow , or buffalo

confine[ kən'faɪn ]

v. 限制

to keep within bounds; restrict

【近】 circumscribe , limit , restrict

conscious[ 'kɑ:nʃəs ]

adj. 有意识的,觉察的

having an awareness of one’s environment and one’s own existence, sensations, and thoughts

【近】 heedful , mindful , observant

considerable[ kən'sɪdərəbl ]

adj. 相当的

large in amount , extent, or degree

contemporary[ kən'tempərerɪ ]

adj. 当前的,现代的

current ; modern

【近】 current , existent , existing , new , now , present , present - day

crude[ kru:d ]

adj. 粗糙的,未成熟的

lacking expert , careful craftsmanship

【近】 primitive , raw , rough , rude , u npolished

depict[ dɪ'pɪkt ]

v. 描述,描写

to represent in words; describe

【近】 delineate , describe

engrave[ ɪn'greɪv ]

v. 雕刻

to carve, cut , or etch into a material

【近】 carve , etch , incise

engraving[ ɪn'greɪvɪŋ ]

n. 雕刻

the art or technique of one that engraves

exaggerated[ ɪg'zædʒəreɪtɪd ]

adj. 夸张的

to represent as greater than is actually the case ; overstate

excavate[ 'ekskəveɪt ]

v. 挖掘,发掘

to remove by digging or scooping out

【近】 dig , scoop , shovel

explicit[ ɪk'splɪsɪt ]

adj. 详尽的,明确的

fully and clearly expressed ; leaving nothing implied

【近】 clear , clear-cut , u nambiguous , unequivoc al

fertility[ fər'tɪlətɪ ]

n. 肥沃,多产

the condition, quality, or degree of being fertile

figurine[ ˌfɪgjə'ri:n ]

n. 小雕像

a small molded or sculptured figure ; a statuette

gallery[ 'gælərɪ ]

n. 走廊,画廊

a long enclosed passage , such as a hallway or corridor

herd[ hɜ:rd ]

n. 兽群

a number of wild animals of one species that remain together as a group

hide[ haɪd ]

n. 兽皮

the skin of an animal , especially the thick, tough skin or pelt of a large animal

horn[ hɔ:rn ]


one of the hard structures projecting from the head of certain mammals

interpret[ ɪn'tɜ:rprɪt ]

v. 诠释,体现

to present or conceptualize the meaning of sth. by means of art or criticism

【近】 construe , decipher , explain , explicate

mammoth[ 'mæməθ ]

n. 猛犸

any of various large, hairy, extinct elephants

marked[ mɑ:rkt ]

adj. 显著的

readily attracting notice; considerable

【近】 noticeable , remarkable , striking

meaty[ 'mi:tɪ ]

adj. 肉的,多肉的

full of or containing meat

naturalistic[ ˌnætʃrə'lɪstɪk ]

adj. 自然的,自然学的

imitating or producing the effect or appearance of nature

【近】 lifelike , natural , realistic

notation[ noʊ'teɪʃn ]

n. 记号,标志

a system of figures or symbols

【近】 note

obtain[ əb'teɪn ]

v. 得到,获得

to succeed in gaining possession of as the result of planning or endeavor; acquire

【近】 acquire , gain , get , procure , secure , win

paleolithic[ ˌpeɪlɪə'lɪθɪk ]

adj. 旧石器时代的

of, belonging to, or designating the cultural period beginning with the earliest chipped stone tools


phase[ feɪz ]

n. 月相

one of the cyclically recurring apparent forms of the moon or a planet

portray[ pɔ:r'treɪ ]


to depict or represent pictorially; to make a picture of

【近】 delineate , depict , describe , image

portrayal[ pɔ:r'treɪəl ]

n. 描绘

the act or process of depicting or portraying

【近】 description , expression , representation

principal[ 'prɪnsəpl ]

adj. 主要的

first, highest, or foremost in importance, rank, worth, or degree; chief; major

【近】 chief , main , major , paramount , premier , primary

reindeer[ 'reɪndɪr ]

n. 驯鹿

a large deer of the arctic and northern regions of Eurasia and North America

scarce[ skers ]

adj. 缺乏的,稀有的

insufficient to meet a demand or requirement; short in supply

【近】 deficient , inadequate , insufficient

shaft[ ʃæft ]


the long, narrow stem or body of a spear or an arrow

slab[ slæb ]

n. 厚片

a broad, flat, thick piece

trapping[ 'træpɪŋ ]

n. 装饰物

articles of dress or adornment, decoration , especially accessories

tusk[ tʌsk ]

n. 长牙,尖牙

an elongated, pointed tooth g7lqrCNhBmaIUfY0zLBZzY+r8awErmGJRfJIOdnDa0eUR2ary2/uF8Llmj8+Y2zD
