
Deer Populations of the Puget Sound

alder[ 'ɔ:ldər ]

n. 桤木

any of various deciduous shrubs or trees

arboreal[ ɑ:r'bɔ:rɪəl ]

adj. 栖息在树上的

living in trees; arboreous

bemoan[ bɪ'moʊn ]

v. 惋惜,哀叹

to express pity or grief for

【记】be表状态,moan( n. 呻吟; vi. 抱怨; vt. 呻吟)

biotic[ baɪ'ɑ:tɪk ]

adj. 关于生命的,生物的

of or relating to life

bode[ boʊd ]

v. 预示

to indicate by signs; presage

【近】 forecast , forerun , f oretell

browse[ braʊz ]

v. 吃,吃……上的草

to feed on leaves, young shoots, and other vegetation; graze

bushy[ bʊʃɪ ]

adj. 灌木茂密的

overgrown with bushes

cedar[ 'si:dər ]

n. 雪松

any of several old world evergreen coniferous trees of the genus cedrus

compensation[ ˌkɑ:mpen'seɪʃn ]

n. 补偿

something to make up for loss or damage

cougar[ 'ku:gər ]

n. 美洲豹

a large powerful tawny-brown cat (felis concolor)

decay[ dɪ'keɪ ]

n. 腐烂

the destruction or decomposition of organic matter as a result of bacterial or fungal action; rot

deficiency[ dɪ'fɪʃnsɪ ]

n. 缺乏,不足

a lack or shortage , especially of something essential to health; an insufficiency

【近】 defect , d eficit , inadequacy , in sufficiency , shortage

deforest[ ˌdi:'fɔ:rɪst ]

v. 采伐森林,清除树林

to cut down and clear away the trees or forests from

dogwood[ 'dɔ:gwʊd ]

n. 梾木,乔木

any tree or shrub of the genus

dormancy[ 'dɔ:mənsi ]

n. 休眠状态

a condition of biological rest or inactivity

dot[ dɑ:t ]

v. 星罗棋布于

to cover with or as if with dots

elevation[ ˌelɪ'veɪʃn ]

n. 海拔

the height to which something is elevated above a point of reference

【近】 altitude , height

elimination[ ɪˌlɪmɪ'neɪʃn ]

n. 消除,除去

the act or process of eliminating

【近】 eradication , removal

elk[ elk ]

n. 麋鹿

the moose

encroach[ ɪn'kroʊtʃ ]

v. 侵犯

to advance beyond proper or former limits

【近】 break in , infri nge , interfere , intrud e , trespass

expedition[ ˌekspə'dɪʃn ]

n. 考察队,探险队

the group undertaking such a journey

extermination[ ɪkˌstɜ:mɪ'neɪʃn ]

n. 消灭,根绝

utter destruction , to get rid of completely usually by killing off

fluctuate[ 'flʌktʃʊeɪt ]

v. 波动

to vary irregularly


fodder[ 'fɑ:dər ]

n. 饲料,草料

feed for livestock , especially coarsely-chopped hay or straw

fort[ fɔ:rt ]

n. 堡垒

a fortified place or position stationed with troops

harsh[ hɑ:rʃ ]

adj. 恶劣的

cold and forbidding

【近】 austere , hard , severe

headquarters[ 'hedkwɔ:rtərz ]

n. 总部

a center of operations or administration

hemlock[ 'hemlɑ:k ]

n. 铁杉

any of various coniferous evergreen trees of North America and Eastern Asia

herb[ hɜ:rb , ɜ:rb ]


a plant whose stem does not produce woody

hibernate[ 'haɪbərneɪt ]

v. 冬眠

to pass the winter in a torpid or resting state

highland[ 'haɪlənd ]

n. 高地,丘陵地带

elevated land

huckleberry[ 'hʌklberɪ ]

n. 越橘类

any of various new world shrubs, related to the blueberries and bearing edible fruit

in the same breath



indefinite[ ɪn'defɪnət ]

adj. 无限的,不确定的

not definite

【近】 inexact , undetermined

inhibit[ ɪn'hɪbɪt ]

v. 禁止

to prohibit ; forbid; restrict

【近】 ban , forbid , prohibit , pros cribe , taboo

leafy[ 'li:fɪ ]

adj. 多叶的

covered with or having leaves

log[ lɔ:g ]

v. 伐木

to cut down , trim, and haul the timber of (a piece of land)

lowland[ 'loʊlənd ]

adj. 低地的

relating to or characteristic of low, usually level land

Lynx[ lɪŋks ]

n. 山猫,猞猁

any of several wildcats

markedly[ 'mɑ:kɪdlɪ ]

adv. 显著地;明显地

having a distinctive or emphasized character

marsh[ mɑ:rʃ ]

n. 沼泽,湿地

an area of soft, wet, low-lying land, characterized by grassy vegetation

marshy[ 'mɑrʃɪ ]

adj. 湿软的,生于沼泽的

of, resembling, or characterized by a marsh or marshes ; boggy

meadow[ 'medoʊ ]

n. 草地,牧场

a tract of grassland, either in its natural state or used as pasture or for growing hay

mule deer


a brownish-gray deer of Western North America

nutritive[ 'nju:trətɪv ]

adj. 有营养的

of or relating to nutrition

【近】 alimentary , n ourishing , nutrient , n utritious

outnumber[ ˌaʊt'nʌmbər ]

v. 数目超过,比……多

to exceed the number of; to be more numerous tha n

picturesquely[ ˌpɪktʃə'resklɪ ]

adv. 如画地,别致地

resembling a picture ; suggesting a painted scene

plight[ plaɪt ]

n. 境况

a situation , especially a bad or unfortunate one

prairie[ 'prerɪ ]

n. 大草原,牧场

an extensive area of flat or rolling, predominantly treeless grassland

predator[ 'predətər ]

n. 食肉动物

an organism that lives by preying on other organisms

prevalent[ 'prevələnt ]

adj. 普遍的,流行的

widely or commonly occurring, existing , accepted, or practiced

【近】 prevailing , regnant , rife , widespread

rebound[ rɪ'baʊnd ]

n. 恢复

an upward leap or movement; recovery

restoration[ ˌrestə'reɪʃn ]

n. 恢复

the act of restoring or the condition of being restored

salad[ 'sæləd ]

n. 色拉,色拉用的蔬菜

a green vegetable or herb used in salad, especially lettuce

shrub[ ʃrʌb ]

n. 矮树,灌木

a woody plant of relatively low height ; a bush

substantially[ səb'stænʃəlɪ ]

adv. 本质上,相当多地

essentially ; very much or a lot

succulent[ 'sʌkjələnt ]

adj. 多汁的,多水分的

full of juice or sap ; juicy

tract[ trækt ]

n. 土地

an expanse of land or water

understory[ 'ʌndəˌstoʊrɪ ]

n. 地表层植物

an underlying layer of vegetation

vine[ vaɪn ]

n. 攀爬植物,蔓,藤

a weak-stemmed plant that derives its support from creeping along a surface

yield[ ji:ld ]

v. 生产

to give forth by or as if by a natural process, especially by cultivation

【近】 bear , give , produce mkr8l8edIZoks9f1SrdV6UefSC/3R3ENDe3RRdD6SU6nMg4JcXT2j1gI+F18ucjc

